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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I still need a case actually so glad this points been raised :p I've seen that one from The Hut - Mike1988uk has got it I think and its a really good case. Holds the games and the console and is definately protective.
  2. I agree with needing to adjust your eyes loads. I found myself looking for Sonic through the level Question: Does this game support 3d? Coz it certainly looks that way with all of the background layers - I think that's part of the reason it is so difficult to focus on Sonic? I'm sure it will look good if you can view it in 3d - but not many have 3d tv support so seems a bit pointless?! Edit: Just read this: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-06-23-sonic-generations-xbox-360-demo-is-3d Now it makes sense :p
  3. I really REALLY want one of them Casio coloured watches!
  4. ?? I don't think he's trolling, nor am I gettin worked up - was just sayin that the guys comments were uncalled for.
  5. Actually, I think thats a little uncalled for. I also, have never played this game and have just reached the goron temple place. And so far I have had to look at a guide for the 'simplest of things' about 6 times. Now that may be me being stupid in your opinion, but this is something I have always found with Zelda games - that it isn't always simple getting from A to B. I'll be sure to carry on looking at guides on the net than post in here in case your offended by my 'simple' questions. Sheesh.
  6. That is amazing. I am speechless!! I love it. Such a good idea.
  7. Breaks down with overwhelming joy and shock.
  8. I'm hardly surprised for Play really. They're the worst of the lot - though LAME is certainly catching them. I'm not the threatening kind, but if this game does not arrive tomorrow... well... I don't know what I will do really. <----- this.
  9. Well for me personally, I scrimped and saved £30 so I could afford it, and now I've paid for it I have zero money left until I get paid on Thursday. And Mike has said it is a bit of a pain in the arse having to send it back etc which I kind of agree with. And we really didn't expect it to not show up for this long. I'd love to just go and buy it, but the reason I went with GAME was for pre-order bonuses (I know they're not even that good) so was holding out for them.
  10. Yeah we have said this. But then at the same time it could possibly be a Royal Mail thing as we live so close so maybe its our area? Who knows. Either way we're both
  11. Yeah, I know. I always buy games and pre-order form SHOPTO. But I am currently building a healthy amount of reward points with LAME so went with them on this occasion. Gold box looked decent too and i've pre-ordered from LAME once before and got the game day before so didn't expect this. Never ever again. And I have received nothing - no game and no pre-order bonuses. Also, Mike1988uk (who lives round the corner from me) has also not received his yet - though he may have had his today as his post hasn't arrived yet. We are both so so annoyed about it.
  12. Question. Those who pre-ordered from GAME and then ended up buying from somewhere else as it didn't arrive on time... Has it actually turned up yet? I have had my post today and still nothing. LAME just saying that its Royal Mail's fault.
  13. I so hope my copy arrives from LAME tomorrow. Reading all your positive comments makes me want it more.
  14. Made my lemon cake! Now. I understand it looks as though someone (of the male persuasion) has got excited and unloaded over the cake. However this is just a simple lemon frosting that is drizzled over. Normal lemon cakes usually contain lemon zest that I HATE so I don't add that. Also, some recipes say to prick the cake and pour a lemon syrup over it which again I don't like as it gives you a wet cake which isn't very cakey to me. So I made up my own recipe. As mentioned in a previous post everyone who tastes it say its the best lemon cake they have tried! This is a lemon sandwich cake with lemon flavoured sponge, a home made lemon curd centre and a drizzle of jizz... erm lemon frosting. Will post a pic once I have cut it too.
  15. Ah I really feel for you. I hope you manage to sort it all out. Kwik Fit don't have the greatest reputation. And tell your housemates to STFU.
  16. Its pretty crap. I haven't even received anything yet despite is being sent on Tuesday like yours. And normally I would go out and get a copy from elsewhere like others have, but I have no money until I get paid. I'd literally scraped to ensure I had £30 left at the end of the month to afford it, and this has happened. So I cant play until it arrives. I suppose its a good thing ive never played the game before as for someone who had in the past its all the more special to see it re-mastered. My first experience with it still is yet to happen. :cry:
  17. That has made me feel really hungry. Minus the black pudding and mushrooms and egg. :p Good work though!
  18. Ok cool, cheers for letting me know. Thought it'd be normal post.
  19. Seeing as there's no smiley to replicate 'f*ck off' i'll just use this one instead.
  20. Ok, seems my post has been and guess what? No game. Those that got theirs this morning - did it come by normal post or van?
  21. Good work. Lets hope the rest of us who ordered from LAME get ours today.
  22. I really like the box art! And I think old style Sonic looks exactly the same as he does in the Sonic 2 image apart from being slightly lighter in colour. This game looks unbelievable and I cant wait for it!
  23. Thanks And yeah it was pretty tasty! Though my speciality is lemon cake. Think i'm gonna make one of them this weekend. I made one for work the other week (first time i'd made lemon cake) and everyone was so complimentary and said it was the nicest lemon cake they'd ever tasted! I do love me some baking!
  24. More baking from me! Its victoria sponge with strawberry jam and fresh cream btw!
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