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£14.68, I just had a massive urge to see this again after talking about it today. I love these films. Reminds me of when I ran World Cinema Society at school. Ahhh, my one good memory.


I saw you mention that and it looks interesting. I'll steal it when you're done :heh:


I don't lend books. They're pretty personal. Even if they have zombies and five point pentagrams of death. :heh:


Last book I lent I forced the person I lent it to to update me on its situation weekly and she's the type of person who looks after stuff. When she gave it back to me it was pristine. Love her. [/end of random anecdote]

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I don't lend books. They're pretty personal. Even if they have zombies and five point pentagrams of death. :heh:


Check the verb I used again :heh:


I should really check out the Three Colours Trilogy at some point too. Oh money, wherefore art thou?

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Check the verb I used again :heh:


Last person who stole from me ended up with a steel toe capped boot speeding towards their skull. And that's why that verb was ignored. ;)


Like I've yammered on today, the TCT is sublime.


Edit: In my defence, they deserved it.


Also bought BioShock for the PS3 for £8.95. Fucking bargain.




Already bought the 360 version way back in January last year for £20. Funny, people bought this on release for £35-40 and I bought both versions for under £30! :D

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I bought a few things today:




- A Candle in a glass. But, this is in a yin-yang style, so there's two candles. One strawberry and the other vanilla, I think. I love candles, especially how they burn in the dark. :)




- A black notebook, which I need for one of my uni assignments. I need to keep a journal on a specific topic. My topic: The perception of video games in the media.




- Funny enough, these are the same as my old pair. I actually went into the store wearing the same shoes I came out with, it was a bit funny...in my mind. But, they've lasted me for 2 years, or more, so this will be my new pair. I just love them.




- Saw it and couldn't resist. I've been meaning to pick it up, and I'm loving it so far. :)


I've also bought some matches for the candle. One can of coke, which I then drank, and then bought a big bottle of Coke later. I'm addicted at the moment.

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Some of the stuff i have recently purchased to go in my house


37547_PE129510_S3.jpg x 2 £24.47


22499_PE107374_S3.jpg £44.04(where the hell do IKEA get these prices from???)


1731661?resMode=sharp&op_usm=1.1,0.5,0,0&rgn=0,0,2000,2000&scl=4.166666666666667&id=0maKH0B_WVjYSgpM_RgSlU Different colour though x2 ASDA


Samsung fridge freezer cant find a picture though £300 reduced from £400 in currys


Plus loads loads more cant actually be bothered to put it all up here now

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1731661?resMode=sharp&op_usm=1.1,0.5,0,0&rgn=0,0,2000,2000&scl=4.166666666666667&id=0maKH0B_WVjYSgpM_RgSlU Different colour though x2 ASDA


my first thought when i saw this was something along the lines of;

waargh! it's a box on top of a non-box!!! what does it DOoooOOOO??!


...the crippling confusion lasted about half a second, then i laughed at myself O__o


i bought a ring on ebay ~ it matches the earrings that jamba gave me a while back... i lost one of them recently and was reeeeally happy to find it again so i decided (after buying it) that i'd buy this ring to celebrate finding my earring again :grin:


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I was at Whitby this weekend for a Gothic festival. This is what I got...




Steampunk T-shirt, £8




RazorBladeKisses - Twinkle Twinkle Little Scar, Blind Before Dawn - Regress / Progress, Abney Park - From Dreams or Angels, Abney Park - Taxidermy, Dairy of Dreams - Nekrolog43, The Last Dance - Once Beautiful, Zeitgeist Zero - Dead to the World. £10 each.

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Bought myself some new glasses yesterday, shall pick them up next week when I go for a "consultation" about getting contact lenses.


These frames are silvery, which I thought might make a nice change over the black frames I always get. Lenses are free for The Don anyway.

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