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This..is..SPARTA!! [300]


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Why will you hate it Gaggle?

Well, my tutor likes to describe these sorts of films as "wank for boys," (Schwarzenegger et all) and that's fair enough, however from what I hear (from both those who like and dislike it) they may have somewhat overdone the "wank" part of things. Indeed, if one were to take this metaphor far too far, one might say that I am fulling expecting to be cum on, repeatedly, throughout the duration of the film.

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The cinematography, choreography, costume design, sound fx, CG is all fine, brilliant, exciting, sometimes outstanding. Apart from a few one-liners though, most of which are in the trailer, the script is pretty weak/thin, and I mean irritating in parts.

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I just saw it. To saw i was compleely blown away would be an understatment. It looked incredible, was true to the comic style, the story was told excellently, well acted. Just incredible. I think I will be seeing this several times in the cinemas.


fantastic film.

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It's like a really bad, made for TV remake of Gladiator. Cheap sets, blue screens and baby oil abounds. Ideal if you find the very concepts of plot and character development pretentious. It was all I could do to stop my gut from bursting with laughter when the little boy dies murmuring something about the darkness. It's the sort of stuff that was considered laughably cliché 50 years ago. Beyond that, only the lead character's hilariously variable accent was of any entertainment value. Can't say I'd recommend it.

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It's like a really bad, made for TV remake of Gladiator. Cheap sets, blue screens and baby oil abounds. Ideal if you find the very concepts of plot and character development pretentious. It was all I could do to stop my gut from bursting with laughter when the little boy dies murmuring something about the darkness. It's the sort of stuff that was considered laughably cliché 50 years ago. Beyond that, only the lead character's hilariously variable accent was of any entertainment value. Can't say I'd recommend it.


You had a well formed opinion way before you watched the movie. It was obvious you weren't going to enjoy it.

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