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*Important* Last Night


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I wasn't on the forum the other night, so missed out on all this. I'm kind of glad tbh.


I know it's already been said; but I'm shocked to hear what's happened, and it's sad to see this happen to a brilliant forum. Though I do agree things have been a little slow round here for a while, but there was no need for such immaturity. It was unfair on the mods of the forum, who have worked hard to make this place what it is.


I remember the CE days still, those were great times. There's still hope for this place though. This'll all die down soon...

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Isn't there a way to give a formal warning and/or possibly restrict their account? Maybe limiting posts per day for a while?


We can give out infractions, and that acts as a formal warning. Usually we also PM members to let them know where things are heading, IE: this is your first warning, etc. Thing is, with that system, some people like to use the warnings as trophies cough dabookermandabookerman cough, sorta like yobs do with ASBOs.


Restricting posts and limits is a good idea, and one I think we'll certainly look into. We can now ban people out of threads, for example, as well as temporarily ban them from the entire forum, and we've been practicing that for a while, and it seems to work ok.

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Restricting posts and limits is a good idea, and one I think we'll certainly look into. We can now ban people out of threads, for example, as well as temporarily ban them from the entire forum, and we've been practicing that for a while, and it seems to work ok.


brought Zelda Freak into touch a lot.

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We can give out infractions, and that acts as a formal warning. Usually we also PM members to let them know where things are heading, IE: this is your first warning, etc. Thing is, with that system, some people like to use the warnings as trophies cough dabookermandabookerman cough, sorta like yobs do with ASBOs.


Restricting posts and limits is a good idea, and one I think we'll certainly look into. We can now ban people out of threads, for example, as well as temporarily ban them from the entire forum, and we've been practicing that for a while, and it seems to work ok.


Yea, my logic is that if they have a limited amount of posts they won't waste them.

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brought Zelda Freak into touch a lot.


Yeah, he has his moments, but on the whole he is a lot better behaved than how he once was. Although, from what I remember, he wasn't an overly badly behaved member. I think it was spam and another one or two offences, nothing drastic. I think.

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Yeah, he has his moments, but on the whole he is a lot better behaved than how he once was. Although, from what I remember, he wasn't an overly badly behaved member. I think it was spam and another one or two offences, nothing drastic. I think.


he was being a **** in the other consoles section in particular, till he got banned from a couple threads and then a temp ban.

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Yea, my logic is that if they have a limited amount of posts they won't waste them.


Like a quota system. Allow them something like 10 posts a day. I wonder if that is possible to implement, I'll ask Ashley about it when he comes online.


he was being a **** in the other consoles section in particular, till he got banned from a couple threads and then a temp ban.


I remember him being a pain, but still, he didn't overstep the mark as much as Booker or Guy did, imo.

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Like a quota system. Allow them something like 10 posts a day. I wonder if that is possible to implement, I'll ask Ashley about it when he comes online.


WooHoo! I made a credible suggestion! :grin:


Too much excitement, time for bed! Night Y'all!!!

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As I was the first Admin on the boards this morning and stumbled across the big mess some idiots had created I feel I should add some input into this thread.


The members I banned derserved it despite whether you think they were great members or not. There is no excuse for what they posted and they needed to banned.


I read through pages of what happened last night and saw some quite disgusting pictures which took me most of my afternoon to clear up. Do you think I wanna be doing that on a sunday afternoon?


We are usually pretty light on modding here compared to a lot of forums on the net but this was way over the line and action needed to be taken.


I don't know what's wrong with a lot you sometimes. Just grow up a bit and respect other members instead of flamming each other all the time and posting crap that you think is funny when it's clearly offensive to many of our users and not funny in the slightest.


OMG the epic thread was the best and funniest thread ever!!111! Get a life. If you wanna look at man ripping his arse open do it some place else and not on these boards.


The bannings were not harsh. If people don't wanna get banned then simply abide by the rules and do not post such serenities.


Anyway rant over, lets get back to respecting each other eh?

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Well, this thread is big.

I have to say this, last night was fun, but it would have been just as fun or more if some people didn't step over the line. This is a good forum with a nice environment and some didn't respect that.

Having some fun and doing random things sometimes is fun, so it's important not to be strict either. I have to say I'd like 3rd and mike to be allowed to be in the forums after say, a month or something. I didn't specially like the people that were doing this as a plan to migrate people to a certain other forum. N-E, is what it is and I like it here, don't try to create rivalries with other forums.

So, to sum it up, some people went overboard, but it wasn't an holocaust, we'll live.

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Well, this thread is big.

I have to say this, last night was fun, but it would have been just as fun or more if some people didn't step over the line. This is a good forum with a nice environment and some didn't respect that.


