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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. It isn't actually a chimeny - it's just a raised vent on the top of the roof slightly bigger than a normal brick with a grid on it. The holes are big enough in the vent for a bee, but that's about it. Haven't heard any bees in the wall as of yet, nor had an in (fingers crossed it stays that way!) so I'm guessing that now the weather is nicer they have gone.
  2. Turns out the bees didn't need killing or moving (so it would seem at the minute). We've ripped the gas fire out and had it disconnected and the hole(s) in the wall have been boarded up and skimmed. That was always the plan as we're having a new electric fireplace so that'll replace it. We've not heard any, or had any since and we don't think there was a nest there in the first place as it was just the odd one. From what we think, there were just a few that had been hibernating possibly whilst it has been warmer, then cold again and then trying to get out. A bee keeper came out and said to check the entrances they could get in (he identified 2) and when it really gets warmer see if there is any activity there (which there would be if it was a nest). So it's a wait and see type thing but so far seems ok. Given us the push to decorate the living room this weekend now anyway, new sofa arriving end of the week so just need to get furniture (sideboard, new fire, chair etc) and then get it done.
  3. Turns out BT was least of our worries... On Sunday morning I was lay in bed trying to lie in, and could hear a buzzing like a bee or something, but it sounded like it was coming from the wall. On Monday I got in from work and shit myself when I went to put my keys on the windowsill in the living room and a massive bee was sat on it looking at me. Now anyone who knows me, knows my biggest phobia is bees and wasps. Whilst I'm aware bees are cool with what they do and we need em etc, they still scare me! I found it odd we had a bee, as we haven't had windows open at all yet. Nor have we had the back / front door open for long enough to not notice one coming in. Today, my boyf has been off sick and text me saying he shit himself as he went to draw the curtains in living room to block the low sun and there was a bee crawling up the curtain. I got home from work and made tea, was in kitchen and a huge bee starts flying round the living room. That's when we knew something wasn't right. 2 more have since flown out from the fire, - previous owners had a gas fire which we're ripping out, meant to be this weekend, and they're seemingly in that wall which correlates to the sound I heard Sunday. So we've gone back to parents for tonight. I'm so sad. No idea what to do either? Council? Specific bee people?
  4. Yeah, if I could, I'd be all over Virgin. Wait, that sounds wrong. But ya get me. But it just isn't offered for my area. Which is annoying, as a woman at work who lives like 20 minutes away has it. An update to my BT saga though... I called on Tuesday and went through the whole thing again with them. They said the line wasn't showing any faults. They did some line tests at home and they came back clear, so they escalated to a different team who would call us back later Tues or Weds. I was off yesterday and in the morning, I got an email and text saying my broadband services were on and good to go. Weird, I thought, as at the exact same time they called my partner who was also in the house and told him that they still didn't know why it wasn't working and somene would be in touch Friday with an update. So I just chanced it. Turned it on, light went from green to blue (as it always did), then to orange then BACK TO BLUE! Works a charm. BT still think it's not working, morons. Gonna ring today to get me some compo. Speeds seem good. I'm on the 40mbps tariff and my speed was 35mbps yest with upload of 4.4mbps which is much much better than the SKY broadband I had at my mum's. So I'm happy it's working.
  5. Thanks Ashley! Yeah that seems like a bloody life time ago now! It's funny how quickly your life can change and things just fall into place. Apart from BT. That doesn't fall into place, seemingly.
