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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Anytime. Yeah it is a bit confusing. I put Deino down and didn't know how to take back lol. Does anyone happen to have a Growlithe / Arcanine that they can trade me? Weird request I know, but if someone has one that'd be great.
  2. FC: 2322 5830 1907 I've also bred level 1 Deino's that know the move Dark Pulse. If you or anyone else is interested
  3. Subtle Ike, subtle Whenever you're ready. I am on now.
  4. It is yeah. Its the one part of Pokemon that I have never looked into as I always thought it was really confusing. But now I kind of understand it, you're correct in saying its really rewarding. Plus what's great is that I can now transfer these over to my black game (once I get my first gym badge?) and use my selected self-bred Pokemon for that!
  5. Thanks Eddage. I just managed to sort it. I had to use a heart scale in mistralton to make Scollipede learn Megahorn. Then I bred it with my Karrablast and got me a level 1 Karrablast with Megahorn Loving breeding! Will have another one if anyone wants it.
  6. That's brilliant thanks. This breeding is easier than I first thought. Just breeding 3 Pokemon to transfer at level 1 for when I start Black! Thanks. Another silly question - sorry guys! If you're breeding a Pokemon for a certain move - for instance I am trying to breed a Karrablast with a Scollipede to gain the move Megahorn. I guess the Scollipede father will have to know this move in order for the breeded Pokemon to learn it? Thanks again
  7. Ok, stupid breeding question: If I wanted to get me an egg containing a Heatmor, would I need to have a female Heatmor as well as a male Pokemon contained in the same 'group'? Its really confusing me but I think im making it more difficult than it needs to be. In order to breed a Pokemon you must have the Pokemon you want to breed in female form - is this correct?
  8. Possibly yeah. I thought the red looked great, be nice to see more colours sooner rather than later though. Not like the wii which only offered red and black years after its release.
  9. Slightly off topic from wishlists (though i do agree that the stupid lightning cloud must MUST go), but I have a sneaking suspicion we will see this game in a special bundle release with a red 3ds. Didn't they do that with Mario Kart and the original DS? I'd love to see that!
  10. I went into town today and got my first street pass! When i got home i unzipped the case and saw a green light! I was made up. Really nice little feature!
  11. Not even looked into this function of the 3ds at all yet. Going into town tomorrow so will take my 3ds for a little exploration! One question - do you just leave your 3ds on the main menu screen, with the system turned on and lid closed? Or do you physically need to go into the Mii Maker / Street Pass application then go off on your travels picking Mii's up?!
  12. Thanks Rez!! Cannot wait to start black now!! I had a shit load of Druddigon - they were meant to be rare in the area i was Audino raping but everytime i ran through the grass to find a shaking spot i would sometimes encounter one of those bad boys! So i just caught them everytime
  13. Sassy female everytime :p

  14. Cheers Rez! Friend Code: 2322 5830 1907 Want anything specific in return?
  15. I know but mine was already a really high level and didn't want to replace it. Although i'm about to start Black, so may take one off your hands if possible?
  16. Yes!! Rocky Helmet + Ferrothorn = WIN. Just wish mine had leech seed
  17. Unbelievable Pokemon. Ferrothorn has been my favourite new Pokemon. : peace: Slowly levelling mine up to battle the bitch from the last series (Cynthia?) He's currently level 80
  18. I always do this (particularly with my starter). I just let them learn their moves and then I evolve them. Though they wont be as powerful when they are their first evolution, when you do evolve them after they've learned all their moves they will be amazingly powerful! Just be careful in case your Pokemon learns some moves at their second or third evolution stage that they don't learn at their first. Shouldn't be a problem but always an idea to check first!
  19. Im not saying i condone it or anything, but it has been posted on a load of websites and I just wondered if others had seen it and whether it actually worked. And it does if anyone wanted to try it out
  20. Yes, yes they are. And why would anybody buy pre-owned from GAME when their pre-owned prices are the most laughable thing i've ever seen. They are a joke.
  21. Does this make your screens tiny? Coz i just tried it and the colours look no better and the screens are like GB Micro size.
  22. This was the link by the way from IGN which mentioned how to get Zorua without the legendaries etc. http://uk.cheats.ign.com/ob2/068/059/059687.html Cheat: How to get Zorua Easily, No Event or Celibi Needed In your Internet settings in the DS menu, keep everything the same as usual, but change your Primary DNS server setting to this address: You can leave the Secondary DNS setting alone. The DNS settings are a few tabs over when editing your Internet settings on the DSi. After this, be sure to save your settings (a test will occur as well). Enter the game and go to any Pokemon Center (you must have the ability to use the trading system on the upper level of the Pokemon Center, so you porbably need to be past the first Gym or so). Leave all but five Pokemon in your party so you have an empty slot for Zorua. Go to the upper levelof the Pokemon Center and Choose the girl on the far right to initiate a Global Wi-Fi Trade. Choose the setting called "GTS." You will automatically be taken to a screen where you recieve an egg. Quit out and check your party. Zorua should be in your sixth slot. Note: If Zorua remains an egg, you'll need to walk a bit with it in your party before it hatches.
  23. Did you get Celebi too? If so... http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/relocator.shtml
  24. What is this i'm reading about a Zorua cheat? Apparently he is obtainable without the Celebi / legendary dogs transfer thing. Simply change your DNS server settings in your DS menu, go to the global link and receive an egg. Voila. A level 10 Zorua. Dunno if someone had already posted or if this is indeed illegal and may result in my arrest by officer Jenny :p Ha. But yeah, for those who didn't get Celebi / shiny dogs use this route!
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