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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. You only get to play the game for 30 days? Frankly, there are better games i'd rather be playing for the next month than the ones Sony are offering. Not being ungrateful or anything but that's pretty crap. I'd rather just download them and then play them when I want not have to do it in 30 days. They should've classed it is a welcome back 'rental' package.
  2. Yeah I totally agree with that. You'd expect it to be that way with a lie as you have evidence which can prove they are wasting your time - but to bite their head off over a doubt is pretty strange. One of my biggest niggles with the game that.
  3. This... is just one example of handheld gaming. Cant do this bad boy on a home console.
  4. Thread bump. IGN have created a list of games for the NGP/PSP2 which they know will be released for the console and very early thoughts. Seems Uncharted looks to be the A+ title to me. I want. http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/117/1172165p1.html
  5. That one is actually my bad - it let me go back once i'd interrogated the first suspect. To all those affected by my above outburst I apologise But not for the glitched one - still about that. Lol
  6. I'm exactly the same with this game - full 3d gives me really bad eye strain and my head hurts lol. 2d all the way, but if I use 3d its about 30% on.
  7. I am really pissed off with this game at the moment. Completed on Saturday (really enjoyed it but agree with all of the bad points everyone has mentioned. Particularly the controlling of Cole etc). Anyway, going back to 5 star all the missions - using a guide to ensure I get it right. Have 3 missions to 5 star. Can't be that hard right? Well the game seems to want to not let me. Will spoiler this in case:
  8. Well for me personally, I am now no longer able to save anything on my old 360 and do not wish to delete anything. So I thought with the 250gb slims being good value for money now I would get one. It has warranty, is more stable, doesn't sound like its going to take off when its running a disc, and has more than enough memory for me. And yeah i'm replacing something I already have, but it's my money and I work hard for it so its mine to decide where it goes.
  9. Ahh thanks Slaggis. It was really bothering me not knowing! Cleared that one up! :p
  10. I just hope they actually embrace user names. One friend code is great, but if your talking to someone (at work say) and they say 'oh hey, I also have a cafe / new wii / whatever it will be called'. Add me. What's your friend code? Errrrm... It needs to be flawless and quick. And friend codes are not i'm afraid. What does worry me is the fact that Nintendo have gone down the friend code route for the 3ds. Would they really use the friend code system in their latest flagship handheld, then in their new home console turn their back on codes? Dunno, but cant wait to find out.
  11. Anyone with the deluxe edition just check something for me in case i'm losing the plot?! For track 10 - Bad Kids - in the booklet with the lyrics, there is like 4 or 5 lines of extra lyrics that aren't said in the song. Or at least I don't think they are said? She mentions the meat dress in the lyrics of the song but I don't hear any of them in the actual track?! Strange. Maybe they took it out of the final edit of the song.
  12. Replaced my 20gb old xbox 360 with a nice shiny new 360 slim (250gb). Also bought the data transfer cable with it. £170 for all. Cannot believe the difference in sound. Whisper quiet!
  13. To be honest, i'm really not bothered if Leon is in this or not. I just want the game right now. Think it looks brilliant. All the videos that have been posted have getting me sooooo excited!!
  14. Cannot stand her. Also, you could throw her in a shower, dowse her with bleach and leave her in there all day, and she'd still come out dirty as you like. Which some may like of course...
  15. Well, I have listened to the album twice so far, but will be giving my full opinion when heard it more. So far, i'm in love.
  16. Ah brilliant thanks. Think that's done the trick. Thanks again Eddage. Loves.
  17. Eddage, as said in the message I just sent - I love you. Lots. You should be knighted or something. One thing - how the bloody hell do I set my signature?! Tried using the tips in the signature request thread and still confused!
  18. Actually I have S ranked every Unleashed stage and no, the difficulty doesn't increase until the very last 2 or so levels when the levels are like 7 minutes long and are full of hazards. The 4 or 5 in between are very much all of the same kind of thing you will find in Apotos. S ranking that level isn't pathetically easy either, it takes a good few tries before you can get near an S. In my opinion of course. :awesome:
  19. Yup, am keeping the avatar and think Eddage is working on a Staryu / Starmie themed sig depending on if he can find a decent pic of one of them. I'm very excited.
  20. I know right! Lol. No I did my avatar after the thread, but Eddage is helping me out with my signature!
  21. Oooh really?! Your's is amazing and I loved your Pokemon one too with Galvantula. I'm not really sure what to go for, but I have just added a Starmie avatar as it's my favourite Pokemon. Maybe a Starmie one that says my name. Possibly underwater themed? If you could write my name in the 'Pokemon' font it would be something special! And, (its a big and), I love that your's has the flashing light thing going on. Is there a way to get Starmie's power gem in its middle to flash? I know that's asking a bit much but if possible I would love you forever.
  22. Howdy lads and lasses. *If this can be moved to another post / existing thread please do so and feel free to slap my wrist*. I need an avatar and signature people. Would like to create my own, but find it all a tad confusing. Would just like to know how you guys have created yours? Seen some particularly good ones (looking at you Eddage) and though I don't expect to create one quite so good, would like to try and put my creative stamp on one. If it makes a difference I use a MacBook Pro. Thanks muchly for any help.
  23. If you have played Unleashed you will know that the 'modern' sonic levels are nothing like that. In fairness to the trailer, the guy playing it happens to be pretty decent and clearly knows the level as he makes it seem like its just "boost boost boost boost boost boost 2 jumps". I guarantee when you get the game (if you do) and try to "boost boost boost boost boost boost 2 jumps" through a modern level you will not last 10 seconds. Anyone who has 'S' ranked Apotos day time stage in Unleashed will testify that. For me, the modern sonic looks better than the classic. You just need to be able to handle the pace.
  24. Well during the first video i got hard. The second I came. I want!!
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