  6. Moved in with my boyf last month. Been in the house now for about 3 weeks and it's brilliant. My Bad Stuff then... Well, we knew we needed broadband so he left me with that task seeing as he really couldn't care less about technology or TV or any of that jazz. So I ended up settling on BT as we had BT for years at my mum's (before she switched it to Sky a couple of years ago) and it always performed better and was more reliable than SKY's broadband was for us. Also, we wanted some form of TV box, but SKY was just too expensive when BT's TV package was virtually half the price, and included 20 entertainment channels, HD at that, AND BT Sport, which is a big win for me with their tennis coverage. Add to that a £100 mastercard for signing up (for house goodies) and me sealing the deal through a work Rewards Program which saw me bag a £100 Next Voucher just for ordering through work, and it was a very attractive prospect. £34.99 a month for super fast infinity broadband, the TV package and a phone line, plus the vouchers mentioned above. Great. Or not. Ordered on the 8th March (before we got keys to our house) for someone to come and fit the stuff on the 31st. On the 31st an engineer came out and was a complete arse hole. Really unhelpful, stand off-ish and generally just a difficult person to speak to. He came in, messed about outside and then said he was going to the cabinet to connect the line. He disappeared, came back half an hour later and then packed his stuff up outside and got in his van to drive off. So I went out and stopped him and asked what the deal was. What was going on with my broadband / TV and when my phone line was going to be moved. The phone line box was in the hall, and needed to be in the living room / front room / lounge (depending on what you say ). He just looked and said 'I aint doing that, I've got other jobs' and then proceeded to tell me the line wasn't connected due to a fault and I needed to call BT. So he left. I called BT who said that there was an error on my line and they were looking into it and people would be out doing it behind the scenes etc. Countless calls throughout the week later, they scheduled another engineer for last Thursday (a week after the first one) to do the house work. Move the line, fix the fault and sort it out. He arrived dead on 8am (appointment was 8-1) and he was great. Moved the line, connected it at the cabinet, but came back and said there was a fault on the line. And it was my end. So basically the underground line had an error and he'd spent 20 mins on phone organising someone to fix it. I asked where that left me with my internet and my TV Box / Infinity Router and he just said, "can't do anything with them til the line is fixed". So that was that. Later that day I nipped out, came back and an engineer was on my drive in his van. He said he was called out that morning to do the underground line that was faulty. At last, someone doing something in a quick and timely manner! He was there for an hour or so on next doors lawn, with his hand down a box in their garden ha, and he came back and said it was all done. Tested the line and it was nice and clean, and the fault was cleared. He then said it should all be done, seeing as 'I wasn't having fibre broadband'. But I am. I told him it was BT infinity and he then said it wasn't connected at the cabinet for fibre and never has been. Fuckin brilliant. So another call to BT later and they said thy didn't know why he'd said that, as the engineer should have completed. Fast forward a day, and get a call from them last Friday. Engineer has been out, set fibre on the line and it will all be good to go. She knew this was now a complaint which she was personally dealing with, due to all the trouble so far and the time it had taken plus the countless calls for updates etc. She said everything should be settled by Tuesday morning when my case would then be completed so they could then deal with my complaint and discuss compensation. Gets home from work all excited, tries the hub, nothing. Orange light and a solid red 'B'. Calls BT. An hour on hold they say they don't know why the lady that called me earlier said it would work when I got in from work as it can be up to midnight to go on. So basically, don't bother us now call us in the morning when we will be able to look at it if it isn't working. So then comes Saturday morning. Plugs hub in, turns it on and waits. Orange light red 'B'. Calls BT. Another hour on hold. On mobiles this is - each time, as we have no landline phone yet. They say, they don't know why I've been told that this is working as Open Reach haven't turned my braodband on yet. That takes 48 hours but they don't work weekends so you won't get anywhere today. Try again Tuesday and if no joy ring us back. Profusely apologising for how long this has gone on, the misinformation from every person. Yadda yadda. Fast forward to today. Tried the home hub. Orange light, red 'B'. Rings BT. Guy tells me that everything should be working. Probably a fault at my end like it not being plugged in properly. Told him that is not the case and he said 'well I can organise an engineer to come out and check which will be £129.99'. Nearly died tbf. So I politely declined and gave a gentle reminder of what I had been dealing with so far and he then backtracked and gave me the number of the repair team. Called them, they did some line tests with my boyf who was home and then called me back. Now they have no idea what is wrong. Our line is perfect, the broadband is switched on and fibre is connected, but they don't know why it isn't working. So now they've escalated to another team higher up who will call me tomorrow with an update. FML. It has been joke from start to now. I won't say finish as we're no where near that yet. Apologies for the long post, but I guess it helps me as I can refer back to it for an event time line when I do my letter of complaint! Never known anything like it. I just want broadband what is so difficult! You always hear horror stories of BT and SKY and even a woman at work went with Virgin last year and got royally fucked around, but I never expected such poor service. If I hadn't been continually chasing and giving them information from the engineers, then I have no idea where we'd be. So that's my bad stuff. First world problems with no broadband (although it's not the lack of internet that's bothering me tbh, it's just BT) but their incompetence is alarming!
