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Binge Drinking & Alcohol


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To people who have read Dante's post about Ireland being the binge drinking capital of the world.....how many drinks do you have on a regular night out? And how often do you have a night out?


Do you go out to get drunk in a night club with loads of people, or do you prefer a sociable drink with some friends in a quiet pub?


What are NE's opinions on binge drinking and alcohol in general?

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how many drinks do you have on a regular night out?


- 0 alcaholic drinks


And how often do you have a night out?


- A few a week


Do you go out to get drunk in a night club with loads of people, or do you prefer a sociable drink with some friends in a quiet pub?


- Sociable drink (usually non-alcaholic for me) in a quiet pub. Can't stand clubs.

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I don't drink and for the most part I don't mind being around people who do drink. It's hard choosing what I like more, pubs and clubs. It really does depend from place to place. I've been to some right shitty clubs, but then I've also been to some where I've had great nights.


When going to a pub, usually people don't get too pissed. Sometimes when I've been to a club, a person may get a bit too drunk and will just annoy the hell out of me. Sometimes people do daft things which can be funny to tell them about in the morning, but sometimes they do annoying things too which just....arrrrr.


I think quite a few people do drink too much. Sometimes it does ruin the moment when people get too drunk and it does make me feel a bit awkward from time to time.


On the whole, don't mind people who drink. But, people who get too drunk are a bit hit and miss. Usually a miss. :heh:

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I like nothing more to neck a quater bottle of whatever and then come on these forums and troll. But usually counter strike is the best way to sober up after a night out.


anyway, on topic.... I hope gaming becomes mainstream enough to get arcade machines back in pubs instead of quizzers. I remember my local use to have an x360 on sunday afternoons on the big screen that was always good. But alcohol + gaming can only be a good thing.

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I find it quite odd how most people who have replied to this topic don't drink. I mean, that I am more used to young people drinking than not drinking. There is everything to be said for abstaining from it, but it just seems odd to me that the majority of replies so far are from people who don't drink!


It's not weird, but unusual where I am from.

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Number of drinks I'll have on a night to a club = 0

Number of drinks I'll have in a quiet night at the pub = 3-4 (6-8 units)

Number of drinks I'll have in a quiet night drinking in the JCR = 5-6 (10-12 units)

Number of drinks I'll have pulling an all nighter = (1-2) 3 - 4 units


I do drink far too much in general, however I never drink so that I'm drunk. I really hate the feeling of not being able to control what I do or say, so I'll usually drink until I feel slightly tipsy (around the 10 unit mark for spirits, 3-4 pints of good cider or ale).


I definitely drink for the taste of good alcohol, rather than the effects of drunkenness. I really hate people who say "I had such an awesome night out, I can't remember a thing".

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I can drink quite a bit when I go out but I always know when I have had enough and always manage to get home safe :)


Im not one of those people who say "I can't remember, I was drunk" What a load of old tosh. I always remember exactly what I am doing even if im wasted!!


Im not a massive fan of clubs so to speak but love the bars up town in Londinium which are kinda bar/club places that stay open till the early hours and actually play decent music unlike the generic local clubs with all that house, dance and RnB rubbish.


Infact just the other week I went to a club called Reflex at mansion house (by st pauls cathedral) This club is an 80's club and is awesome. Pure 80's cheese for the whole night and even had a revolving dance floor!!


This friday im going to a bar called Motion which is just by Embankment station. It's quite big and stays open till about 3am and is a pretty decent place with happy hour from 5 - 7:30 where you can get jugs of cocktails for £8 :D

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This friday im going to a bar called Motion which is just by Embankment station. It's quite big and stays open till about 3am and is a pretty decent place with happy hour from 5 - 7:30 where you can get jugs of cocktails for £8 :D


Wish i could be like that, i allways end being taken home by someone in a taxi.

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Only very occasionally. I like a nice wine with a meal sometimes that sort of thing. I've only been properly drunk a couple of times though, I'm not really on the bar scene. Always prefer a good night in, settle in with a film, book or whatever might be on telly, with what ever may be left of the aforementioned wine.

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I don't really go out anymore (never really did), so there's also no reason for me to drink anything. When I did go out, I would prefer going to a nice pub with friends, where I would usually just have one alcoholic drink (Martini Bianco). When I went to some parties, I tried some beer but I hated it, so now I don't touch it anymore. At one party I drank quite a lot (stuff like vodka and other stuff I don't remember), and I think some guys really wanted to see me drunk, but it never happened. Never been drunk and don't plan on it either. =3


For alcohol, if I were to have something, it'd be stuff like white wine, champagne, a martini. The tasty stuff. And not just because it's alcohol, cause it's stupid to drink to get drunk.

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I find it quite odd how most people who have replied to this topic don't drink. I mean, that I am more used to young people drinking than not drinking. There is everything to be said for abstaining from it, but it just seems odd to me that the majority of replies so far are from people who don't drink!


It's not weird, but unusual where I am from.


I thought that was a bit strange too!


As for me, I hate to say I'm quite a drinker. If I go to a pub and have a drink, I feel like theres no point drinking alcohol unless you get at least a little bit drunk, but the number of drinks I have can vary greatly really. My alcohol tolerance seems quite peaky, sometimes I can have quite alot and not feel anything, sometimes just one or two can get me feeling it, so it affects how much I drink. I do feel a bit like I need to drink, I can't resist, it's bad enough that sometimes I think I'm borderline alcoholic. Sometimes I'll have a beer at home, but in that circumstance I won't be drinking to get drunk, unless it's a party here.

