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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Jesus - you're looking forward to it then?
  2. My problem sometimes is that I don't know when to shut up / stop myself. As evidenced in my email to LAME below: Dear Customer, Thank you for preordering The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time from GAME.co.uk We hope you have enjoyed receiving your preorder and are currently braving the lands of Hyrule with Link. You may have noticed that your gold box art and poster were not delivered with your game. Have no fear, your preorder offer is on it's way and will be with you quicker than you can tackle the new Legendary Master Quest mode. Thank you very much for preordering from GAME.co.uk. GAME Customer Service Team My reply: "We hope you have enjoyed receiving your preorder and are currently braving the lands of Hyrule with Link." Erm - no actually I am not braving the lands of Hyrule with link as I haven't even received my game. Not only that, but your now telling me that when the game DOES arrive, I will not be receiving the gold box or poster which was the whole purpose of the pre-order with you in the first place! Frankly not good enough as a pre-order is supposed to be with you on the day of launch. Please advise the problem as you supposedly dispatched this on Tuesday. I know this isn't a carrier or Royal Mail issue as we have been receiving other post with no problem what so ever. Just to refer you to the below that was sent to me after I pre-ordered. "By using the GAME 1st To Play Preorder Service you have ensured that you will be among the first people to receive The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time 3D , and we are confident that you will be happy with the order, our service and our speedy delivery!" Many thanks. Probably unnecessary but after seeing Mike1988UK's response where they are blaming Royal Mail and the fact we didn't select the paid for postage really wound me up. Just admit when you're wrong LAME!
  3. See, I'm not buying that its a carrier issue. Becuase why has everyone who preordered from LAME not received their game? So its nothing to do with Royal Mail as far as i'm concerned - its GAME spinning bull shit. I am actually really really annoyed as the purpose of a preorder is to get this at LEAST on the day of launch. And loads of people are game-less coz of them.
  4. BTW, think you mentioned a few posts back about Morrisons and how much the game will be? In the paper today Morrisons were advertising OoT and it was 30 quid - just in case you thought it woulda been £25 like the 3ds games are currently. Might not make any difference to you but thought i'd post all the same.
  5. Have to say I am slightly concerned now in case my game doesn't turn up tomorrow. Its a bit crap if they have some sort of stock shortage or whatever and they haven't bothered to tell all of the people who have ordered. It does seem a little strange that the game hasn't arrived a day early? It always has for me when I have preordered with LAME in the past. Dont get me wrong, i'm not overly bothered it isn't here, but will be if its not here tomorrow as it really should be.
  6. This is just wank. Utter wank. I had to lol at this from one of my emails off LAME... "By using the GAME 1st To Play Preorder Service you have ensured that you will be among the first people to receive The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time 3D , and we are confident that you will be happy with the order, our service and our speedy delivery!" aaaahhhhahahahahahahaha.
  7. Another GAME pre-order-er with no game. Now i'm not too fussed as I am pleased I am adding to my points via preorder with GAME, but it makes me that I had a shopto preorder and then cancelled to go with GAME. AND some of you ordering from shopto got copies on Wednesday! More Ah well at least I know I have it to come home to tomorrow after work - will get me through the day I suppose!
  8. Ugh, the guy playing in that vid! He sucked ass.
  9. Think she getting quite a bit of stick here actually. I personally think she's brilliant. Teenage Dream is one of the best pop songs for a long long time. Simple but brilliant. The problem in my opinion is that she tends to release songs that are very radio friendly. Rightly so of course for sales and interest etc. But her albums do contain some much deeper tracks than just the sometimes sickly sweet pop she produces. Thinking of you is an example of this (which remains one of my favourite songs of hers), as well as the likes of Circle the Drain from Teenage Dream. I think she ticks most of the boxes for what a pop star should be. Great songs, looks good, involved in the writing and presentation of her music, and doesn't take herself too seriously. As evidenced in her new TGIF video - which is classic!
  10. DoA will only give a blue light if it has actually issued a notification - like today for instance as it was telling about the new costumes available to download, plus there was a throwdown challenge that could be completed. Normally DoA acts in the same way as mentioned above. I'm with you in that it was a bit confusing, but clearer now I think. Lol.
  11. I actually think that Nintendo's E3 was brilliant. The Wii U probably wasn't made clear enough that it was a new console, as the general feeling from some is that its just a new controller for the Wii lol. However, the fact that third parties are showing their support, and we have had confirmation that they're ticking the boxes that people bitched about with the Wii is big thumbs up. 3DS was just unbelievable with what was announced for this year alone. Yeah, some games we knew about but it was so great to see how strong the game library will probably become by year end after a not so brilliant launch line up. Microsoft - no interest as their Kinect games are not going to be something I buy, nor is Kinect itself. Sony - As others mentioned it is stuff we knew about already. Vita looks decent yeah, but I honestly don't think it'll be a patch on the 3ds in terms of 'handheld' titles.
  12. Yeah this looks good - though I haven't played the first one. Might look into it at some point. Just on the note of whether its worth getting this on the WiiU at launch, or going for it on my 360 is another matter altogether. I have to say, I really hope Nintendo add some sort of achievement / trophy support. If they do, its bought for the WiiU. But unless we see some intuitive ways to play with the new controller then I can see me sticking to my 360 for the core games just for achievements. I totally understand some may think that's stupid but I just love me some achievements. If Nintendo are addressing the hardcore, Nintendo's own version of achievements / trophies MUST be there I think.
  13. I thought it looked great personally! I really am hyped for this - so glad they're bringing it to the 3ds and I think it'll look amazing on the console. This is definitely at the top of my want list - though it does seem like its got a long way to go. Agree that the level looked very basic indeed though.
  14. Heh - I wrote on here the red would be out this year and I even said I see it coming with Mario Kart. Go me!! I want by the way.
  15. More baking: On a health kick at the min - trying to put weight on. I have always been pretty skinny, looking to start consuming 2500 - 3000 cals a day. Peanut Butter is one of the most calorific things in a small dose. So, as I don't like peanut butter on its own, I have made some peanut butter muffins for a morning / afternoon / evening treat to help get those calories in. And its a sweet treat
  16. If it is Stream, I see it just being 'Stream'. Don't think we'll see a 'ii' play on words like 'wii' as I thought it was named that because it was trying to refer to 'everyone' as in 'we'? But obviously they couldn't have had the console as Nintendo We hence the 'ii'. Someone said a few posts back that likening the name to the current wii wouldn't be a good idea as it may alienate the hardcore crowd straight off the bat. Which I agree with. Excited to find out what it's gonna be called!!
  17. Then I will shut the hell up right now. My bad. Thanks for clearing that one up though!
  18. Nice video. I am so excited for this. It's easily my most anticipated 3ds game.
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