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Wii Friend Codes Thread


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Yes!! got your MJ this afternoon, pissed myself. I wish I'd thought of that one... it was just crying out to be made with that nose!!! Good Work. :grin:


Cheers! When I found I could make the eyes that scarily large I knew it would work!:laughing:


If anyone else want my MJ feal free to ask!: peace:

And if we havn't swaped Wii No. PM me!

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To everyone who has PMed me, I believe I've added you back. I don't have miis for all of you(because I didn't have the mii when I added you, dumb system) and my plaza is currently overun with miis, I don't know who's who! It doesn't help that some Miis are different to forum names and such. So if you want to, send me a little message with your mii attached to it, just if you have the time, it'll help me make my address book look more snazzy!

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Just to let all you guys know who've added me, I've gone through about half of them so far adding back, but it takes ages as my Wii isn't next to the computer so I have to write them down then add them in. I'll try do the rest tomorrow, so don't delete me from your list. :heh:

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