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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. OK cool well i'm on now but will be off about 11ish lol. If you fancy a game now that's good with me!
  2. Yeah totally agree Hamish. 150+ combo is good going! If you ever fancy a game sometime lemme know!
  3. Well I had a few issues online when I played it the other day. There is an option to join a friend but they have to be hosting the game (you can't just dive into their game, for instance). I tried to join a game with welsh_gamer who was hosting but it was having none of it. Instead I hosted and it let him join straight away. Communication during the game is kind of where the online falls down IMO. I could be wrong in saying this as not 100% sure but I don't think there is a voice chat option. The only communication to hand is the usual Resi button commands. So when someone heals you with a herb you can press a button for your character to say 'Thanks!'. The games runs great whilst playing online though. No slow down for me though welsh experienced some he said afterwards - but nothing major at all. I haven't described it as being the greatest experience - but believe me when I say its great fun!
  4. I haven't played this in around 2 months When I think of the 160 hours i've put into both Black and White (not even finished everything on them yet!) it saddens me that my 3ds hype took over I know I will return to them soon though. Question: the eveelution game that I got an Espeon with the magic bounce ability on? I kinda forgot about it - have I now missed my chance to obtain?
  5. If you don't like her yeah...
  6. Ha well aren't you all full of hatred for her. Its quite amusing. Particularly the last post. I think she's great. Really liked her on the xfactor - not the best song in the world as a lead single but its not a cover and its the kind of thing i'd expect her to be doing. At the end of the day no one likes an xfactor reject and those who think the show doesn't find talent are fucking deluded. Of course it finds talented singers. I can see why people dislike her, but at the end of the day she's making you talk about her - even if its to say how much you hate her. Which I think we got May she continue.
  7. Yep - I lol'd at this as I totally agree. I myself don't overshare on Facebook, but there are so many that do and its almost cringeworthy. The worst is when you see people uploading pictures of a pregnancy scan. What the absolute f*ck. Why would someone do that? Surely that's a pretty special thing to have and to upload it for the world and his wife to see is just weird. The others are people who feel the need to tell you all about their 'messy nite out mate'. And how they will never drink again and can't remember their own name. Get a grip, get a life and get off my news stream. Delete haha.
  8. Made some shortbread. Already eaten 2 pieces whilst it was still warm. And now chomping a third. Someone stop me!
  9. Quick - buy a case pronto if you haven't already! I have the white one and bought a clear plastic case and its lasted me well and protected the phone!
  10. Just thought i'd post to say I started this game today after receiving it from LoveFilm. First impressions are really good. Very very strange story - difficult to follow but not sure if that's because I never played the first game. The game looks stunning and is definitely an interesting take on Wonderland. It controls well, very fluid. Only thing i'm not enjoying at the minute is the length of the chapters! Subchapters may have worked better! Will post when I have finished the game with what I thought.
  11. Wow really?! I ordered Ocarina from GAME too and that didn't arrive until the following Tuesday after the Friday release. (Was pre-orderd). I also pre-ordered Mercenaries from GAME as wasn't bothered when it turned up and am collecting reward points and it arrived yesterday? Something dodgy going on somewhere me thinks.
  12. Couldn't have put it better myself. I have been forcing myself to put it down so I don't play too much of it ha. I think its great. Once I have finished with the single player I will probably dip into the online too if anyone wants a game!?
  13. Well that's good to hear! The reviews i've read so far do not add up! It's highly praised then shot down to like a 5 or a 6 because its just Mercenaries! Just popped it into the 3ds now - i'm excited!! Edit: Just went straight into the Revelations demo. Oh. My. Sweet. Lord. Above. I must have that game right now. It lasted about 10 minutes but it was absolutely amazing. It felt like old style Res - controlling Jill, scares round every corner, atmospheric! It controlled really really well too. Lets hope Mercenaries is as good ha!
  14. Well my copy just arrived. Going to give it a go in a bit then will post my comments for anyone interested. I'm a massive Resident Evil fan, so looking forward to playing!
  15. To be honest I expected these reviews for the game. We all knew it was based on an extra addition to the main Resi console games so it was never going to score highly. At the end of the day, the game appeals to me because this is a handheld console... Therefore, the majority of games are going to be pick up and play - which this exactly is. Every review i've read has been raving about how the game looks, controls and plays. Then they will slate it for just being a mode from the main games. Well duh. It is called Resident Evil The "Mercenaries". All I will say is that perhaps the full price tag may be steep for it, but they will milk it for all its worth. I expect it to go down in price relatively quickly so totally get why people want to wait until that happens before purchasing.
  16. With you on 1+1 - really like that. I Care also good. I quite like the first 5 tracks. Rather Die Young then ruins it for me - really can't get into it. Also think Countdown is great too. That's the kinda thing I want from Beyonce!
  17. I bought this album today and I have to say I am a bit disappointed. I've listened to each track about 5 times and whilst I think it's ok, its not a Beyonce standard album. Paj! - you mentioned it above re she has nothing to prove. But after that last album which just churned out hit after hit after hit, this feels like a real let down. I will continue to listen as the songs have started to get better the more i've heard, but nothing stands out apart from Best Thing I Never Had. Oh and Run the World was the worst single to launch an album I have ever ever heard.
  18. I am really excited about this! Has been on pre-order for ages. I was late to the Ridge Racer party so got that, Zelda, Dead or Alive which I still go on everyday and soon this to keep me going! Not to mention my new love film membership so I can rent all the other titles I wanna play for the other consoles. Good games to go on for me and this has been top of my wish list for aaages!
  19. It's great you feel ready for your test. And from what I have read of your posts it's nice to see you have said you are excited to take the test - rather than the general learners 'I just want to pass' attitude. I think that's the best way - look forward to the day. There's absolutely nothing to be concerned / worried about if you are comfortable in your driving ability which you seem to be You will be doing a route you know, be in a car you are used to and all you need to do is drive for 45 mins (is it still 45 mins?) like any other lesson. And at the end when they congratulate you on a job well done and a pass, you can the tester like they're your best mate! Ha - maybe not. Good luck though - sure you will be fine!
  20. OMG - I have to have that. I really really love it!!! Damn you temptation! Also, the blue 3ds does look sexy
  21. Try playing it on the 360 where you have to keep changing discs everytime you want to try and go back to do missions! Finish one desks missions then have to put in disc 2, then 3 etc. Was a pain!
  22. Oooh I like that there are achievements in this! Well kind of achievements lol. Got this on pre-order. Excited to get it!!
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