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Jordan - You Can Do Eeeeet!


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I was a little beaten up by it, but Letty was there for me... man i love that girl.


Yeah, i'm gunna book another test 3 weeks from now, that gives me three or so weeks more practise.


Sorry if i disappointed you guys :)


Too bad mate, if you don't mind me asking what did you find difficult. ie the driving? the nerves? the maneuvers?

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It means nothing...everyone fails the first time (apart from me :heh:), but yeah, it's not good to be nervous, just take it easy and remember the stuff that you had trouble with and practice.


And me. :heh:



Seriously though, what went wrong? How many minors/majors?


Hope you pass next time, 3 weeks isn't really that long away.

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The general consensus at my school is that all the best people fail their test first time.


There was a statistic about people who pass their test first time being more reckless drivers. I will try and dig it up.

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Don't worry, dude. Like I said, you'll get there in the end. All the best drivers pass on their 4th test. :)


Too right!


My 4th is coming up soon so your still beating me :P


Will you soon be joining myself and Flinky in the illustrious 4th timer gang?!

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Next time drive through the terraforming icon, that should give you some extra points. Also if you happen to see a whole group of Elvis on the street, get all of them, that should give you a huge bonus.



At least that's what I did (more or less :P) and I also passed on my first attempt. But I had a very cool instructor. I had to drive to my home and back. I never drove fast than 40 km/h.

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