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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/114/1143600p1.html Sorry if this is old news or already posted somewhere - couldn't find anything. It would appear that there is lots of speculation regarding Sony's second handheld system. The link posted seems to think we will see an official reveal on Thursday 27th January. So... thought I would gauge other peoples opinion on this. Anyone been expecting / looking forward to a new PSP console? What would you all like to see in a new Sony handheld? Also, according to the article there will reportedly be no UMD drive. Sony clearly not learning from the PSP Go... Discuss posters, discuss. :p
  2. Lol - perhaps so.. I can remember bits of it - was he flying?
  3. I struggled most with the octopus personally. The first Wizpig race was easy once i'd learned that letting go of the accelerator button over boost strips gave you a massive launch forward. Also i always used Drumstick for that part. I vaguely remember another Wizpig race but its not clear in my mind...
  4. Marvelous. Swipes.
  5. Lol - takes my cookie. I disagree with the 'camp' thing. I loved both games. And Mario Kart was one of my favourite games on the N64. But Diddy offered something totally different - it wasn't just a cash in making it look similar to Mario Kart. But if I had to pick one i will admit that DKR would always get my vote. Can I have another cookie?
  6. I have never played a Pilotwings game before either. But this looks great! :awesome:
  7. Agreed. : peace:
  8. No I don't i simply enjoy the game because i like the franchise. Its only my opinion that i think it will make it a little fresher to have brand new pokemon. If it was such a bad thing then the original games wouldn't have worked - and they did so i'm looking forward to it. :wink:
  9. That is total utter bullshit. My Starmie used to own your Pokemon - and then you copied and had your own. Mother Bitch!! And then i stole Exeggutor from you ...
  10. In agreement. Loved this game - and yes i will admit that i used Pipsy. Only coz she handled like a dream... i liked Conker too, but Pipsy just took corners really well. I played the DS version too, and also wasnt a massive fan. It was great to play the single player again, but there was a lot that was left out that i missed. I also agree that it was for me, better than MK64. In terms of single player its exactly how a racer should be done. Even to this day MK has never had an as engrossing 1p experience.
  11. Well they are, but that just means that yours will have to be better... And each Pokemon does not have the same move set - that decision lies with the 'trainer'. I for one am pretty confident my Pokemon will rule all
  12. Hmm i have to say that the fact you can only play as the new pokemon is the reason i am really excited about this game. Coz i have to say, running into wild geodude's and zubat's every time you enter a cave is getting very annoying now. Especially since they seem to be in every game since the original red and blue! New pokemon to learn about is always interesting i think. And you are not totally over faced with like 400 odd pokemon in one game. I think (for me), this will take me right back to the start when pokemon was new, exciting and fun to learn about. All the different names, evolutions, types, moves, strengths, weaknesses etc. I'm really excited! And i will also add that Serebii has been my pokemon website of choice for years. Brilliantly informative!
  13. Hello! It is a really nice controller. I am very tempted to get it out of the packaging but am resisting. Just about...
  14. Yeah that's the biggest problem with it. The survey is so annoying. In the end i just put 'other' to everything. I've not seen the statues yet. If someone gets one, or has one - post some pics!
