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Has Your Opinion Changed On The Controller And Name?


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I've been reading back some through old threads recently. More specifically, the news when the controller was unveiled, and also when the name was revealed.


There was a lot of criticism going around at the time. However, have your opinions on the controller and name of the console changed?


Has the controller lived up to your expectations? Has it even surpassed them?


Does the name sound just as dumb to you as it did many months ago? Or, have you grown to love it?


I await your posts.

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Name: Was never particularly bothered about it and I just don't think about it in a stupid way when talking about it.


Controller: I think it is much better than I was expecting but is not perfect. Possibly the best controller ever made though apart from having to buy it in 2 parts.

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I was a bit concerned about the controller when they just showed it off without any games, but as soon as E3 came along, i had no worries at all. I really thought the name was stupid at first, but i really can't see myself calling it anything else now. 'Wii' has done what Nintendo wanted, a nice, simple name that anyone who saw it could remember.

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The controller is quality....It controls games and adds to the experience. When announced I was dubious of its value to gaming.


The name....doesnt matter, I will always call it 'the Nintendo' anyway(Force of habit. All this time spent naming systems is wasted on me).

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The controller is sublime. Is it intuituve end easy to use and works as well as I though it would. It is expensive but hey ho! When someone who has never played with it before steps up and says "Okay which button do I press", isn't is the best feeling telling them there is no button to press!? Just swing your arm!




The name. Oh the name! Where can I start with the name!


Wii; As someone on here (I think..?) said, when they have to explain the name of the system....it's not good! But I've grown accustomed to Wii. It fits what Nintendo are doing with this new generation of hardware. The wee jokes will follow Wii to its death, coming from ignorant Sony/360 fanboys and of course most non-gamers when they first hear Wii. But once they realise the potential of the Wii the jokes dry up (if you'll pardon my little pun!).


The consoles ability to wow, to entertain and to involve the people playing it supercedes what some still seem to be a faux-pas by Nintendo.


After all, what's in a name?

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The controller jsut shows, this is how games shouldve been played all along, esepcially in games like Zelda and Red Steel (& sports), it's jsut fantastic.


The name has definitely grown on me, though i prefer to call it "Nintendo Wii" to jsut "Wii". Except to people who know what im talking about.

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Guest Stefkov

I liked the name from the start. Was a bold thing to do and it's stuck into peoples mind now. Especially my parents which is great.

The controller I had worries for, like for some reason, the weeks leading up to it coming out, I had thoughts about tennis, and how to hold the controller to simulate a racket. THhwhen I played it I forgot all about that. It surpassed my expectations of how intuitive and responsive it is.

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As I typed this message, the BLUE LIGHTS COME ON, I think i've received an update/message of some kind. Sexiness indeed but too dim probably due to the fact i've got it on "DIM" setting" i'll change that soon.


Name, didn't bother me to begin with.


The attachment bit on the nunchucks of the controller are too loose for my liking when connected to the Wii Remote... I haven't used the wrist strap at all and don't intend to... Superb grip courtesy of my hands and not even close to slipping out of my hands...

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Controller: I was excited but skeptical when i first saw it. I mean yeah Nintendo never really disappointed me but this time went too far. Turned out good. Very good. Very, very good!


Name: Well the name is a long story. The "Wii" you have to admit sounds weird. Especially when i saw a Greek shop advertise the Wii with a dog yelling Wiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! People here were laughing. To be honest i was laughing too. But now i think yeah. Thats the whole point. Weird or not everybody want to say it. Wii, Wii, Wii. Funny, weird, easy. I like it. Crazy? Your call.

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I'd say yes, although I have no idea what i thought at first.


Doing the first boss on Zelda I realised how natural it was and how I would have struggled buggering bout with a stick trying to aim. And hammering my controller down to hit the fecker as many times as possible. So cool.


As for the name, yep it's grown on me. Hated at first but now people sorta laugh at first then get over it pretty quickly. I like the way Wii looks in terms of the logo, although some people still call it the 'double u eye eye...' or the 'double u 2'....

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My only complaint would be that the battery life is way too short..,


I dunno i get 40-50 hours on Duracell M3's. I'd say thats pretty good.

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i love the Wii remote itself and wish more games used it exclusively


The nunchuk is adequate, but it opens the door for a host of crappy PS2 ports


I still think the word Wii is hideous but its worked wonders for getting press and attention and is definately more suited to the hardware than Revolution

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After about 2 days I was ok with the name. People remember it and it has made the console stand out from the others. It has made it seem something more than a console in the minds of the public, setting it aside from the others. It has also made the press coverage unpresedented for a Nintendo system even by the DS's standards. We all know that journalists can't resist a good pun and this is a cracker. I personally get tired of the jokes but seeing "ii" pop up in words still brings a smile to my face.


