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Worst way to wake up?

The Constantine

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Waking up with a nose bleed is one of the worst things ever.


I woke up in the middle of the night and knew there was something on my face, I turned on the light and my pillow was covered in the red stuff and it was all over my face.


I could also taste the stuff in my mouth, scary crap that was.

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I reckon we need real life experiences here people. macabre executions from yakuza movies are hardly relevant.


for me, it has to be being woken by fire alarm 'tests' at The Lawns last year. Fucks alive it's loud. You know that kind of sound that goes beyond normal hearing and starts being recognisable by the absence of any other sound...guuaaah!

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In a coffin, underground.


Damn I'm really afraid of that actually. I mean for instance you were in a coma and someone declared you dead.

Everyone things you died and then you wake up underground, realising you're actually alive but some idiot fucked up and now you're going to suffocate.


But this is also a very unpleasant way to wake up...

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I think waking up to find that you'd shat all over the place would be pretty damn horrific. I've never done it, but I swear I remember hearing a story of someone who did, but I just can't remember where. Even if it wasn't true, it was pretty entertaining. I guess waking up to find you'd pissed yourself would be pretty horrible too, just for the embarrassment of it. Waking up bleeding everywhere would just be scary! Waking up somewhere not knowing where you are is pretty weird too.

The worst way to wake up that I actually have done, is probably after a night of heavy drinking, realising what you've done but mostly how shit you feel.

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Waking up in the middle of the night after a massive bender, with your mouth all dry, and with a sore throat, feeling too ill to get back to sleep, while not being able to coordinate your movements at all. It's pretty horrible.


I hate waking up having slept on top of my arm. It's faintly horrifying, especially when you sleep on both, until the circulation returns it's like a preview of what being paralysed is like.


Yeah, that happens to me sometimes...I wake up and get shit scared for some reason after I've slept on my arm...I donno why...

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