  15. Have to say i am looking forward to this game but wtf with the US and EU collectors editions? The US collectors edition contains: * A copy of LittleBigPlanet 2 – duh. * Your own little “Sackboy†– 7†of plushie-goodness for you to accompany you on your journey thru LBP2. * Exclusive LBP2 “game ends†– keep your PS3 games in a tidy, organized and ‘Sack-ured†within these unique bookends * One stop shop for exclusive DLC + more – regarding in-game content, the LBP2 Collector’s Edition comes packed with 11 different pre-order costumes, including: o Disney / Pixar’s Toy Story 3’s “Aliens†Sackboy Costume o Disney’s TRON: Legacy “Clu†Sackboy Costume o The Muppets’ “The Great Gonzo†Sackboy Costume o PlayStation’s “Ratchet†Sackboy Costume o PlayStation’s “Clank†Sackboy Costume o Even More Animals’ “Crocodile†Sackboy Costume o Even More Animals’ “Vulture†Sackboy Costume o Even More Animals’ “Cobra†Sackboy Costume o Even More Animals’ “Mandrill†Sackboy Costume * And exclusive to the LittleBigPlanet 2’s Collectors Edition: o PlayStation’s “Jak†Sackboy Costume o PlayStation’s “Daxter†Sackboy Costume o 5 exclusive LBP2 PSN Avatars – Lastly, complete your PlayStation experience with a new identity on the PlayStation Network with these new avatars. I would post a link - but need to have 15 posts... The UK version on the other hand gets a steel tin case and this... * Disney / Pixar’s Toy Story 3′s “Alien†Costume * Disney’s TRON: Legacy “Clu†Costume * The Muppets’ “The Great Gonzo†Costume * Even More Animals’ “Crocodile†Costume * Even More Animals’ “Vulture†Costume * Even More Animals’ “Cobra†Costume * Even More Animals’ “Mandrill†Costume Wow. So America get a sackboy plush toy, a really detailed pair of book / game ends that look amazing, and a shed load of costumes. We get a tin case. And i read that this is a UK gaming company that make LBP?! What a load of complete crap. Sorry if this has already been posted - needed to vent the frustration.
  16. I plan to keep it as a sealed item. It wasnt sealed so i could get it out of the box, but it is secured in with the plastic around it so dont want to remove that. It is really cool though i love it. I think i like the box just as much as the actual controller too lol. I have no points left now though. The only way i managed to afford it was by keeping all my star cards in the hope something decent would appear! And then the controller came so i just managed to have enough. It helped that i have a DS obsession and have kept all my cards from all the consoles i had! Recently replaced my DSi XL brown for the limited Mario edition one which gave me 1000 points for both. Also got the red Mario Wii for Christmas which was another 1000. Some of my cards were out of date though which sucked Glad you like the controller!
  17. OK here goes with pics... [ATTACH]3465[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3466[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3467[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3468[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3469[/ATTACH] As i say i haven't done this before so hope you can see them.
  18. Cannot wait for these games to be released. I have been a fan since the original games, but I went a bit quiet during the Ruby/Sapphire days. Heart Gold & Soul Silver were amazing games imo. Just seen for those interested that shopto.net have the games available for pre-order at £26.86. Now to decide which to go for. Decisions decisions... (Would post URL's but it says i have to have more than 15 posts...) Sorry guys.
  19. My SNES Controller arrived yesterday Really like the look of it. If i can figure out how to put pictures up i will do so for anyone interested
  20. Also currently have a mixture: For the Wii: Goldeneye - On the last few levels of this. Hoping to have it completed tonight or tomorrow. Really enjoyed this game, just wish i had the gold controller edition but have managed to cope with the normal classic controller. Just about DKC - Not even removed the clear film from this yet. Was a Christmas gift but have other games i wanted to finish before i started. Looking forward to it though! NSMB - Had this for aaages. Got to world 7 a few months ago and stopped. So have started again and am on world 2. Dont know why i cant keep at this game? I enjoy playing it when i do, but it always seems to get shelved. Also currently re-playing Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition PS3 with a friend after completing it on the 360 last year. We cant get enough... Want Epic Mickey, Metroid Other M... but no money til pay day
  21. First post so this is a "hello" also. I spent one night a few weeks ago adding all of my point cards onto my account having done a previous load earlier in the year. Used that to buy 1000 points. Anyway the reason for my post is to say that this has been an interesting read - particularly with the length of time some people have had to wait to get there items. I have ordered the SNES Classic Controller as i just managed to get enough points to afford it. The email from Nintendo said that my item would be dispatched in 8 weeks! And if it isn't i have to email them to tell them! Pretty rubbish if you ask me. Be interesting to see if it arrives in the time allowance - id expect it to though! Will post pics once its arrived anyway for those who may want to see it. Anyone else have one of these controllers? Great forum btw!
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