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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. This is definitely a good point. The New 3DS is so much better for the things you mention - faster download speeds, Miiverse, the stable 3D, load times etc. But for some people it seems it isn't enough. And I totally get that. I mean, if there's no games to play on the games console then why the hell would people buy into it?! I did because I loved all the things mentioned above. It's a huge upgrade. But I understand why people don't want to upgrade just for those reasons alone. nando - would anything entice you over? A new game announcement that only runs on the New 3DS maybe?!
  2. Further to some posts from Rummy and Hero-of-Time in the Wii U thread, and because I've pondered the thread topic a lot myself recently, I thought I'd create a new thread specifically to discuss the New 3DS, peoples expectations for it, wants and disappointments. I imported my 3DS from Australia and I love it. To me, it's the console the 3DS always should have been. However I've been really disappointed with the lack of any software being announced that takes advantage of the new system. Disappointed with the lack of any new software for the 3DS period. So it got me thinking about what I would like! The New 3DS has some serious power increase over the normal 3DS and it was clear to me from playing Smash Bros on both. The time it took for the normal 3DS to close the software was mind blowing! but the New 3DS closed it with time to spare! I didn't want to really get into why there is no support, or create theories based on articles or what not, more just get peoples impressions on the New 3DS and what they feel about the console a couple of months on. What they want to see, what they think should be there but isn't, what they'd want carried over to the next handheld from Nintendo and what needs banishing to the depths. For me, I think they need to get some more exclusive software going on. The DS had an absolute wealth of games that seemed to be coming out all the time. Not so with 3DS, unfortunately. I also feel like now they have the cover plates, they could really go to town with tying matching cover plates into releases (see Majora's Mask) as I think so many people would lap it up. I certainly would anyway! Love me some cover plates. Top of my list would be a Mario 3D Land sequel. That game was much better suited to the handheld iMO, even though I absolutely loved 3D World. Heck, I'd even take a 3D World port to take advantage of the extra handheld power! There's been a couple of games that would suit the 3DS that I'm still surprised we haven't seen. Captain Toad being one of them. I also think Splatoon could work well on the 3DS, especially seeing as the NFC technology is there to make use of amiibo which could do with being used across devices a little better. So what do you lot think? Happy with the New 3DS? Feel like you've bought into something and not had your money's worth? Or are you contempt with it and just waiting patiently for the games to come? Do you feel it's crying out for a big blockbuster game? Discuss below!
  3. Just been checking out the Virtual Console offerings. I love that Kirby Mouse Attack is on there! Man, I loved that game when I had it on my DS. This is making me feel old though. I was at college when I got that. Anywho. I checked out a video for Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards... man that game looks rough! Is it any good? I never did play it but the screenshots on the eShop and accompanying video didn't do much to convince me!
  4. Month bump. (As if no one's been talking about this more!) I started playing this and then I just haven't played anything for like a month due to having little time to game. I now have a whole 2 weeks off (always book Wimbledon fortnight off) and I shall now be tennis-ing and gaming til I can take no more! After getting frustrated (again) with Batman Arkham Knight earlier I turned to this to continue on. I so love it. It's such a different type of game that I found myself actually feeling rather relaxed playing it. Finished up world 2 and really enjoyed it. The tank level was fun and bonkers all at the same time (especially when there's loads of things to shoot on screen) and it kept making me titter how Kirby's tank mode made him look like Pingu.
  5. Ive put some more time into this now and I'm enjoying it a hell of a lot more. That first hour or 2 was not particularly enjoyable in the slightest but once I got through it I'm starting to like it a lot. And the jumps everyone has been going on about...! Shit myself twice so far. I like that they've added that in. It should keep you on edge, a game like this. I also think that this game (like the others) is doing a great job of making you feel like Batman. As in, the severity of the situation is very real and you're right in there going it alone. It feels almost like it's half film half game. Really impressive.
  6. Er - yeah. Duh! Haha. The thing is, I don't think anyone is looking for a 'nintendo circle jerk'. And it's not the reason people don't post. I think, as I said, it's more to do with the hostility of posts that we often see from people which a lot of people don't want to waste their time getting involved in. It's fine to discuss, but there's a fine line between discussing and voicing your opinion and just being rude. And that's not me saying 'it's you' btw, I mean generally. I've sat and shook my head in disbelief at some posts on here before and I'm not offended easily, but I imagine a lot of people don't want anything to do with it at all and not because they're just wanting this place to be a Nintendo haven. It's prob because they're better than that.
