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Dazzy made some wise points. I'm extremely happy with my Wii, it's just out and the games I have on it are very good if not excellent and they show that the Wii has great potential in store. Twas the same with the DS, I got Mario 64x4 with it and got the most fun out of playing the mini games on it, Ive still not completed the single player. Five or six months later I bought Feel the Magic cos I needed something to play on it! I've not completed it but really enjoyed it for a few days cos it showed what the DS could produce. I waited a few more weeks for Advance Wars, then Nintendogs and the DS hasnt looked back since!


It'll be the same for the Wii. Heck, my Cube lived off Luigi's Mansion and me borrowing games for months from friends until I got Mario Sunshine and then it too went from strength to strength. The Wii has the strongest line up I can think of for a console thats just been released, and even a good portion of the launch games are worth owning for a change!


So yeah, Nintendo are doing what they set out to do with it and I'm happy too. If you don't rush through games then you'll realise that you can enjoy them until whatever comes out you're waiting on. Plus, lets not forget, I've played Wii Sports, Wii Play and the Rabbids with my mother. I mean, if thats not an achievement and something to be happy about, what is? Ive only had a chance to play it one afternoon with my gal, and she loved it and keeps wondering when we'll play it again, fantastic stuff. :bouncy:

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i never even considered regretting my Wii.


I play its everyday, even if i don't have much time i always make sure i take at least 10mins to do the Wii Fitness test on Wii Sports.


I'm in the middle of playing both Zelda and red Steel for my second runs on each and Wario is just so damned wacky its great. And every now and then i'll pop in Wii Play for some shooting or Pool

  dazzybee said:
Do people realise the machines been out about 8 weeks? I'm not saying people cant be disappointed but people certainly need to be realistic.


I'm more than happy with my Wii - Zelda was amazing and IMO the cube evrsion simply cant match it so its worth it just for that one game. And thats not including the fun Ive had and will continue to have with Mii's, virtual console, the other channels, Sports, Play and the fun of playing with the wiimote on the other games - Monkey Ball, Rayman, Red Steel, Madden, Wario Ware, to me playing these games with the wii mote makes them more fun than equivalent titles on any mahcine simple as that! I love it. And for people to say theres no good games simply isnt giviung games a go cause theres loads of good games.


If you mean AAA games then refer back to my opening sentance - be realistic!! The Wii's laiunch is way better than any other launch inc. 360 and definitely inclusing PS3. Guess people love to moan!


And if people look at the release list of the coming months and cant find a handful of good games then....well....youre hard to please.


Wii has Zelda and NOTHING else. How is that better than the PS3 and 360 launch? 360 had PGR3, Kameo, and Perfect Dark, which although some didn't like the last 2, they were all decent.


PS3's European launch list is perhaps the best launch line up ever.


I should also point out that 360 had Oblivion and GRAW in just a couple of months after launch. Wii has been out nearly 2 months ad still has nothing. SSX is THE game for Wii right now. Nothing else from Nintendo as of yet.


I've had it since launch and am still on the original batteries supplied with the wii mote. Showing 3/4 battery strenght. That must = very little use... and I even bought three games.


People are still going mental for Wii Play though. I thought it was rubbish, and sold just the game on ebay expecting £3-4 max. I got £20 for it, and I paid £33 for it with a controller worth £30 originally.


The Wii doesn't get a lot of playtime at the moment. It will do once some new Nintendo games make an appearance. Not really liking how the controls seem to impede certain games more than enhance them. Monkey Ball a prime example of FUCKING HELL WHY CAN'T I JUST USE A REGULAR PAD sydrome.. or as it should be known, Wiindrome.

  Colin said:
Experienced gamer. lol


You're meant to actually play the games, before judging the system, not for half hours play on one, and not actually finishing another which is one of the best games in years.


