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Super Mario Sunshine > Super Mario 64


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I loved both, but because of the variety of 64, the feeling it gives you when youre really high up and in a totally different place, on a floating island in the middle of nowhere is really good. The chalenges were great, collecting different stars and exploring the level was really fun. Sunshine was made a bit too easy with fludd and the levels were a bit samey, but still a great game. The levels without fludd were genious and took much patience, like the article about mario on n-europes main page stated.

64 had a more epic scale

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I didn't have an N64 right from the start, so maybe I missed the whole "being there at the right time" side of it all. I never really took to the game as much as I did with the 2D games. I still loved it, but not as much as some people did.


Now, Sunshine...I picked this up like a week or something after it came out, and it just really impressed me right from the start. The graphical style of everything, the controls, the characters. I love it. The ending boss wasn't that great, and it sorta let me down a bit, but everything else was superb.


Can't see why so many people hate this game. Fludd was awesome, and the opportunity to go at some levels in the classic mario way (fludd-less) at times was great! I really wish I could rewind the clock and play this from the first day again.


For me, Sunshine surpasses Mario 64. By quite a way, as well.

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I didn't have an N64 right from the start, so maybe I missed the whole "being there at the right time" side of it all. I never really took to the game as much as I did with the 2D games. I still loved it, but not as much as some people did.


Now, Sunshine...I picked this up like a week or something after it came out, and it just really impressed me right from the start. The graphical style of everything, the controls, the characters. I love it. The ending boss wasn't that great, and it sorta let me down a bit, but everything else was superb.


Can't see why so many people hate this game. Fludd was awesome, and the opportunity to go at some levels in the classic mario way (fludd-less) at times was great! I really wish I could rewind the clock and play this from the first day again.


For me, Sunshine surpasses Mario 64. By quite a way, as well.


I see what you're saying but i disagree. My opinion is that many aspects were improved on in sunshine, but it lost the sense of adventure. In 64, for example Rainbow Ride, that was such an epic level and you always wonder how your going to get to the star. Sometimes its great because you can hit one with a bit of luck and skill and timing, but in sunshine its all set up on a plate and i dont like it like that. I dont think 64 is better because of the originality of what it was at the time, i still think its a better game. As I said above, theres more variety in the levels and there's a lot to do.


Lets just say that levels in 64 were more memorable, more things to explore and a lot of secrets and puzzles.

The desert level, Boo's mansion, The Cave, the Clock level, Rainbow Ride, Big/Small world, the Snowman and water bug levels. Theres so many greats and i love it. Super Mario 64 DS brought back some great memories, even if i do have the 64 in the garage somewhere

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I'll group with the people who think Mario 64 is better than Sunshine. Sunshine was quite the disapointment. I'll point out some of the things that, in my opinion, are worse in Sunshine:


- The way Mario feels. I mean, the way you control him is pretty much the same (despite controller differences, the controls are pretty much the same), but the way Mario responds, moves and behaves is quite different. The Mario in Sunshine "feels" stiff, whilst the Mario in 64 was very fluid. This can be more actively "felt" whilst tiptoeing.

I don't know if I made this point come across, but it's hard to explain any better, it's all in the feel. :)


- The fact that it doesn't take place in Mushroom Kingdom is an instant turn-off. No level variation at all, it's all beaches and sun. Well, it is called Sunshine, I know, but that makes the game feel more like a spin off rather than a real Mario game, if you know what I mean.


- Different versions of the same damn level. 64 is guilty of this too, but did it better than Sunshine, IMHO. I hate the fact that coins (especially the blue ones) are located in different places in each of the different episodes of the same level. Maybe some people feel different, but I don't want to explore the same level in all different episodes if I'm hunting for one of the last elusive coins. I want to go in the level and explore it all in one go, and know that it's the same in the other episodes. If you want different levels, make up entirely new ones, don't make different versions of the same ones.


- The camera is also worse than 64's.


