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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. You lost me on the last sentence. I only just turned it on Glen-i!! Ha. I'm looking forward to trying Lucas. Never really liked him before but we'll see. Glad I finally bought this though. Was really in the mood to play it and have had a blast this evening on it.
  2. Thanks! Getting to grips with it now. Loving trying out all of the characters. Sonic feels much better this game, bit tighter I think. Shulk is really good and sword wielding characters are not normally for me. Like Palutena. Ness is still incredible. Need to try and unlock some!
  3. Thanks @Ike I may look into getting one of these them. It's all a bit pricey for one bloody game! Also, anyone know why Classic and All Star mode wouldn't let me play with the pro controller? It only worked with gamepad? Couldn't see anywhere to change it?
  4. Ha well not yet. Let's say I have early symptoms...
  5. So I've got this now - what do people use controller wise? Because I'm having a terrible time here trying to settle on something. In GAME tonight where I got this from they had the GC Smash controller on sale for £20 which I picked up to buy before realising I need the adaptor for the GC ports too which wasn't anywhere to be seen and I remember being a bit like gold dust? I literally cannot deal getting the bloody Wii mote and nunchuck out just for this game and finding batteries and what not for it, but that's the only set up I can work with as the pro controller isn't doing it for me.
  6. Yeah I love them in their packaging! I'd want to do that too but I just do not have that kind of money to start buying 2 of the bloody things what with all of other lifes necessities and what not haha. I may pick one up tomorrow!
  7. Cool well it has just completed and now I'm sat here trying to sort a controller out. I can't do tomorrow night unfortunately but Wednesday should be ok! I'll be there at 8!
  8. Seriously I am stupidly tempted. I really like some of them but I'm a bit OCD and would want them all then. Typical too that the one I'd buy in a heartbeat is the one that's like gold dust. (NESS).
  9. Yeah the Dr. Mario one looks sweet too tbh. It's bad but I feel the urge to collect them all now Though I know that is probably impossible as the majority of them aren't readily available at a decent price.
  10. I just got back from GAME about an hour or so ago (picked up Smash Bro for Wii U) and whilst I was there I was perusing the amiibo stand. They had a good number of amiibo figures on display. Off top of my head they had Link, Samus, Peach, Pikachu, Kirby, Little Mac, Jigglypuff, Dark Pit, Charizard, Palutena, Ganandorf, King DeDeDe, Wario, Ike, Luigi, Zelda and Bowser. And I think that's it. I was impressed by some (Palutena was fucking incredible detail wise) and some looked complete shit - Charizard. No detail what so ever on it which was disappointing. I really really wanted to buy the Palutena one coz of how good it looked but didn't end up taking the plunge. I can't get over how big some of them are either I never expected them to be so chunky! Kirby in particular! I can see how some of you are wanting them all. They're very cool I think!
  11. Thanks @Sprout! I've only actually returned from purchasing it an hour ago! Meant to go into town this morning and never got round to it so now I'm just doing the update and all that jazz! Will hopefully get some time to come online with it too!
  12. Just to say I intend to buy this game tomorrow and I will be up for some online goodness if you guys wanna @ me or whatever if you're looking to organise matches. I'll be very... VERY rusty, but once I've unlocked Ness i'm there when I can be!
  13. That was more like it. Urgh, I need to buy Smash Bros don't I? I might nip into town tomorrow morning before my dentist appointment (ugh, dentist ha) and pick it up. I've got such an urge to play it and will definitely get online with it if people are still playing it online? I've just realised this is the amiibo thread and not the Smash one ha, sorry for thread hijacking people! On the thread topic - I just saw the Dr. Mario amiibo that's due out. I absolutely love it! I'd definitely buy that.
  14. Checked this out before - looks really good! Particularly enjoyed the 'What Games Are You Playing This Weekend' section. Hell of a lot of genres going on there! I had to disagree (slightly) with the Arkham game rankings though. I'd put City above Arkham Knight if it were me dat bat mobile. But a good read! Will visit again!
