Zelda_Rulez Posted October 9, 2007 Posted October 9, 2007 Mikey said: Spider guardian in Echoes is a real ****. lol I always get really tense at the last bomb jump, always rolling of that little ramp (why did they have to put that there!) and missing the slot. I only succeed when I have like 20 health left, shaking from the nerves. I never had to do the fight more than once though, luckily. :p
Mikey Posted October 9, 2007 Posted October 9, 2007 On the last boss, just died on Dark Samus. I did most of the game by myself, but by the time I got to the sancuary, I got a bit fed up of the game, and I've used the guide for the rest of it. I have Half Life 2 Orange box coming soon, and want to get the game finished before I get it.. To be honest, I can't say I enjoyed it as much as I thought I would. The whole dark world thing was a bit of an annoyance, and would have prefered it if it was just like Prime 1. I hear Prime Corruption is a lot more accessable, which is definitely a good thing. I'd give it an 8 out of 10. Finished the game tonight. Ending was very short.
jammy2211 Posted October 27, 2007 Posted October 27, 2007 Can someone help me out on Metroid Prime 2? I just got the echo visor and well, it doesn't seem to work :/. I use it in the room I got it, get the three white pad locks and 3 orange sonar things. I locked on to all 3 of those sonars, shot them with my power beam, and now I can't lock onto them again, but the white padlocks are still there :/. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it a glitch, cause it seems pretty weird.
mcj metroid Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 @jammy you need to annialator beam which is the combination of light and dark energy. Thats why the power beam will bouce right off the walls. The annilator is the last beam you get I think. I had this problem as well. You're missing something I forget what though:) Hope i'm right
darksnowman Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 Out of interest McJ, which of the Gamecube Primes do you prefer? (and why!)
Tellyn Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 I'm going to have to get Metroid Prime 1 and 2 before I play the Wii version. Where are the cheapest places to get it? I'm not too bothered if it's preowned, just as long as it's in a good condition. No eBay links please.
mcj metroid Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 darksnowman said: Out of interest McJ, which of the Gamecube Primes do you prefer? (and why!) The first for virtually every reason bar sixe and graphics I guess. I enjoyed echoes a lot but felt it took the hardcoreness to a frustrating level. I loved the hard bosses but the stupid key hunt at the end annoyed me. Echoes was the bigger game but every environment looked similiar. I much prefer primes fire,ice,underwater,temple ruins areas. The music is a lot better in prime. Ice valley is dreamy.
nekunando Posted April 15, 2014 Posted April 15, 2014 ReZourceman said: I am going to start this tonight. Enjoy it It's the best one : peace:
Captain Falcon Posted April 15, 2014 Posted April 15, 2014 I was watching part of speed run for the primes Saturday morning and it made me realise it had been a while since I played them so I started Prime 1 (Trilogy version) on Sunday morning. Got the power bomb last night and seem to be on a decent time. The game really is special but them Mines aren't half depressing to wander through.
ReZourceman Posted April 15, 2014 Posted April 15, 2014 I just reached the first save point and am gutted to have not found any secrets yet. Should I have? Been keeping an eye out. Is it a similar kind of thing to the 2D ones, i.e. bomb walls and the like to reveal panels or such?
Jonnas Posted April 15, 2014 Posted April 15, 2014 ReZourceman said: I just reached the first save point and am gutted to have not found any secrets yet. Should I have? Been keeping an eye out. Is it a similar kind of thing to the 2D ones, i.e. bomb walls and the like to reveal panels or such? The secrets are mostly found via Scan Visor (though not all), as bombing every wall you find would be tedious in 3D. Even without that, there are usually visual clues over which walls/blocks can be tore down. Is the first save point on Frigate Orpheon? If so, don't worry, Orpheon is there exclusively to teach controls, so it doesn't have any secrets (save for a few scans). And speaking of secrets, are you going for 100% Scans? Because some are permanently missable, and almost all of them at the start.
Captain Falcon Posted April 15, 2014 Posted April 15, 2014 (edited) ReZourceman said: I just reached the first save point and am gutted to have not found any secrets yet. Should I have? Been keeping an eye out. Is it a similar kind of thing to the 2D ones, i.e. bomb walls and the like to reveal panels or such? Bombing everything will take forever and is in no way practical like in the 2D games. But more than that, it's a complete waste of time. Walls that can be destroyed can be identified in one of two ways. First up is to scan the wall, if it has a marker, and it will tell you it's composition. Depending on what's made of will determine if you can destroy it. It helps that the material is highlighted in red too. So Morph Ball bombs can destroy Sandstone, Super Missiles destroy Cordite, etc. It tells you what each weapon can destroy in the status menu when you pause. If there are no markers then the odds of you being able to destroy it are incredibly slim. The only way you can identify those ones is with the X-Ray/Thermal Scanner to see if something is on the other side but they are very few and far between. Time to crack back on - I'm at 100% scans, 98% from the first playthrough but I missed Ice shreikbat and bizarely a Pirate Data Log, 53% item collection and 4:02 on the clock. Edited April 15, 2014 by Captain Falcon
Ville Posted April 15, 2014 Posted April 15, 2014 @ReZourceman You're in for a sweet ride man. Enjoy!
