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1 day to go!


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Yeah, but you're a southerner and therefore, foreign so your views on the English language are irrelevant! :p


I'm foreign?? I believe I'm closer to London than you, the English Capital :heh:

And although I live in Essex I'm not a chav, so do speak English, and not another language:heh:

Also If you live in the 'main' Bolton (of Manchester), then I think you're closer to Wales than I am to another country ;)

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Midnight launch for me (well my dad)! So techinically i'm getting it 2moro as i only have to sleep one more time! :bouncy:

lol thats a cool way to look at it actually. I guess thats the prob with online pre-orders, I don't know when the delivery will arrive. I'd be annoyed if it turns up very late 8th or even 9th... :weep:


but anyway, in theory less than 2 days to go...

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I have to do a truck load of maths homework to do for my maths tutor between now and Wii launch. I also have to go to my maths tutor on Friday night. However, I wont start playing Zelda until I get back as otherwise I wont go.

Any way I've got the weekend to play Zelda anyway. I've done a load of homework for next week already.

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I was gonna change the title to ZOMG TOMORROW NO WAI! but I managed to remain calm.


Although it's technically 1 day to go... I still have to go to sleep so it feels like it's two days argwq0.gif


I haven't really got that hyped about this console. I ordered late, I only want Zelda, I haven't been counting the days - and it's come really quickly :D Still, I will be annoyed if I don't get launch day delivery.

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Thursday night/wed morning is going to go soo slow, I won't be able to sleep. I am going to phone my game tomorrow and see if I can probably get it from them just before they close tomorrow :heh: won't work but no harm in trying :P

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Finaly got my wii today (aussie launch), wow is the system and remote small. i have only playied wii sports so far and it's fun even my dad came in to room to have a go (that has never happened).


btw it's very hard to get games in australia ebgames was sold out of all there games (even spongbob), i seen about 3 copies of zelda and redsteal and only one copy of call of duty 3 which i nabed (at kmart) systems are impossible to find if you didn't pre-order at least where i am.


some games didn't launch today there is no farcry, down hill jam, madden & marvel.

farcry has a n/a release date in the online store i checked and enouther has it removed, so it may have a faily large delay till the end of the month or till next year sometime.


if you didn't pre-order your wii in europe your going to have one hell of a time trying to find one and make sure you pre-order games!

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Guest Stefkov

Yeah im playing some tennis and bowling when i get mine tommorow morning.

Then zelda all night.


I cant wait!! Im so excited its unreal.

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I actually dont know how I would of coped if I wasnt in work (Makes time go quicker)


Although today = AAAHHHHHHH!


Its going really slowly. I cant pissing wait!


Its my last shift today til after Christmas, man its gonna be a killer having to wait til 10 tonight when its all over. I bet I dont sleep much tonight.

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Today is my final shift at work until the weekend off! :D


Yeah, I'm playing Wii Sports first. :) Still waiting for Gameplay to dispatch the package, but it's shown as "being picked" and I haven't had the e-mail of doom so it should be OK...


Only problem is finding a copy of Wii Play... wish me luck tomorrow. :p

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Today is my final shift at work until the weekend off! :D


Yeah, I'm playing Wii Sports first. :) Still waiting for Gameplay to dispatch the package, but it's shown as "being picked" and I haven't had the e-mail of doom so it should be OK...


Only problem is finding a copy of Wii Play... wish me luck tomorrow. :p


Wii: Play doesn't seem to be a problem getting, it's the extra remotes!


Good Luck btw! :hehe:

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