  15. Ahhh ok thanks. Unsure how I feel about that...!
  16. Where the bloody hell did the Pit get the baseball bat from? No one stood a chance against that! Confused!
  17. I bought this game when it first came out and I absolutely loved it. I was also pretty good at it (I thought lol) but it was very tricky to grasp with motion controls. The problem you've got (offline) is that you can hit the ball incredibly well if you use a Wii Remote without motion plus, but you'll never ever win a point from the baseline because you can't get any movement / angle on the ball. You do always get a clean hit though. Put motion plus in though and you are free to hit wherever you want! But it isn't always perfect (like pretty much every motion plus game) but once you get the hang of it, it's so much fun! Let us know how you find it! And try and try it with and without motion plus see if you get the same results!
  18. Okay thanks! I have just been checking out some YouTube vids of amiibo support with Smash (the official Nintendo video is so bad its good ha) and I kinda get it now. The only thing I don't really like is that if I did buy an amiibo to do the training thing with it'd be Ness. But from having a quick search he's kinda impossible to find and extortionately priced everywhere. I think I'd enjoy the game without amiibo anyway, but I liked the idea of levelling it up and using it outside of just my Wii U.
  19. So can anyone explain to me the use of amiibo in this game? Lets say that I buy one (because I do actually want one) - what does it add to Smash? Anything? I could look it up but I'm sure you guys will give me the honest truth of whether it's worth it or not, so!
  20. Ahh that makes sense then. Well, if it adds a nice amount of time like that then I'll start chipping away!
  21. Well that was short and sweet! Think my play time ended up just over 5 hours for the story. Bear in mind I spread that over like a month but very short. Haven't got all the collectables, my play file is at like 80 something percent so I think I may go back and try and pick some of those up. I'm disappointed there isn't more after the story. Like a more difficult world to get stuck into. The challenges are good and I've worked through the ones that I've unlocked but it still seems fairly low on content particularly compared to Yoshi which I haven't yet played, but noticed a few of you uploading screens of all the worlds collectables and extra worlds after. This seems much smaller. I never really felt tested with the game either. A couple of the later worlds were more difficult than the first few but even that didn't cause me much concern. And that's not testament to my 'skills' haha more to the ease of getting through it unscathed. The final boss was the most difficult of it all. I also thought it was cheap to re-use the same bosses every other world! What's up with that?! Having said that, it was still very enjoyable. I'd recommend this to anyone, but I'd suggest waiting until it went down in price. If it ever does .
  22. I don't have any amiibo, but would like to maybe get some. I can just see it becoming an addiction though. Seems there's no point in just buying a few - you need to get them ALL! Do they even still do the non Smash ones? Those looked cool.
  23. Ask why the fuck they won't make Super Princess Peach 2 when there's at least (and most) 2 people that actually want it to happen. No in seriousness I have no questions. but some general wording about your findings would be sweet!
  24. Well I'm having way more fun with this than I first expected to! The first couple of worlds were great (and I've loved each boss battle) but the later worlds are starting to get a little more tricky and I'm enjoying that. You couldn't really do much wrong in worlds 1-3 as Kirby never really went anywhere he just landed on the ground if you mistimed the drawing of the rope. It almost felt pointless having the drawing function as half the time I wanted to reach for the buttons / stick to just make Kirby run / jump like normal Now though, he's in the skyyyyy! So I'm finding myself having to pay more attention to stop him from hurtling to his death... which has happened a few times. Poor guy. I also love the sections where you go into a room with like 15 seconds on the clock to get the treasure chests and not only do you have to work out what the bloody hell you need to do to get it, you have to do it against the clock! I'm not normally one for collectables but this seems like it'd be pretty fun / challenging in a good way so I may look into it after I've completed the story. Also, I kinda love the sound effect after you tap a treasure chest at the end of the level so there's more inspiration haha. Onward! : peace:
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