  7. I preferred the first one to. But only because it felt a little more like the older games, and Jill was in it. :p This game is good in its own right though. It's definitely got a lot of depth to it and replay-ability due to the collection of BP to unlock perks etc. I also like how there are medals in each chapter to collect which requires multiple play throughs, along with the usual RE invisible modes etc. Plus it's worth playing just for Claire and Moira's final chapter, which I absolutely love.
  8. Finished this the other night. Enjoyed it as much as I did the first time. Although I did get the same ending as my xbox playthrough, even though I'm pretty sure I chose to end a chapter differently which affects the story? Ah well. Now to try and platinum! @Hero\-of\-Time - did I see you were playing this yesterday?!
  9. After moaning inthe RE Zero thread that I was done with Resident Evil for a while... this happened. I wanted to play it again and the temptation got the better of me when I was in town earlier. Expect more bitching about multiple play throughs and me kicking off about how unfair the game is as I work through it ! Also, @Hero\-of\-Time, I downloaded the theme. Amazing! That one will probably stay on for a while!
  10. That sounds amazing! I am absolutely downloading that! Thanks for the heads up!
  11. Platinum GET. At. Fucking. Last. I don't ever wanna see this game ever again until the next remake of it Loved it though. Really good game and I am pretty chuffed I managed to platinum it as I was close to throwing the towel in many times. It wasn't a difficult platinum, but it was a bit annoying to have to replay the game over and over again. It's good in that it allows you to get to know the game, so later play throughs are much quicker, but it still grates. Anyway, all done. Can't even with Resident Evil, so this is going back on the shelf whilst I play something else. I have noticed Revelations 2 is cheap now, so might have to dip back into RE sooner than I thought I would... As I enjoyed that game and wouldn't mind playing through it again.
  12. I am so excited. I love this series. When is it out, do we know yet? When I bought my PS4 last week, I got really excited as there was shelf behind the counter with a row of what looked like, this game on. I asked if that was actually out but the lad said no, just for show. Dreams dashed.
  13. Moving in date confirmed for 2 weeks today! Sofa ordered at the weekend. And I sorted my TV package out and got a great deal (or, I think it is!) BT fibre optic broadband, BT YouView TV box to record live TV, rewind etc with all your freeview channels, all BT Sport channels (which is great for me and the tennis), 27 extra entertainment channels in HD (including Eurosport 1 & 2 in HD), a phone line, and a £100 master card for £35.49 a month. Added to that, I did it through a staff rewards link which rewards you for shopping, and they had a deal on for 9000 wow points (their version of currency) if you took out a TV package with BT / SKY / Virgin. So I got 9000 wow ponts too which is £90 in our money. Absolutely chuffed. Just hoping BT is good, but it canot be worse than our SKY internet which is absolute garbage and cuts out if my sister connects her laptop. Which is nightly. And very frustrating. But yay for house-ness.
  14. Thanks H-o-T! I managed to do a no save run which I was pleased about. I'm currently going through Wesker mode as it's automatically set to easy, and I'm going to nab all of the health achievements (for not using any), but it's easier said than done! Thankfully, with me S ranking my last playthrough, I've unlocked unlimited ammo rocket launcher which will hopefully make things easier! : peace: Carrying on with that today on my Vita, so once done with that just need to do leach hunter, then a mop up and should be done! I say it like it'll be a walk in the park!
  15. So I've had my PS4 / Vita for almost a week now and there's a couple of things I've been pretty chuffed with. I downloaded the PS App and messages app the other day. When I was playing RE: 0 last night, I got a message and didn't want to stop playing and reply from my PS4 (was doing a speed / no save run), so when I encountered a door opening scene (the many you get with RE games ) I was using my phone to check the message and quickly send a reply. Find it to be such a good feature. I believe that the PS app used to let you message directly from that app up until a few weeks ago, when they introduced the messages app - which people on the Play Store were bitching about in the reviews - but I like it! I was playing my Vita on Sunday (remote play from my PS4 which was upstairs), and noticed that the Vita was continuing to tell me when friends come online, even though I was playing my PS4 through it. Really neat little touches. I'm well impressed with the way everything is integrated. And it's nice that you can choose how much, or little you want of that. A guy I sit with in work has a day off for The Division today, so it's pretty cool I can check my phone to see if he's online, and then send a message to ask how he's finding it. With the upcoming remote play from PC / MAC, I couldn't really ask for much more from it at the moment. My gaming time isn't as high as it used to be, but there's a couple of games released a while ago I want to pick up on the cheap which will tide me over nicely for the next few months. Add in the PS Plus games which from what I've read, generally give you some decent play experiences, and my Vita which has its own set of games I'm eyeing up, and I'm set. Now I just want me a Crystal controller.
