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Signed it a couple of weeks ago.


It's currently 1.6 million people and counting, receiving quite a boost thanks to a lot of media coverage lately (including last night's Top Gear).


I have signed this and read in the news yesterday Tony Blair will be sending an email to everyone on the list to explain why he thinks we need this system put in place.


As if they need another reason to suck money out of us.If he does send that e-mail of his,if possible just send one back replying why we think the system doesn't need to be put in place.


Hmm, my opinions on this are mixed. Its all very well and charging people for journeys to clear the roads - but people still have to use them, and its not like public transport is cheap and effecient. I think I'll sign it..

  Oli1983uk said:
I have signed this and read in the news yesterday Tony Blair will be sending an email to everyone on the list to explain why he thinks we need this system put in place.


Interesting, as it states: "Your email will not be published". Dirty Tony Blair using dirty tactics to get emails. Tut tut.

  MoogleViper said:
Signed this.




Some parents are just so cruel with names.


Heh, i lol'd at that.


I really should of signed this if it would of made any difference, im interested in driving (well its becoming a requirement for life pretty much), and being 17 i should of signed it.


Maybe I'm being a bit controversial here, but is the proposed road pricing not fairer than the current road tax system? It seems much fairer to charge people depending on how travelling they do as opposed to charging everyone a flat rate.

  Fields said:
Maybe I'm being a bit controversial here, but is the proposed road pricing not fairer than the current road tax system? It seems much fairer to charge people depending on how travelling they do as opposed to charging everyone a flat rate.
I've got mixed feelings about this too. With the typical money raising schemes we see here and there, it's easy to put it in the same bag and slag it off. Yet, logically it seems to make sense to me. How much you pay for it more accurately reflects how much you use it... that sounds frighteningly reasonable.
  Fields said:
Maybe I'm being a bit controversial here, but is the proposed road pricing not fairer than the current road tax system? It seems much fairer to charge people depending on how travelling they do as opposed to charging everyone a flat rate.


TBH, I don't think thats the main problem. I think people are worried about how the government will enforce it, and privacy.


They have to put in some sort of back up plan for when taxes are lost on ciggies and possibly beer. Cars seem like a fair place to start for the next "dirty and polluting my space" habit....


Well Mr Blair has replied to it...



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So it may not be introduced as a stealth tax or in order to create a big brother society, but that doesn't mean it won't end up being used like that, that's one of my concerns. What about the humoungous tax already on petrol? I swear we have like the highest petrol prices in the world or something(ok, got nothing to actually back that up), but it is pretty expensive already, where's all that money going to? I saw the thing on the news that Oli mentioned, and apparently despite this petition the scheme is still going to be piloted in some areas. Really, it isn't so much a democracy as it used to be, and no one can really stop the government doing stuff they want to do.


What would people say to getting rid of road tax, and putting more tax on petrol - (with the likes of people who regually using their vehicles off-road, e.g. farmers, having a discount). Then the amount of tax will depend on


a) How much you use the roads

b) How efficient your car is


TBH, I think taking the efficiency of cars into account will encourage the use of more efficient cars.


Yeah, I agree. Even just upping the price of petrol would in effect be like charging people for the distances they drive, though I don't approve of either. What's the need for a complex system that has to monitor lots of cars when they could just put the price of petrol up instead?

  Rummy said:
Yeah, I agree. Even just upping the price of petrol would in effect be like charging people for the distances they drive, though I don't approve of either. What's the need for a complex system that has to monitor lots of cars when they could just put the price of petrol up instead?

I think the idea is you pay more on busy roads, and during busy times, hopefully reducing congestion.

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