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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Yah I kinda guessed that but am intrigued to see what is inside it non-the less.
  2. I do have a really really old arcade 360 that doesn't have a hard drive. Lol. It red ringed of deathed on me but I may check that one out of curiosity as its lying around somewhere. Even though they wouldn't replace it now.
  3. Just checked mine, it is a 20gb older version. Underneath the faceplate i couldn't see any wires but upon closer inspection they were yellow. I want mine to break damn it!! Haha.
  4. Barry being my favourite member of the Resident Evil franchise for the below reasons: What is it?! What.... is.... it?!
  5. Bumped thread. Apologies. But after reading through the above comments a few days ago and always loving Wuthering Heights after some girl sang it on Stars in Their Eyes Kids version (lol i know) I wanted to listen to more of her stuff. And I have spent the last hour doing just that. Absolutely bloody brilliant. Can totally understand how she wouldn't have been / isn't to everyones tastes but I think she is fantastic. Im only 23 so not sure on other artists in her era but surely this was ground breaking stuff back then? And in my opinion still is. Buckets of emotion in some of her songs - the kind of stuff you just do not see today. Sad really, but makes her even better. Am glad this thread was created, it gave me the push to check out her amazing work!
  6. Good work for all of the above.
  7. A brand new Luigi's Mansion game for the 3ds. A Pokemon game for wii / cafe that syncs with the gen 4 and 5 games. Think Pokemon Stadium but with a gym leader castle that spans every set of 8 gym leaders since gen 1 AND all of the Elite 4's. Also has online for battles and the ability to trade Pokemon via your wii / cafe. This would make me flood the house. Errrm, an amazing launch line up for the wii 2. Includes Resident Evil 6, and a first party Mario 64 style game that doesn't include Mario just for a change and to remind me of the Gamecube days. :wink: Maybe have Toad / Peach / Waluigi as the main character. I wanna be amazed damn it!!
  8. I loved the game for the eevee-lution! It was like one I have on my old blackberry (brickbreaker) which i absolutely loved! Got me an Espeon too. Cant wait to receive it!
  9. Wow, the last vid posted looks great. I seriously cannot wait. And graphically I think it looks really really nice too. For those kicking off about it being a remake, just don't buy it (as said above). Dont think I seen this much negativity about Rayman and that is just a straight port (and for the billionth time). At least this has been majorly overhauled, includes 3d, even more content AND is going to introduce a new generation to one of the greatest games ever.
  10. Yup, thats what I is doing ReZ.
  11. Have to disagree with the 'sounds very glee' comments. Given that Glee just absolutely, totally, utterly DESTROY every single song. That program, winds me up like you would not believe. It cannot sound like glee as glee just rips everything off and is totally unoriginal. Apologies for the rant fellow forum goers, I just wont have Gaga compared with that. Thanks
  12. I got mine too! Number 0199. I was an early bird clearly (applauds shopto's awesomeness of delivery-ness). Tis cool but far far far too big for me as I am built like a rake
  13. According to Miyamoto: "Super Mario on 3DS will use the system's gyro-sensor for control, according to Shigeru Miyamoto. The system's gyro-sensor will be used to control the game's camera, similar to how the right analogue stick is used on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. "Sometimes people ask why the 3DS isn't double stick," Miyamoto told The Daily Telegraph. "One is normally used to control the camera, but having the gyro-sensor you can replace the analogue stick by moving the console, which is very intuitive." Nintendo recently revealed that Star Fox 64 3D will also use tilt control. Tilt control is a controversial feature on the 3DS, as tilting the system can distort the screen's 3D effect, possibly making the game difficult to see and play. While Super Mario on 3DS will take advantage of the hardware's gyro-sensor technology, Miyamoto said that StreetPass functionality likely won't be included, "unless a spectacular idea comes to mind"." http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/news/a318197/mario-3ds-to-use-gyro-controls.html Hhhmm.