  7. Heh, I love how the big fat squishy Yoshi's stick out like a sore thumb. But in a good way! : peace:
  8. I am only posting as I got mentioned and I rarely post these days so as someone who isn't posting because the boards are in such a state, I thought I'd just give my views. I love Nintendo, and I love playing Nintendo games and love discussing them with other people who are playing too. Sadly, it's not possible to do that anymore because the threads are always always always derailed by the same group of people, spouting the same stuff all the time. I try to keep up with threads but sometimes I can read in the morning, have a full day at work and then 12 hours later click back onto it, and 3 pages have passed by. Is anyone talking about the actual game? No. Not really. Instead you have the same group of people - not meaning to call out or anything but I'm saying it as it is. You have Ronnie and Serebii who are huge Nintendo fans and, IMO, often post stuff that is great to read. They play everything that comes out (virtually) and always give their opinions on it - which is what everyone wants in a discussion group. However, sometimes their enthusiasm is taken too far and there's too much of a need to defend Nintendo and the decisions they are making. This isn't something you see from the likes of dcubed, RedShell, Hero-of-Time, Glen-i and many others who also play a shit tonne of games, post their opinions but are fully aware of the downfalls that come with being a Nintendo console owner and probably why they choose to game elsewhere. Like myself. Where I don't think Ronnie helps himself, is the constant talk of 'grey shooters' on the other consoles. It's just not true and I understand why other people feel the need to bite back at this because most of the issues here come about from comments made by him that are clearly snide and snarky and don't actually add anything at all. Having said all this, there is a presence of a certain few members where it seems to me, again - this is just my opinion, they love sticking the boot in and they thrive off the arguments. Sheikah and drahkon the main 2. Where ever there is a heated discussion, I feel like I can put money on the fact that they will be there. I kinda see it like Ronnie and Serebii are Mario and Luigi, defending the Mushroom Kingdom (Nintendo) and Sheikah and drahkon are Wario and Waluigi (wanting to destroy) It's not that dramatic really guys, but hopefully you can see what I'm saying. Is the ignore feature even being used here? It's just if I was disagreeing with someone so much I would be doing my best to avoid talking to them as it can't be enjoyable to be embroiled in drama all the time, surely? I often have no problem with what is being discussed when these arguments take place, but there's just a complete lack of anyone understanding how to talk to each other. Some people are just so condescending and often need to be told about they way they're talking to people. None of us (to my knowledge) are children, but it is often so childish and the thirst for people wanting to get the upper hand on others is frankly, ridiculous. I feel like this forum has lost a number of great posters who seemed to always be around but you don't see much of anymore. And I don't think it's because 'they've moved off as Nintendo don't cater to them' - those people are all still here. And they all make that opinion known. Nothing wrong with that, but the PS4 has nothing I want for a while, nor has it had but I don't feel the need to go in there and express this once a week just in case people have forgot. i just move to something else. Ike, -dem0-, Mokong, tapedeck, even Zechs I don't feel post much anymore and it's a shame! There could be other reasons as to why but it seems their presence doesn't feature much. Either that or it's getting lost in the arguments. I've waffled. I don't mean to single people out here as I'm sure we've all been responsible for a post that's caused someone some frustration somewhere - myself included. I can't really offer a solution to move forward because it seems to me like it's out of our hands. I think its up to the mods to decide what to do and see if there's a recurring feature from all these posts and address that head on. Until that happens, my visits and posts here will remain low (I'm sure no ones arsed ). Or until we get voice chat. Then Kav might stop fucking moaning every page too and calm will be restored. Slightly.
  9. Been playing this today. First thoughts really are that I'm playing Grand Theft Batman. Bat mobile is not my thing at all tbh. Kinda agree with Dog-amoto in that it's so big you can hardly appreciate the detail. That's kinda how I feel anyway. Will sink some more time into it and hopefully I'll enjoy it the more I play.
  10. I think you should bring it forward.
  11. Not sure if posted somewhere else or anything but seen this on Facebook and thought I'd post it. I don't know anyone looking to pick one up on here but it's a bloody good price for all that.