I was saying that it didn't really get me in there. I'm not really craving to play Monkey Ball and there's no game attracting m at the moment. And with 'experienced' I mean that I actually played loads of games before Wii. And I'm not relly playing as much with Wii as I played with GameCube during lanch period.

  blender said:
I've had it since launch and am still on the original batteries supplied with the wii mote. Showing 3/4 battery strenght. That must = very little use... and I even bought three games.


I went through a heap of o' batteries before getting a charger and four rechargeables in the January Sales at Argos. Its a great help but I dunno what I'll do for batteries if/ when I get one or two more Wiimotes.


I wouldnt want to be without the Wii at the minute, but different strokes for different folks and all.


As with new consoles its not fully there with games yet, also the same with the virtual console. But we have some good games and there's a steady flow or activity (including VC).


I'm more than happy with the Wii. I also feel safe in the fact that I know I'll definitely be purchasing certain games in the future. Complain all you want about future releases, but I'm really looking forward to the likes of Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Smash Bros. They're 3 big hitters, plus there's others which I would consider big titles that maybe others wouldn't. (fire emblem being a prime example.)


I'm going to purchase Red Steel and Rayman at some point, because those 2 launch titles still looking appealing to me. Tony Hawks Downhill Jam also looks pretty fun. Wario Ware is out, Excitetruck and a few others titles (such as That Guy mentioned, Sonic, Mortal Kombat) are appealing to me.


Zelda gripped me, but I was a little bit disappointed with the multiplayer of Monkey Ball. Single player was better than I was expecting, so I guess it sorta evens out.


The only thing keeping me back from getting Wii titles is money at the moment. If I had more money, Rayman, Red Steel and Wario Ware would all be mine.


But, like others have said, it takes ages for a system to properly get going. Look at the DS launch titles, and look at the guys we have now. Totally amazing.

  THE ganondorf said:
No. I only regret getting Wii Play when I could have access to VC if I'd splashed out on a LAN adapter.


why wii play is awesome for the amount you paid?The tank game is worth the price alone

  mcj metroid said:
why wii play is awesome for the amount you paid?The tank game is worth the price alone


Everybody only got it for the controller, but yeah, it's worth a fiver if you're getting the controller anyway.

  Fierce_LiNk said:
I'm more than happy with the Wii. I also feel safe in the fact that I know I'll definitely be purchasing certain games in the future. Complain all you want about future releases, but I'm really looking forward to the likes of Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Smash Bros. They're 3 big hitters, plus there's others which I would consider big titles that maybe others wouldn't. (fire emblem being a prime example.)


I'm going to purchase Red Steel and Rayman at some point, because those 2 launch titles still looking appealing to me. Tony Hawks Downhill Jam also looks pretty fun. Wario Ware is out, Excitetruck and a few others titles (such as That Guy mentioned, Sonic, Mortal Kombat) are appealing to me.


Zelda gripped me, but I was a little bit disappointed with the multiplayer of Monkey Ball. Single player was better than I was expecting, so I guess it sorta evens out.


The only thing keeping me back from getting Wii titles is money at the moment. If I had more money, Rayman, Red Steel and Wario Ware would all be mine.


But, like others have said, it takes ages for a system to properly get going. Look at the DS launch titles, and look at the guys we have now. Totally amazing.


The DS situation is why I'm still hopefully the Wii will come good.


One thing I will say though. Gamecube had Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars: Rogue Leader at launch, and then there wasn't a long wait for Pikmin and Smash Bros. in the 3-4 month wait for Mario Sunshine. So I'm not sure why people are saying the Cube was like this. Cube had some massive droughts bt the first few months weren't that awful.

  That Guy said:
The DS situation is why I'm still hopefully the Wii will come good.


One thing I will say though. Gamecube had Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars: Rogue Leader at launch, and then there wasn't a long wait for Pikmin and Smash Bros. in the 3-4 month wait for Mario Sunshine. So I'm not sure why people are saying the Cube was like this. Cube had some massive droughts bt the first few months weren't that awful.