Sméagol Posted April 15, 2014 Posted April 15, 2014 If you´re missing the visual clues (or if there simply aren´t any), also keep your ears open, as upgrades and expansions will give an audible clue as well. Once you´ve realised that, the ones that are nearby are hard to miss, so you´ll only have to find out how to actually get them.
Dog-amoto Posted April 15, 2014 Posted April 15, 2014 Finished this again a few years ago when Trilogy came out - really should fire up MP2 at some point as well.
Jonnas Posted April 15, 2014 Posted April 15, 2014 Sméagol said: If you´re missing the visual clues (or if there simply aren´t any), also keep your ears open, as upgrades and expansions will give an audible clue as well. Once you´ve realised that, the ones that are nearby are hard to miss, so you´ll only have to find out how to actually get them. Oh yeah, they emit that subtle buzz, I had almost forgotten about that Man, Metroid Prime is such a game. As close to perfect as a single-player game can be.
EEVILMURRAY Posted April 16, 2014 Posted April 16, 2014 You're in for a shock ReZ, they're just clones of Uncharted :P
Fierce_LiNk Posted April 16, 2014 Posted April 16, 2014 I'm going to do the Trilogy during the summer. I'm waiting for that right time where I can play all three games back to back and experience them as a whole. I've only ever played the first game and part of the second. Such a great series, though.
Cube Posted April 16, 2014 Posted April 16, 2014 I'd absolutely love to play the Trilogy in HD with dual analogue controls.
Retro_Link Posted April 16, 2014 Posted April 16, 2014 Yeah like @Fierce_LiNk I've only played Prime 1 and the first few hours of Prime 2. I really should get the trilogy, but it's expensive. [for that reason and more] A Metroid Prime Trilogy HD would be incredible and needs to happen!
nekunando Posted April 16, 2014 Posted April 16, 2014 Retro_Link said: Yeah like @Fierce_LiNk I've only played Prime 1 and the first few hours of Prime 2. It seems strange that all of us would have stopped part of the way through Metroid Prime 2 There must have been something about Echoes that was discouraging us, though I eventually did go back and make my way through it, and Corruption, a few years ago. It's an excellent trilogy, but I would put the original Metroid Prime head and shoulders above the sequels. Absolutely outstanding game : peace:
Retro_Link Posted April 16, 2014 Posted April 16, 2014 / nando / said: It seems strange that all of us would have stopped part of the way through Metroid Prime 2 There must have been something about Echoes that was discouraging us, though I eventually did go back and make my way through it, and Corruption, a few years ago. It's an excellent trilogy, but I would put the original Metroid Prime head and shoulders above the sequels. Absolutely outstanding game : peace: What were the control changes they made in Prime 2, I can't quite remember now, but I know having adored Prime so much and there having been nothing wrong with the setup, I think it started the game on a bit of a bad note.Was it a change to scanning, or lock-on or something? Also the changes they made to the data log made it more complicated to navigate I think? I think the first 'world' theme in the game is a bit boring isn't it, isn't it quite a dry baron overworld and then a swampy type area. Neither really grab you like Primes space station and beautiful Tallon overworld. The Light Dark world switching also wasn't really a concept I found myself enjoying straight away either. That's not to say I wouldn't have if I'd given it more of a chance. But yeah a combination of things just didn't warm me to the game. Also I find it annoying they changed Samus' character model from the end of Prime 1.
Fierce_LiNk Posted April 16, 2014 Posted April 16, 2014 I think I only played part of Echoes because a mate brought it around. I didn't own the game because I couldn't find a good deal on it at the time, and I was drained from having played Prime 1, so wasn't in a rush to play the sequel. Just like how I wouldn't play two Zelda games in quick succession. Then, I didn't play Prime 3 because I hadn't played Prime 2. Theeen, I got The Trilogy as a Christmas gift, but didn't play Prime 2 because I wanted to play Prime 1 again, and didn't play Prime 1 because I had Xenoblade. Aaahhhhhhh.
Jonnas Posted April 16, 2014 Posted April 16, 2014 Echoes is... a mixed bag. There are plenty of good ideas and awesome boss fights in there, but at the same time, there's stuff that feels so forced and shoehorned. But mostly, I didn't like the way the world and progression were structured, so formulaic and predictable (something that applies even more to Metroid Prime 3, unfortunately).
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