  12. Has anyone had theirs delivered yet? Any very early thoughts? Might pick it up after work today.
  13. I didn't know they were including a free download of Yoshi Touch n Go for a digital download. Pretty good. Though I guess they need to try and entice some people with a digital copy seeing as one of the boxed versions comes with that amiibo!
  14. Just Yoshi and Mario Tennis for me. For me, it's such a disappointing line up. I'm so glad I game elsewhere as Nintendo just don't have enough to keep me entertained, unfortunately. Thankfully, they make games that are so good, they generally entertain me more than what else is available when I'm playing them. But I don't think Yoshi or Mario Tennis will quite reach the heights of some of the other Nintendo games seen on Wii U so far.
  15. I didn't watch it as I was working, but kept refreshing the main Nintendo thread page awaiting the new game topics to be created. I was all as nothing was being added. Now I see why... What a shame. Seems like it isn't even worth watching back. The Wii U has been my least favourite Nintendo home console of all time. And it doesn't look like it's going to get much better either. Thankfully I still love the 3DS, but even that didn't have a lot that looked like must haves to me. Still, at least the people who love slating Nintendo will be happy. It'll be a refreshing change from no voice chat.
  16. Word. I've been playing Mario Tennis on 3DS again recently and I hate the stupid damn special shots. If they can be turned off then all is forgiven. But I'm not holding my breath...
  17. 5pm?! I don't get in until like 5:40pm. I'll have prob missed it all by then. I just want something for 3ds. I mean christ, I haven't bought a new release for that since Pokemon Sapphire.
  18. Are people still playing the 3DS version of this? Or is everyone just exclusively playing Wii U? I loved the demo for 3DS but dunno how I'd feel about it over the Wii U.
  19. Did you really have to do that?! Damn you! I had never heard of it until then and now, my heart aches too. I would pay thousands.
  20. Sorry for delay in replying Rummy. Yeah I do think I'd enjoy it but I probably wouldn't play much of it online which is why I was (and am) still a bit on the fence. I just don't get the time to invest in it really which is why I haven't bit the bullet so far. But the fact it's a shortish game with a decentish single player is appealing, especially with them potentially adding stuff as time goes by. But it's nice reading everyones positive comments. Well, mostly positive , and that's tempting me. I have a £20 Argos gift voucher so think I may pick it up from there and put that towards it, but I have a few other games on my radar I could use that for so am just weighing up which I'd prefer at the min!
  21. I'm still so on the fence at this. RedShell's recent vids though in the previous page with him impressions has me salivating slightly though and it keeps coming onto my radar! I'm having a gaming lull at the minute though. Not playing anything and not in much of a mood to. I get like this at times! i need something to excite me again and this looks like it could be it! I have a day off today, I should just go and buy it shouldn't I?
  22. Loving that collection Mike. Looks brilliant displayed like that. I have never 'got' amiibo. And I'm kinda glad seeing how much of a nightmare it's been for some people getting certain figures.
  23. Yeah he said £500 max and then ended up saying today he didn't want to spend over £300 after I checked out the Surface and was like buy one of theeeeeeese! But he was majorly indecisive! It's tricky really as a lot of sub £300 laptops are complete shite. Like the screens are terrible, the build quality is terrible and you either pay for a tiny notebook with rubbish specs or an old school massive 15 inch laptop that's like having a concrete slab on your knee. I'm also not sure on the touch screen laptops. The Surface, yes, because it is a tablet / laptop hybrid and it seemed to work from the brief go I had, but actual laptops - nah! I'm glad it's not me making the decision. Although if it was me I'd have been home by late morning clutching my new Surface 3 eager to set it up! I'll have a word with him ha.
  24. @Nolan - he still hasn't decided but wants something like £300 and under so the Surface is out of the question. However. I looked at one of them today. Brilliant piece of tech! I really loved it! Wasn't massive on the keyboard to be honest, felt like the overall quality of it could be slightly better, but it was decent enough. Screen is nice and crisp on it and the touch screen OS works better than I thought it would tbh. Plus, the pen comes in very handy when you need to click links that are a little small and a finger is just a bit too big. I was thoroughly impressed with it and ended up standing messing about with one for 15 minutes whilst he wandered off elsewhere!
  25. Unsure on no pro controller. I know nothing of the game sorry. Why game pad only?
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