Also what bothers me is the fact that the games we're all excited about are just the typical nintendo franchises, Mario, Metroid etc. I'm not saying i don't like them and won't like the games but it just feels like Gamecube all over again rather than 'a whole new revolution'. I should be excited about upcoming new,unique games, but no.


honestly my girlfriend has played it more than me

ive only clocked about 5 hours on zelda, the only game i played everyday until i beat it was tony hawk. ive been playing all the GC games i missed out on alot more than my wii.


I think the biggest problem with the Wii is the lack of a decent release list. Not only is there only 1 'AAA' title out but we also have no idea when the next one is coming.

Looking at the GC launch, we had Rogue Squadron, Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin and Wave Race all either at launch or close to it. We knew Sunshine would be with us before too long too.

With Wii we get Zelda and Excite Truck with nothing much confirmed for any time in the next 6 months

  That Guy said:
So I'm not sure why people are saying the Cube was like this. Cube had some massive droughts bt the first few months weren't that awful.


Yup, but in the other hand, Nintendo is currently planning to release 19 titles for Wii during 2007. When you add high profile 3rd party titles like FF:CC, DQ:S, SSX Blur and Resident Evil, it doesn't really look so bad as GC was. Only thing that I don't really like is how titles are acculumating on Q3-Q4 area.


  Switch said:
Looking at the GC launch, we had Rogue Squadron, Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin and Wave Race all either at launch or close to it. We knew Sunshine would be with us before too long too.


Yeah, but let's put things into perspective. GC didn't launch worldwide. We Europeans got Cube nine months after it was launched on Japan. No big surprise that there was more high profile titles ready for European release. It was really annoying waiting game on both US and Japan. That is practically same thing that is currently happening with PS3's launch. European launch list looks really nice, but it is only because console was delayed for five months. In fact, list has nearly every title that will be released for the console before march. After that release pace will be much slower.


Wouldnt give it up for the world, and still loving the experience.


The lack of software for the moment is understandable, I crave more, but what can you expect....The situation is common for early adopters of most technology.

Ask me in 6 months time when/if there is fork all quality software on the shelves for it and my answer may be a little different.


I hate to say it, but I think I feel the same as Moria, I barely touch my Wii at the moment, though it is in part to being busy and doing other things, maybe I'm doing other things because the wii just isn't tempting enough? It was all well and good for about 4 weeks or so, but that was a pretty expensive 4 weeks from the current standing. It just isn't appealing enough to me, though I think it's more situational factors at the moment rather than the wii, maybe I'll move it into my room for a bit and see how it is then.


I'm very happy with my Wii as well. Due to Uni I don't have much time to play games so it doesn't really bother me that there's not much of a lineup. I have got Red Steel and Zelda and neither of them are completed.


The Wii is the ultimate "party console" though and one evening of playing Golf until we are on pro level and another evening of various WiiSports games more than warrent the purchase already.

And with the prospect of lots of good games in the future I'm more than happy with what I've got.


However one downside is that the Wii is not even close to a powerhouse. It encourages developers to port PS2 games instead of X-360 games and due to the big difference I'm also tempted to get a X-360 at some point because I doubt we'll get many multi platform games unless Wii is so much of a success that everything gets ported from Wii to the other consoles.


I wasn't happy with the DS after the initial thing either, but I am now.

If you want a 'proper' console you should get a 360 though:) Still need 1...:heh:



At least Monkey Ball multiplayer being crap means the original 2 will still be being pulled out to be played...pure classics.


Im worried that if its only been out 2 months and people are bored of the wii and the remotes magic. Usually a game can last me a month and you guys are getting bored with over 5!


Im in a good position, i still have all my money and i have the choice of 360 or wii. Im torn 50/50.

Some of the Nintendo titles do look lush, and i cannot go without metroid.

Im confused!


I think the Wii is waiting for it's versions/equivilants of Brain Training, Nintendogs and Animal Crossing to really shift itself into traditionally non-gaming hands. Wii Sports is a good start, but it needs more. What ever happend to Wii Music?

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