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The Easter Holidays


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So, Easter has come around again, and we've all got breaks from our schools/colleges/Unis and what not.


What are you doing during that break? Anything exciting? Maybe a mini-holiday?

Expecting any easter eggs?


I should be heading back to uni next week or so, not sure on the date yet. Haven't received and probably won't be receiving any easter eggs. Much to my dismay. :(


Still da beanz.

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Workin for my dad occasionally. The rest of the time sleeping/eating/playing/interneting except for Friday night when I should be going out.


I might do summat more exciting next week like go shopping or nip to Barnsley and pick up Excite Truck from gamestation.

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I'm taking this opportunity to eat full sensible meals every day that I don't have to cook myself, do things that I'm not responsible enough to sort out myself like a dentist appointment in 12.5 hours. And I'm working out a heck of a lot, it's knackering. Plus I have a 1500 word story to finish and a 5-10 minute long script to write.


As for socialising? Not really interested! I never got on great with the residents of my hometown, when it comes to hanging out with friends, I'd much rather be back in Sheffield. I'll just make this about fitness, study, downloading things and being with family. Oh yeah, and since it's Easter, chocolate I hope!

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Doubt there'll be any easter eggs for me; we haven't really had any in years (those tiny chocolate ones don't count, though we haven't even had those yet this year).


For the holiday, for me it's trying to get my assignments done, working to earn some money, staying up late and sleeping in, fitness, eating, gaming... Nothing very special. Basically the usual, just not having to go to school now. Which I'm glad about.

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Guest Jordan

I have Letty over. Been great so far, shes lying next to me asleep... where as i am weirdly wide awake, i'm just not tired.

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Been and will hopefully shall continue revising a lot for my AS exams that start next month. That's been my main focus so far. Been pretty boring but i need to work hard so will feel much more satisfied at the end of the holidays. Going out in the countryside for lunch and stuff on Easter sunday with family, which should be nice. I want to go shopping somewhere next week because I want lots of expensive clothes.

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I've already technically been on holiday for 3 weeks. I say technically becaseu even though i've got no tutorials or lectures, I'm doing as much work as term time. Got another three weeks off, which will probably also as unholiday like as the last. God I hate Oxford.

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I have an insane amount of work to do, all due in in the first week of next term, but I just can't work at home. I sit at my desk for hours and seem to get nowhere. Oh yeah and I have exams to revise for but I can't even start thinking about that yet :(

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Working the usual 20ish hours a week. Will have to start looking at my next batch of assignments soon and start prepping my presentation for work.


Not looking forward to Sunday though. Stuck in doors with my family all day. Urgh. And they're talking about going to my grandparents and I can't even say im at work.

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God I hate Oxford.


:shock: How can you say that about this beautiful city. Anyway, yep I've been back home in merry olde Oxford since yesterday evening. So far I have unpacked and slept and that's about it, I will probably be going out and socialising with the old crew tonight though.

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My parents are off camping for the weekend. Leaving me and my three brothers at home to munch Easter Eggs, a microwaveable Sunday Dinner (not as good as the real thing), and a phonecall every teatime from our dad asking us if we've had our tea yet.


I can hardly wait.

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My parents are off camping for the weekend. Leaving me and my three brothers at home to munch Easter Eggs, a microwaveable Sunday Dinner (not as good as the real thing), and a phonecall every teatime from our dad asking us if we've had our tea yet.


I can hardly wait.


lol. sounds great. :wink: :wink: :wink:

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I'm going to get right into the spirit - worship Eostre, partake in some fertility rituals, do a dance at stongehenge and smear myself with goats blood.


Sounds like a quality and worthwhile usage of time to me.


I will be doing the usual bout of hedonism, so its just like any other w/e for me except extended.

I wangled today off work giving me 5 days off rather than just 4.

Not that that has had any benefit cos I managed to wake up at 6.45am and not get back to sleep which pissed me off slightly due to the fact I usually wake up at around 7.45am for work.

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Just been to local Waitrose to buy easter eggs and stuff. Came to bloody £16.55 for just 4 people, and I was trying not to spend much...


have been revising this past week.......doin around 3 hours of revision per day. Its getting harder.

Yeah that's pretty much what i've been doing. Any longer and I get really bored and stressed and have to stop. If I keep it up though with 2/3 hours a day all easter (except for this weekend) then i'll be pretty satisfied at the end of it.

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Guest Stefkov

Can't wait to have some Paska. Its just bread but 7 times nicer with butter.


On the Sunay or Saturday it'll be church for me where we'll get the food all blessed to have the next day.

Not that I want to go but I'm basically forced to go.

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Don't think i'm doin too much over the weekend, apart from finishing off a racing tournament that i organised with a few mates which we have been working through for the past couple of weeks, the final is on Monday. Apart from that, nothing much else i don't think

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I completed both Zelda: TP and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves today. And that's pretty much been my Easter break so far...........just playing games and doing internet things.


I've got three weeks off from Uni, and two more left of that now. So I plan to finally complete Shadow of The Colossus, and to get some work done hopefully. Got tons that needs doing really, and I think two weeks will be enough to get it done at a chilled pace.


All my mates back home work 9-5's up London, so I only get to see them on the odd evening in the week, and on any nights out at the weekend.


Totally forgot it's Good Friday tomorrow, and just had a mate call me to say everyone's going out to drink. Kinda not in the mood to go out, but if I was told earlier I may of been. Still, got to keep up appearances back home when back from Uni, so I think I will be heading out for a few drinks.....or many.

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Easter means a 4 day weekend for me which is brilliant. I ended up going out with my boyfriend's mum tonight because his dad decided he didn't fancy it, it was terribly bad in a funny good way. It was actually an alright night. I'm going to the park/lake tomorrow to take some pictures with my new camera which should be nice. Not sure other than that.

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