The controller is beautiful. I couldnt imagine navigating a console in any other way now but it does have its limitations. For a start we are talking about devs having to start from scratch as far as describing gestures in a mathematical way so as to be able to program it correctly. It will take some time before it seems completely seemless but that new middle-ware will help that tremendously, I'm sure. Only thing i have a problem with is the depth perception. Playing Red Steel when close to the tv make zooming an absolute chore. Gonna try it on a tv from sitting far away later today but hey. Again i agree with what someone else said above, its one of the best controllers ever made.

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Name: I loved it from the start (Was probably the only person to do so as well :grin:) and I love it just as much now.


Controller: I thought the controller would be completely awesome and it turned out to be even better than I thought it would be! Mind you though, it guzzles batteries like a hot knife through butter (Got me some 2500 MAH batteries so that little problem is now sorted!)

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I loved the controller from the start (at least it put the farfetched Wii speculations to rest) and I still love it. I didn't expect Twilight Princess to feel so natural from the start though.


As for the name, I like the idea behind it and the fact that it's easy to remember, yet it still feels a bit silly when I pronounce it.

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Still hate the name. It's horrible to have to say, so I say nintendo as much as I can.


The controller hasn't been used enough to live up to my expectations. Wii sports uses it wonderfully, but more games are needed. That's normal for a new console though.

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I was skeptical about the controller at first, but the reaction at E3 convinced me that it was going to be something special.


I thought the name was wired at first, but after half an hour, I realised how ingenuous the name actually was.

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One of the first things the controller feels natural at is feedback. I expected it to be annoying. Plain stupid that you'de wave without feeling you hit something. But the rumble is just perfect (take that Sony!) and the sound in the Wiimote is great addition. It feels great to hear the ball hit the racket when tennissing. It makes you so much more 'in' the experience. So the remote has no complains aat all. There would have bein some controls flying around with the wriststrap strapped to nothing-but thin air. But even so, there are no problems there.


The name never had any problem and certainly because I live in a non-english speaking country. I still love walking in stores and convincing people to buy a Wii. And then they notice that there isn't a DVD or CD functionality, and they pop. Man, that's a turnoff.

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One of the first things the controller feels natural at is feedback. I expected it to be annoying. Plain stupid that you'de wave without feeling you hit something. But the rumble is just perfect (take that Sony!) and the sound in the Wiimote is great addition.


Totally agree, the rumbles is indeed great.

I thought the sounds was a pretty useless gimmick but it's quite fun in most of the games and especially helpful in multiplayer games because it's now a lot easier to distinguish between someone else and I doing something.


The rest of the controller is as I expected it to be although it could be bit more balanced and ergonomical but I suspect Nintendo of working on a revised version.

I was also very pleasently surprised by the precision and easy setup of the pointer function.



About the name: As I'm not British it's not really bothering me, the only slightly confusing thing is that in my dialect Wii means Wine.

However with people "in the know" of the meaning of Wee I often make jokes about it. More than when it was announced actually.

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I never thought of the Wii name as being stupid. I did love it from the start, I bought into the vision and philisophy they had, although I will say I was taken aback by the spelling of it. (had to laugh at work the other day when somebody came in asking for a Nintendo W.I.I)


I do love the wiimote so much, but I think more games should be trying to use the nunchuk as well I think it is bit of kit that we cannot live with out. (and to think if it wasn't for retro studios and Metroid we may never have seen it).


It's annoying to see some games that could make use of it well but not using it. Take Dragon Quest for example it is on the rails for no apparent reason, why not implement the nunchuk?! (correct me if I'm wrong and this has become the case).


I think a game like Tony Hawks could have used it to help make it more indepth and more like Project 8, having the analogue stick to move and leavinf the wiimote for tricks rather than having to handle both. I can understand though will games like this just using the wiimote is better for multiplayer as it doesn't make it as expensive...




As for how it works etc... it couldn't be better, the wiimote and nunchuk feel natural in your hands, the rumble feels so great in your hand and so tactile. Zelda feels so natural as it was always meant to be played this way, even Red Steel which has been slated across the net, but loved by so many gamers on here feels so much more intergrated and realistic than just sitting their with a bad the wiimote cannot be understated in bringing red steel out from being a poor game to being a very exceptable launch title.


The thing that made red steel first click for me, was using the nunchuk to throw over a table I really got into, felt like I was hurling the table over for real...


Finally it is miles better than the sixaxis' tacked on motion sensing, from every review I've read the sensor controls are just tacked on whats the point?!

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