I'm not much of one for clubbing anymore, and try not to drink as much when going to one to save making a tit of myself. I've had quite an awesome time at a club once just out with the lads, and not drinking anything. I prefer a nice sociable sit down in a pub where you can talk, and maybe get a bit of food too. As for how often I have a night out, whenever the oppurtunity presents itself really.

On average, I'd say I have about 4 pints/equivalent maybe on a night out to the pub. I do tend to not just stick to the same drink sometimes, so it's a bit harder to say accurately. At house parties I typically end up having quite a bit more than what I would if I was out at the pub. I won't deny that on more than one occassion I've been drunk enough that I don't remember what happened the night before, passed out/fallen asleep(i stand by the fact i fell asleep), gotten myself into trouble with mates, made a tit of myself, fallen over and a few other stupid things. Only once however, have I ever gotten home and not remembered/figured out how. I woke up in my bed once when I had been at a random party in the middle of nowhere, and still to this day I'm not sure how I got back here.

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That's pretty much the same as me (apart from the whole borderline alcoholic stuff :heh:).


Since my mates all left for uni I don't go out much any more. I have one good friend that didn't go out to uni, however since everyone went back at Christmas I've seen her twice. When another mate came back for the weekend and last weekend when we went to see him at Warwick!


I have had a few nights where I don't remember some stuff, mostly 18th birthday parties. The one morning when I woke up not knowing how I got home was after my 18th birthday party - apparently I was out of it by 10 and had to be carried out!


I tend to drink the most at house parties. For example on New Years i had about 6 Buds and almost a whole bottle of Skittles Vodka, a fair bit more than I usually drink.

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Wow, that's kind of the same as me. The only real thing stopping me from going out more is that everyone's at uni, including people who were still around for me to go out with last year. I don't really think I'm alcoholic, but, I dunno, it's weird. I once visited my mate at uni and went to his uni club, we drank before leaving, and drank snakebites when we got there, I don't remember much, lost my coat, and was apparently carried out by the bouncers. I remember I could barely walk, and felt soooo shit(i had also thrown up all over myself, nice and red!). That incident made me weary of how much I drank for a while.

This reminds me of something I saw on The Wright Stuff(wooo) last week or so, about new drugs classifications that put alcohol as being more dangerous than LSD, I dunno alot about it so don't take much from that unless I can manage to find a source somewhere for whatever it was about.

EDIT:Got one.

The RSA report also recommends that the drug classification system should be replaced by an “index of harms”, based on the damage that a drug causes the user and society, and that said index should, for the first time, include prescription drugs as well as alcohol and tobacco. It recommends, for instance, that alcohol and tobacco should be rated as more dangerous than ecstasy or cannabis. Heroin, cocaine, barbiturates and street methadone would top the list, followed by alcohol — ahead of ketamine and amphetamines. Tobacco would be ninth, ahead of cannabis (11th), solvents, LSD and ecstasy.

From long link. It's got its flaws though, but I don't want to derail this thread discussing that.


I have no problem with people who don't drink, I respect them quite alot in fact, because theres alot of pressure in our society to drink at times. I think alcohol is quite a terrible drug to be addicted to, and I think alot more people are than they would like to admit.

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In the past my usual night out consisted of starting out on the pints of bitter - as it is quite heavy on the stomach after about 8-9 pints I would switch to Jack Daniels for the rest of the night , always large with only a tiny dash of coke. Many a night was lost to blackouts.


Nowdays , I can't drink bitter or beer of any sorts as it really screws my guts up so it's JD all the way , although in nowhere near the quantity I used to.

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Can someone tell me what's so fun in getting drunk? I don't see the appeal. Getting tipsy, okay, but drunk?


It's hard to explain really!


For me at least, I'd say it just makes things more enjoyable. Now that probably sounds stupid (why can't things be enjoyable when you're sober, etc). It seems to make dull things enjoyable, e.g. you laugh at stupid things and if you're laughing then you're having fun.


I'm not syaing that I need to get drunk, after all I usually only get drunk when there's quite a few people around and I think that's because I'm quite self conscious!


It's one of those things that you have to do to see why it can be fun, because right now, as I'm typing this, it does seem a bit stupid!

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I only enjoy getting drunk when I'm laughing more. The second someone gets violent the fun goes out of the window, and that's the problem with alcohol IMO. It just makes some people violent. It's also the reason I don't really go out clubbing much or even to crowded pubs, because there's so many personalities about fights are constantly kicking off. I'd rather drink with a group of good friends and just laugh about things. Tell jokes, watch movies, play games, pull pranks, sing, run about - whatever, I enjoy all that stuff. But as the ol' cliché goes, it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

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Can someone tell me what's so fun in getting drunk? I don't see the appeal. Getting tipsy, okay, but drunk?


A good question and a tough one to answer.


I always put my booze intake down to a social thing , ie, meet a few mates for a couple after work and then the next thing is it's closing time. I soon realised that it can't be classed a social drinking when you wake up the following morning not knowing who the hell you were drinking with.



I can't stand being around drunks when I'm siber


Thats part of the reason I pretty much quit drinking. I was walking past a boozer one night and saw a couple of blokes that could hardly stand. I remember turning to my ex and saying how retarded they looked/were acting and when she said that I often ended up looking like that , it was a real eye-opener.

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