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Yeah. I like it. Me and my friends think that now they just have to sort out the uselessness of groups.


Because of all the "If 1,000,000 people join, I'll kill myself!" groups, people just join these shits and never return to them. It means that groups like my juggling one get clustered along with them on the groups page, and members never check back when new wall posts/updates are made.


Inner-sigh :P


Danny; do you have any relatives named "robert"?

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In case you didn't know, I, too, have entered the realm of Facebook. Search for Daniel Blom Paulsen to find me.


Already have done Danny.


jayseven, the number of times i am invited to join said groups is unbelievable. I get 2 or 3 a day from about 4 people on average.


Wish these groups would not exist, i got more important things to worry about apart from "get 1,000,000 people to join this group and i shave my hair" groups.

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I still don't have the new design and I'm probably one of the few people who will actually appreciate it!#



The best group is the "if 100,000,000 people against Facebook owning all the photos" or whatever its called. Are there even that amount of people on Facebook? AND, they took that out of the T&C absolutely ages ago, yet people are still joining it!

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Yeah, they're just as bad as chain letters, in my eyes. Having said that, I'm probably a member of a couple >_<


oh yeah; "a million BILLION people who hate facebook groups about hating stuff" ... that's never going to take off though.


I made a group that has 81 members :D

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I hate how to stop getting annoying chain letters/programs sending you notices you have to add them then ignore them..


Unless they've changed this recently..I hope so!

I think they usually have some sort of "ignore all requests from this application" button, or "ignore all requests from this friend" if there's a usual suspect.

I just have all my requests sitting as pending because im too lazy to do anything about them. Be great if you could set it so that people couldnt send you them. EVER. Then I'd be super happy. If i wanted to join a group I'd do it mysellllf!


I've got a friend who is literally just COLLECTING notifications and requests. It's ridiculous, I must get a screengrab of it.

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In case you didn't know, I, too, have entered the realm of Facebook. Search for Daniel Blom Paulsen to find me.


Have done so, Dannyboy.


My mate introduced me to this about a couple of months ago and I thought it was rubbish but now, I find myself on it every day, lol.

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Have done so, Dannyboy.


My mate introduced me to this about a couple of months ago and I thought it was rubbish but now, I find myself on it every day, lol.


I have it open constantly. I find my self on it, almost as much as I'm on here. Love it to bits.

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I have it open constantly. I find my self on it, almost as much as I'm on here. Love it to bits.


I know! It's a 'hate to love' thing for me. I've even cancelled MySpace now, it's crap compared to Facebook, lol. Anyways, I dunno if I put it but I'll put it again, I'm Dazz Hopkins if anyone wants to search for me and if I have put it before, then I apologise. :wink:

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It's the home page that's changed, I think? And 'Pages' act like regular profiles. Birthdays and upcoming events don't appear on the home page anymore (Which was rather handy, atually) and the news feed is split - middle column is status updates, notes and... stuff to do with you? Column on the right is albums, and... stuff :|

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