Yes, it's as you say. It was funny but some pictures shouldn't have been posted. I guess the feeling the people that missed it are getting is that it was some bestiality show or something because those pics were the first thing you could see in the meaningless thread in the morning.

Again, it was damn funny except to those damn pics.


What makes me sick is all of this migration talk. What? We lost some fellow forumers? The rules were broken, they deserved it and all the measures have been taken. N-E is the same as it was 3 days ago. Carry on, nothing as been destroyed.

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To put a long story short, I think the admins and mods should be the law on this forum as they used to be at CE. Because in those days I seem to recall the rules were quoted more often and people thought a lot more carefully about what to post and what not.


I agree. The mods and admins have to be a lot stricter on this forum. It has slipped a long way.


I see what you're saying Konfucius and Takeo. We try to be as relaxed as we can be to allow things to flow nicely. In the past, I think things were perhaps too tight, and it just ended up with people feeling scared to post, etc.


Trouble is, you've got to draw a fine line between being strict/not letting members walk over you and abuse the rules and letting things flow and allowing members to be creative. For the most part, I think the balance has been right. I don't think the admin or moderating is the problem, to be honest.


On it's own it's not the problem. It's a good attitude for the admins to have but it is being exploited.


How can we lay down the law and keep you guys happy at the same time when we have comments like that? Every single member that has been banned from this forum has been rightfully banned, and they know so. Guy might have been a nice bloke, but he's overstepped the mark. As did Booker a while back.


Personally speaking, I don't think admins are here to to Keep people happy. Thay are here to facilitate the FM's and to keep the place running. If you're modding just to keep people happy, imo, that's not the attitude a mod should have.

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... Am I too late to post? Is the matter settled now? Because I just wanted to say that this is not the first time something like this has happened to one of the ~europe boards, and will not be the last.


People leave and people join all the time. You might think that lots of great posters are leaving and the forums won't be the same without them - but that's not everything. I've seen this board evolve and change a lot when I've poked my head in the door on the odd occassion over the years, and you may not believe it but there were a hell of a lot of excellent posters that you'd love that left before you even signed up.


The point is that it's threads like this that can actually scare away the new folk. They might see this sort of thing and think "blimey, they're tight-nit. No room for lil' me!", and we've lost another point of view on this crazy planet of ours.


Personally, I don't post a lot mainly because any threads I am interested in are up to 10+ pages by the time I log in, so they scare me off. I came in here because Shorty was telling me about the incident, and it reminded me of stuff that happened back on C-E that I was caught up in.


Many people say that the golden-days were just before the GC came out, and I'm sensing that people think the forum's gone down a bit since the Wii came out - that's because of the anticipation not only drawing new members in, but welcoming them with teh whole "we're all the same, we all want it now!" sort of feeling.


As a part-time poster I'm not attached to other members as many of you will be, but I just want to let you know that the forum doesn't get any worse, you just end up being here for longer, and you start to see the same thing over and over. It might be old for you but the point is that the Forum stays young and fresh thanks to new posters, not just the older ones. The forum never changes - just you!


So get used to it ;) Have a nice day.

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Actually, the thread last night was really funny. it was a classic read and it was one of those thread that are really going into the realm of the legends. I personally think only the person that evoked all these troubles should just be told so and said never to do it again. Make him sit on a bar for a night or so, or just give him a knee-lock, like those convicts in the Netherlands.


Seriously, what a futile subject was that? And there was actually only one person responsible for it - sorry, motion. If you're willing to be influenced by such a small, ironic sentence. You've just adopted another cliché for the gay-world, motion. Getting pissed about the damn word. Oh My God.


But a good move on the admins side, though. And I agree - there was a time to be scared of the posting, but there needs to be a certain rule. That's why we all hate police - but they only do things when ti's necessary to interfere.

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Ha ha ha. This is so blown out of proportion now it's only making things funnier.

The people banned deserved to be banned, no-one was harmed. There's no need to be shocked or frightened. And honestly, if you're shocked by what was posted then you need to see the world a bit more.

Now before some one storms in claiming i'm sick, or whatever, you're right. I'm sick. Fine, but people are overreacting now to the point of insanity.


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Yeah, we're just going in circles. It was sad to see Guy go, he's a legendary poster, but he over stepped the mark.


As as another mod chipping in: either enjoy the forum or fuck off. Its not fair that we (but mainly Platty this time) have to clean up shit that others have caused.

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Personally speaking, I don't think admins are here to to Keep people happy. Thay are here to facilitate the FM's and to keep the place running. If you're modding just to keep people happy, imo, that's not the attitude a mod should have.


Yeah, you can keep the place up and running all you want, but if things are too tight, members just won't post anyway. I think a lot of the older members can vouch for this.

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