  14. Yeah that sounds a plan. You've inspired me to possibly replace some of my 'mon now to allow for a Starmie. I bow down for the inspiration
  15. Yup - Starmie was always on my team during gen 1 and for Pokemon Stadium. It was great as it was one of the only water types that gen to learn electric moves so it was very hard to take down with anything other than electric. I've always loved Starmie - tis my fave 'mon . Not got one this gen as I was only going to use black / white Pokemon but now I want me one. :awesome:
  16. Yeah it's a decent team. I have issues with the starter 'mon though, as I don't find them particularly strong. If I were you i'd ditch Serperior as grass is a type I found isn't really needed this gen for Elite 4 purposes etc. If you want a grass type you should look at Ferrothorn (win). The good thing this gen is that most of the Pokemon can be effective. So it probably comes down to who you like the look of. Here is my current black team - i've just beat the elite 4 and had no problem as my Pokemon were levelled high enough, but I put loads of thought into the types that I wanted and it works for me: Mandibuzz - Dark / Flying Galvantula - Electric / Bug Volcorona - Fire / Bug Musharna - Psychic Seismitoad - Water / Ground Haxorous - Dragon With these 6 i've pretty much covered anything that will be thrown at me. I've also looked into the moves I teach my Pokemon so I wont be at a disadvantage. For instance, my Galvantula knows a grass move so if I come up against a rock type, I can at least deal some damage. I've had sooo much fun this gen choosing the right team, testing them out, then scrapping 4 of them, going back to the drawing board, replacing them, testing etc. I've stopped now though as I picked my 6 that work for me. Still wish I could have a 7th and throw Excadrill in there though
  17. There are a few decent Pokemon this gen that can learn fly actually. To my knowledge: Unfezant Normal Flying - and its pre-evo's Swoobat Psychic Flying - and its pre-evo Sigilyph Psychic Flying Archeops Rock Flying - its pre-evo (Archen) can't learn fly, strangely Swanna Water Flying - and it's pre-evo Golurk Ground Ghost wtf?! Lol. Braviary Normal Flying - and its pre-evo Mandibuzz Dark Flying - and its pre-evo Hydreigon Dark Dragon Volcarona Bug Fire Biggest surprise is that Golurk learns fly and its ground and ghost - WTF?! A good choice if you want an actual flying type Pokemon is Swanna as it is part water so can learn Surf too. It became my surf and fly bitch on White but was very very good with it. I have just added a Mandibuzz to my black team and it is brilliant. It's defense is very good indeed and with the right moves is a good edition though most prefer Braviary - who is equally good. Suppose it depends if you want a flying type on your team or would rather have a Pokemon that can learn it to free space for another 'mon. But yeah there the ones I know and think that's all of em. If you need any trading to you I have both black and white so can sort you out a Vullaby / Rufflet or any of the others if needed.
  18. I think that article is pretty crap to be fair. I am a fan of hers and think that for those who say she isn't particularly talented or original (like said article) is a load of rubbish. I'm no mega crazy fan - I just like her music and think she is extremely devoted to her fans - everything she does is for them and she works harder than probably anyone else in the industry right now. Whenever anyone says to me that she is crap or not that talented and is only where she is because she's a bit 'crazy or different' I just point them in this direction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3R3KqrJAI4 That's pure talent right there without even really trying. Strip the outfits away, the make up, the hair piece whatever and she is immensely talented. This is all.
  19. What the bloody hell is that link about?! Sometimes Pokemon really confuses me!!
  20. I have had a varied mix on the Subway. I usually get past the first 7 then it all depends on the 3 Pokemon your opponent has. I have done 21 once before and got the 10BP but then rode the 'Super' subway and that is just ridiculous.
  21. White out today and I bought me one 12 month contract too! No, i'm not an Apple fan boy - I have a MacBook and an iPod but used a Blackberry which has decided to die So when I seen these being released today, I took a stroll to my local Vodafone store this morning and purchased. Its preeeety. : peace:
  22. Lol yes i am rather ashamed about the Pidove losses. Ahem. I have to say now i've calmed down it was a brilliant strategy. It used (is it taunt?) where your attack / special attack rises but you become confused. So my Snorlax hits itself in confusion, Pidove is faster so next turn flies in the air, Snorlax attacks himself again, Pidove finishes me off with a fly. Druddigon comes out, the Pidove is faster than Druddigon, uses the same cheap move, flies, rinse repeat. What was most frustrating is that my 'mon had the moves to take the little shite down (Snorlax had rock throw or whatever its called) and Druddigon had Thunder Fang but it was too quick. That seems to be how to do it this gen - and I think someone mentioned it earlier. Unless you have a speedy team that can get a strike first then you may struggle. Its not too difficult in-game as you can be and mostly are higher levelled but with the Battle Subway you have to be very well trained indeed.
  23. Just thought I would have a rant and express my absolute hatred for the Battle Subway. Still not got my Life Orb which I need 48 points for. The whole battle mechanic just feels off to me. My Snorlax, and Druddigon got knocked out by a Pidove. A Pidove. W-T-absolute-F. Almost given up on it totally coz i'm fed up of getting 3 points then doing another 6 battles only to lose on the seventh to a Caterpie or something. Anyone actually like the Battle Subway?!
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