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It's easy to feel physical attracted to someone. But to actually want to date someone? That doesn't happen too often.


true true. i'm rather attracted to my housemate's friend but i kinda think she'd be a bit of a third wheel if i took her on a date. jamba makes for enough conversation as it is :heh:

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true true. i'm rather attracted to my housemate's friend but i kinda think she'd be a bit of a third wheel if i took her on a date. jamba makes for enough conversation as it is :heh:


Its all about the polyamorous relationships.

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I downloaded that AnnoyATeen app for my iPod so I can walk around with in blasting out annoying all the young'uns. I can do it but the pay off is massive. Causes some fantastic headaches.


Love the high frequencies.

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Last night was...not too bad...


I went round, I told her I was kinda worried about things and explained it, and she said that, after hearing what I had to say, she thought it would be better if we were just friends with benefits at most. We watched a few films and ate popcorn (yay, popcorn!), and by the time we'd finished Master and Commander it was about 3am. She asked me if I wanted to stay over, so I did, but nothing happened - we spent most of the night just talking about random shit. I did find out one rather interesting bit of information - she's no longer sleeping with any other guys, it appears I just first spoke to her on a rather unfortunate (or possibly fortunate, depending on how you look at it) night.


Overall, it went better than I expected - a lot better. I reckon my best bet is now wait and see what happens next time I see her.

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I downloaded that AnnoyATeen app for my iPod so I can walk around with in blasting out annoying all the young'uns. I can do it but the pay off is massive. Causes some fantastic headaches.


Love the high frequencies.

I have to see this in action.


Get someone to take a video please.

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Right its all settled between me and my girlfriend and as long as nothing prevents her coming down (not in that way.....yet) then we should have the whole weekend together as of tomorrow afternoon.

Edited by Jimbob
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Well, good for speaking to her will but tbh,it sounds like its more of a you and her thing now


I hope everything i planned actually goes well. I've got a resturant sorted for us to have a romantic meal etc, then we go down the pub meet up with some of my mates and hers enjoy the night out and then head back to mine for some "coffee". Saturday, all day together no disturbances due to my parents and sister not being in the house all weekend either.

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Another daily update on my stuff:


Talked to Girl2 today, she even seemed almost excited that I asked if she wanted to go up to the shops together. She backed off slightly afterwards saying it depended on if she was doing anything else, which may have been second thoughts of may have been remembering some other plans that she now wants to get out of. Either way it was a more positive reaction than I expected. Hopefully we will go up tomorrow, then hopefully we will go to the movies, then hopefully something will happen! That is my current plan, at least.


1. Ask to shops as friends - check

2. Casually suggest movie while there (moving away from the friends thing)

3. ???

4. Profit


Who knows. Was alot more comfortable with the other girl today aswell, hopefully things are looking up all over! This situation has almost kick started me into trying to actually do something about it, rather than sitting back and watching and analysing and all that horrible stuff that may well be helpful in computer games or maths but doesn't help so much in the real world.

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Good for you, Gizmo :) Sidenote: I has more Brand New muzak than you. Tis true.


My freshly-reborn girl issue! I'm not pursuing anything at all. I care for her wellbeing, mostly as a friend, but Ellmeister started putting horrible, romantic, unlogical thoughts into my head that I am doing my darn best to break down with rational thinking. At worst, I no longer feel I can hate her at all; mostly because she placed a lot of trust in me while we were talking yesterday. And because she will be the mother of my book.


But just talking to her and getting it out of my system has given me a breath or two. I am the windchime and I sing again!

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Good for you, Gizmo :) Sidenote: I has more Brand New muzak than you. Tis true.


My freshly-reborn girl issue! I'm not pursuing anything at all. I care for her wellbeing, mostly as a friend, but Ellmeister started putting horrible, romantic, unlogical thoughts into my head that I am doing my darn best to break down with rational thinking. At worst, I no longer feel I can hate her at all; mostly because she placed a lot of trust in me while we were talking yesterday. And because she will be the mother of my book.


But just talking to her and getting it out of my system has given me a breath or two. I am the windchime and I sing again!


If you are referring to the 6 Untitled tracks that Ellmeister sent me yesterday: No you don't.

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haha - there's a total of nine, I presume you have the others (one's "Luca", ones the online single "Fork and Knife"). And that remix track. And the b-sides. YEAH BITCH!


I got 5 new tracks, 1 Luca alternate version, already have Fork And Knife. Will have to bug you for the b-sides and remix laterz.

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A short aside; the history of same-sex marriage in America? Basically I want to make a point that Big Love began just as same sex marriages were being legalised in certain states in America (2006)...is this correct? Im trying to look and I think my brain is too dead to actually take info in. If it is correct could someone hook me up with a news article proving it? Thanks.


Or would it work if I used this and changed it so it basically said "it premiered at a time when there was concern that the institute of marriage was under 'attack'"?


(yes I know this is a little more Do My Homework but people here are more likely to be aware)

Edited by Ashley
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Sigh, it's hard work trying to forget things, I'm in more complicated situations now being single than I ever was in any relationship I was in.


It's amazing how the mind tricks you, like for instances an old ex of mine, I have no desire to be with him again, wouldn't trust him for a start, but to find he's with somebody else actually makes my heart thump alot harder than regularly. A jealousy that shouldn't occur, why should it? I don't even think about them that way anymore..


grr. It makes me realise how much trickery your brain uses, bloody emotions.


I did like somebody recently, but I'm not in the mood to be messed about and certainly not going to be part of another messy relationship again, ftl! >_>


/sob story

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Clearly you still like him wolf.


It's not your brain playing tricks on you. Its you forcing your brain not to feel for him anymore because he hurt you. But, as corny as it is, your brain doesn't control your heart so thats why you couldn't stop yourself feeling jealous.


It might not be love though, just a lingering feeling of 'what if'. It will go away if you really think you dont have feelings for him anymore.

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