  16. I loved this game when I played it last year. And I noticed that you can get it on Vita too, so I think I'm going to get it again on there and play through it. It was such an enjoyable story. Looking forward to going through it again.
  17. Currently fuming. Completed Hard mode on my PS4 version first off and then last night spent nearly 3 hours completing Leach Hunter mode (which is also on hard mode, as it goes off your save file). Almost gave up a few times, but somehow got through it. Feeling pleased with myself, I loaded my save file this morning to do leach hunter again (trophy for just collecting 50 of one colour leach and then leaving the mansion) but I quit out straight away as I didn't get the right set up for the run I wanted (there's 2 different ones which affect item placement which depend on the herbs you get on the mansion floor). But the stupid game always wants to save when you quite leach hunter (despite me not actually playing it), and I accidentally selected to save and did it over my hard play through save file. So the game then doesn't recognise a completed save. I wanted to cry. Thankfully, the save of leach hunter seemingly didn't erase over the file, presumably because I didn't actually do anything on leach hunter and just quit out. So I went through on hard again, to try and do a no save run. With unlimited magnum, it isn't to bad, but hard mode is very difficult and bits are tricky. Guess where I died? The final boss. Absolutely devoed. Really can't cope going through it again. I can feel my patience running out with this game, but I didn't complete it fully on my One due to trading in before I managed it, so I really want to on this. But damn!!
  18. Hmm I'll have a look. It could be that there is no control mapped like you say. I just know that those back ahoulder buttons are used so thought they'd be mirrored there. I'll try your advice, thanks! I really like Remote Play. Works exactly like I want it too. It helps that the Vita has its own selection of games to play too which I never got round to previously. I also love the slim model. Screen not as good as the original but it is easier to hold and a little more comfortable over longer periods.
  19. So my Vita arrived and I have been using remote play all night - and I absolutely love it. Resident Evil looks great on the Vita screen and controls great too. The only query I have, is the touch pad buttons. They are to used in RE:Zero to get the map to change to different areas but I can't activate it at all? Is there a way to touch the touch pad to register it? I have tried everything! The touch pad on the front is mapped to the screen, and works perfectly but cannot get the rear touch pad controls to work?
  20. Say WHUT. I already own a N3DS - but I'd buy ANOTHER one to have this beauty. What's wrong wit chu?! : peace: The N3DS is everything the 3DS should have originally been. I love mine.
  21. I wasn't that excited by what was shown on the Direct tbh. I'm so fed up of RPGS. It seems like there's always always always a Japanese RPG in these directs. Bore off! Though I appreciate some lap that type of game up. Star Fox looked the best it has looked yet, and I liked the dual game pack offer. Paper Mario not really for me - not been a fan of the recent games, but nice to see it has made its way onto Wii U. It really feels like it has been pretty barren in terms of releases for both Wii U and 3DS recently. For my gaming needs anyway. There hasn't been anything that I've been desperate to get my hands on from Nintendo since Mario Kart, and that feels like an age ago now. I'm definitely looking forward to their next generation anyway.
  22. Hmm maybe it can charge through PS4? I'd test it, but it got delivered to a neighbour today and they've been home from work (whilst we've all been home) and haven't dropped it off, nor did they answer the door when we knocked and they were in. As an aside note, I bought that house in January and move in this month (hopefully), so I might just break in as technically it's my house haha.
  23. His n her gaming. Cute! I'd love it if my partner gamed, but he has zero interest in it. Even Mario. And Lego games. The perfect co-op experiences! I sometimes question our relationship I jest. In other news, my Vita is arriving today but I just had a thought... there will be no UK plug? I guess it just comes with the power brick? May have to try and buy one tonight.
  24. Yeah I'm gonna pick it up. I've played 1 and 2, liked them both. But have no real desire to play them 2 again, (1 more so. That last section... : ) it's more for 3 which I never got round to. But I'll prob end up giving them a bash after Resident Evil.
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