In general, Super Mario Sunshine, whilst definitely a good game, was a big disapointment for me as I have learnt to expect much better from a Mario game. I really hope Galaxy delivers more and better although it's not in the Mushroom Kingdom either, it seems.

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- The way Mario feels. I mean, the way you control him is pretty much the same (despite controller differences, the controls are pretty much the same), but the way Mario responds, moves and behaves is quite different. The Mario in Sunshine "feels" stiff, whilst the Mario in 64 was very fluid. This can be more actively "felt" whilst tiptoeing.

I don't know if I made this point come across, but it's hard to explain any better, it's all in the feel. :)


- The fact that it doesn't take place in Mushroom Kingdom is an instant turn-off. No level variation at all, it's all beaches and sun. Well, it is called Sunshine, I know, but that makes the game feel more like a spin off rather than a real Mario game, if you know what I mean.


- Different versions of the same damn level. 64 is guilty of this too, but did it better than Sunshine, IMHO. I hate the fact that coins (especially the blue ones) are located in different places in each of the different episodes of the same level. Maybe some people feel different, but I don't want to explore the same level in all different episodes if I'm hunting for one of the last elusive coins. I want to go in the level and explore it all in one go, and know that it's the same in the other episodes. If you want different levels, make up entirely new ones, don't make different versions of the same ones.


- The camera is also worse than 64's.


In general, Super Mario Sunshine, whilst definitely a good game, was a big disapointment for me as I have learnt to expect much better from a Mario game. I really hope Galaxy delivers more and better although it's not in the Mushroom Kingdom either, it seems.

I don't think Mario feels right in 64...Feels too floaty kinda thing, it's hard to explain...he felt more solid in Sunshine


I agree on the 2nd & 3rd points


I don't get how the camera's worse than M64...So long as you can at least semi-multitask, you move the camera and Mario at the same time when going somewhere...erm...dodgy:wtf:

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Sunshine is a very good game, but it is not as good as SM64. It is harder getting some of the shines in Sunshine than getting some stars in SM64 plus one or two of the tracks in Sunshine are better than in SM64.


But SM64 is better than Sunshine because it involved skill to get some of the stars instead of a water pack.

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Stocka why....WHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYY!!!!??????? Sunshine over 64???


I agree that Sunshine didnt feel very Mario like. Like alot of people the only parts that I truely did enjoy were the parts without the backpack. I think its the only Mario game I have never finished more than once which is saying something. It took me a while to finish though as I collected everything in the game.


But they wouldn't have been so good if the backpack wasn't there before. it's because the safety is gone that it becomes a thrill. I liked those parts, but I prefer sunshine more than SM64 anyway. Super Mario 64 was a great game in it's day, it was just so extremely 'leveled'. Mario Sunshine felt like the refinement SM64 needed. It was actually SM64, but with beefed up visuals and nice extra's, like FLUDD - wich I really enjoyed in the game, an actual story and a camera that was controlable. I still miss that type of simple camera in many games.

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Yay, we have another believer in the house! :D


Mario Bros. 3 is my favourite out of the 2D games. Sunshine is mine out of the 3D. Overall, I think 3 just pips it.


Of the 2D Marios, I don't know between Mario 3 and Mario World. It's been 10 years since I last played Mario World, so I can't really make a decision now, but something tells me Mario World is better than Mario 3.

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I love Sunshine, i think it gets flamed waaaay too much. Yes SM64 was better, but Sunshine was blodoy great. Come to think of it, i never got all the shines in sunshine, how many are there?

120 of all to see, to be a Shiiiine master is my destiny



...not really; I've given up trying to get all of them:heh:

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I have completed both games, enjoyed SMS but SM64 is definitely the better game. The thing that annoyed me most about Sunshine was the blue coin collecting which was just ridiculous. In order to get every shine, trying to find some of them was impossible and even after I'd had to resort to the walkthrough to find them I still had trouble. So tedious and frustrating! In SM64 there were 120 stars, and more or less 120 things to do. There mustve been at least 20 shines in SMS that were purely down to just collecting blue coins.


SM64 all the way, hands down.

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