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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Ridiculous. Thanks for the heads up anyway.
  2. Is there anyway to rename Pokemon you've got from an in-game trade. Can't believe they're still making you stick with the stupid nickname. I HATE pokemon being called anything other than its name so want to get that changed ASAP!
  3. I've had a little play. Really enjoyable. Not sure why people are moaning about paying for it, there seems to be a hell of a lot of content and a lot of replay-ability which is good. Also for a mobile game it feels extremely polished. Looking forward to playing more
  4. When is this actually available. Still can't download it just getting the 'notify me' button. Want me some action.
  5. Bloody hell. Ordered the Smyths amiibo at ten to 9 last night and they arrived today. Standard free 3-5 days shipping and they came today!! Crazy good. Just focusing on the Super Mario ones to begin with as I prefer them to the Smash ones. The addiction is real though.
  6. FOR GODS SAKES GUY!!! WHY YOU TELL ME THIS?! Edit: Also bought 6...
  7. This has really picked up for me now and I'm starting to enjoy it a lot more. But this stupid bitch in the white outfit and 'Nebby' is really getting on my nerves. Legit so annoying. That aside it's delicious.
  8. I haven't played loads of this, about 3 hours in. So far I'm a bit let down. I know people were calling out for a change in the format, so the removal of gyms has been welcome for a lot, but I'm kinda missing the tried and tested formula. It feels like I'm wandering aimlessly at the minute and without the gym badges it feels like there isn't much of a purpose. I might feel better once I have done the trial things but I'm a little confused as to whether or not I've even done one as the 'story' and gameplay doesn't quite flow as well as I'd have expected. At the moment, there's also too much stop start. There's some grass for catching Pokemon but then you walk out of it and you're embroiled in what seems like endless chat with characters for 5 minutes. It's a bit jarring at the moment. Hopefully it picks up, 3 hours is nothing on a Pokemon game so this won't put me off. I guess I compare everything to Black and White now (not B&W 2, *shudder*) due to how sublime that game was.
  9. I know people have tried in the past and had no success but I might give them a call and see what they say. Like you say surely worth a shot.
  10. I picked up a Wii U today. Hoping for a Black Friday deal but alas, there were none so had to settle for an Argos bundle. Usual problem of the NNID no longer being valid as still linked to my last console which went ages ago. Sold everything when my partner and I bought our house and decided to pick one up again so we could play some games together, mainly Mario, and so I could get into the games I never played on the system. Splatoon Captain Toad Star Fox Paper Mario Yoshi Wooly DK Tropical Freeze Super Mario Maker Shantae Mario Party 10 To name but a few. I know the Wii U is almost dead and buried but I created a new NNID and went ahead and added loads of people with my new ID - Aneres01 Feel free to accept me if ever you turn these old decrepit devices on these days. :P If anyone needs me I'll be having the time of my life with Mario Kart all over again!
  11. I can't believe the amount of people that nickname their Pokemon...! I've never done it. Mprobsbly to do with the fact that back on the glory days of Pokemon Stadium, a nickname would change the colour of your Pokemon from R/B/Y, which never sat well with me! Didn't get chance to play anymore of this last night but loved what I did play on Tuesday. Started with Popplio
  12. Yeah I've had them before, the steel box just always seems to get lashed somewhere by me. It turned up anyway!
  13. I opted against the steel book. Never sits well on the shelf next to the other games . Watch the normal version not turn up for me. :P
  14. Any ShopTo'ers got delivery ?!
  15. Alllllso got Moon ShopTo dispatch. Cannot waiiiit. I haven't gamed in months now I'm working 2 jobs (urgh) but this will be a welcome evening relax for me which is much needed! Only problem is, I can't find my bloody 3DS charger.
  16. Sorry to bump this thread but the game has piqued my interest and looks like a good co-op Christmas game to play during time off. What is it actually like? And do you need all of the figurines in order to play all of the modes or are they not necessary? There's some franchises that I have zero interest in with it (Dr. Who etc), so will this affect me enjoying the game? Also, is it a lot of Lego? Like will I need space for it all? Thanks!
  17. Got ma first amiibo! I love it. But now I want more...
  18. Blimey. Personally I'll prob end up getting the Switch version even though I'll likely be done and dusted with Moon by then. It's great for those people who want to play it but don't want to buy a 3ds just to play that one game. Am I going to miss out on this great game now just because Nintendo might add more content to it for the switch version next year? Hell no. Seems ludicrous to me but each to their own.
  19. Well now... My day off! : peace: Best news ever! Shows the attention I've been paying...
  20. I'm guessing release is before Friday in this case?
  21. I am really excited for Sun / Moon. I've kept myself away from any news / leaks / discussion so had no idea they'd done away with the traditional Gym Leaders until I read a review, which I think is a bold move. But I love that Gen I are getting some representation, albeit in a different form but I find that really exciting. Here for that icy Sandslash! Can't wait for next week just need to decide where to order it from. Might just go into town on my lunch next Friday though and pick it up from GAME.
  22. I haven't posted here for aaaaages but it seems like this NX Thread has been here forever. They need to just announce the fuckin thing already.
  23. You knock me sick @Guy I caught a Magikarp... and seen that it needs 400 candy to evolve. Some kind of sick joke?!
  24. This has majorly annoyed me today. First time I was out in a town where there were loads of pokestops and 'mon and all it did was glitch, freeze and not load up. Having said that, I had a lovely time out anyway! But it would have been good if this actually worked some time...!
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