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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I think it's obvious that there will be new models but for now there doesn't need to be. This little machine has surprised me more than I thought possible. I loved the original DS - more so than the home consoles. And I have all 3. You just cant get the kind of gaming experience on a home console that you can on a DS system. Yes, that statement can be reversed, but I don't get excited about the yearly online COD shooters and poor replicas on the 'hardcore' consoles. That's just me. Waiting for an updated 3ds is fine if you want to do that. But I can guarantee that when that day comes, there will be several people still complaining that it doesn't do exactly what they want it to. I am 100% satisfied that I pre-ordered and have my 3ds. It is by far and away a huge leap forward for Nintendo in terms of power and online functionality. And I can say confidently that we are going to see some amazing games in the future on this system. And that is because of the 3d. The reviewers saying that after a while you will just turn it off are wrong IMO. Playing SSF with the 3d on never fails to make me think 'wow'. And that is a launch title. So yeah, wait if you like but i'm glad that i am experiencing everything that this console has to offer early on, so when the changes do come, I am sure I will appreciate them a lot more.
  2. Just completed the story. As in beat the elite 4 for the second time. Loved it. Took me just under 70 hours and my Pokemon are all now levelled 76-78. Am going to continue to catch the legendaries / roamers and also try and add to my dex. Also wanting to start Black soon and look into breeding given that its the one area of Pokemon I am totally new to.
  3. The trade in prices are the same in store. I'd imagine console / bundle prices are the same too but not sure. Sorry couldn't be more help though i'm sure someone will know the answer!
  4. GAME are currently offering the console for £170 when bought with Super Monkey Ball for £35 (£205 in total). They are doing this with other games as well, some taking it to around £209 - that's when bundled with Ridge Racer. On their website it says that they are offering trade in prices for older DS models. If you trade a normal DSi in, the 3DS alone will cost you £164.99. Trade a DS Lite it will cost you £184.99 or trade a DSi XL in and you pay £114.99. These offers aren't great really. They are also only valid until 31st March. Now would be a good time to pick a console up if you are looking to though, as the price is currently lower than what it will be say this time next week, as prices are said to be going back up. Probably over the £200 mark.
  5. I am the same Dan - poured hours into this game already (65) and played it non stop today for about 4. And that's with a shiny new 3DS sat there with Pilot Wings and SSF! Lol. The 3DS can take a back seat until i'm done with Pokemon though. I wasn't going to get as far as I did then stop coz of new shiny console-ness. These are brilliant, brilliant games and I have thoroughly enjoyed playing through it. Can't wait to move onto black once i'm done with White too. But before that I need to finish up my main story and sort out breeding.
  6. Absolute mother bitches. Lol - dont worry about it. You can't catch Petilil on Black anyway so just take it as an extra to your Pokedex! Glad you finally caught Victini ! Some Pokemon when evolved with a stone will not learn any moves as their evolved form. For instance when you evolve Pikachu into Raichu. As far as I was aware the likes of Pansage -> Simisage continue this and do not learn moves by levelling up once evolved with a stone. They will learn TM's and HM's as normal. Think this is right, someone tell me if not though :awesome:
  7. Yeah there is that. As is the case with most Pokemon that evolve from stones. I like that TM's are re-useable now though as that kinda takes the annoyance away from levelling up a weaker first evo Pokemon as you can teach them whatever you like! Aside from the moves they learn much later of course.
  8. Yup all done. Enjoy. Hope Petilil will do the trick for you. Don't forget to evolve it if you have a sun stone! Let me know if you manage to catch Victini!
  9. Hhmm now im confused Its asking me if i want to play with you lol
  10. Pokemon Centre - up the stairs. The bitch in the middle.
  11. Friend code is 2322 5830 1907 Will probably come up as Mark. I have a Petilil that I have just quickly trained to level 26 - knows the following moves now: Stun spore (will paralyze) Sleep powder (puts em to sleep) Giga Drain Leech Seed Also if you have a sun stone once i transfer it you can use it and it will evolve into Lilligant. If you want me to evolve it for you I can do so its a bit stronger etc. However it may be an idea for you to keep the petilil and evolve it yourself for Pokedex purposes as Petilil is white only. Will be free pretty much anytime today so let me know when is best.
  12. I can see if I have something on my White to transfer to you if you get really annoyed with it! Let me know if you need will be happy to help.
  13. Hmmm Victini seems to be being an absolute Bitch for you if you had it paralyzed and on red health? Know its not the best advice, but all I can say is keep trying. You'll get him eventually!
  14. Did you manage to inflict any poison or paralysis on it? Try either paralyzing it or putting it to sleep. Makes it loads easier to catch if it has a status problem. You may already know that but for the legendaries I always have to put em to sleep or paralyze to help make catching them easier! Good luck.
  15. To all who have added me my name is the same as this one - Aneres11 So you'll no its little old me! Is there going to be a function to be able to send messages to friends do we know??!
  16. 1. I had about half battery life when I first turned mine on. 2. I plugged mine in to charge around 12, went for a hair cut (as you do) came back at half three ish and the light was out so it had fully charged. 3. Yup certainly is ok. I am doing it now!
  17. The 3d video is pretty cool. I have just been playing street fighter. The depth in that game from the 3d is crazy good. Its so impressive. Want to pick up another title to go with that and Pilot Wings tomorrow. Torn over Rayman, Ridge Racer and Monkey Ball. Hhmm. If anyone has these and has thoughts on them it'd be appreciated!
  18. Added my friend. Add me ya'll : 1246-8695-6105
  19. Shopto indeed. Gotta love them.
  20. I have just had it on - and done the system set up - time date etc. This was my first experience with the 3ds - I had previously not seen one in action. All I can say about the 3d is oh my god. Incredible. The main menu was just amazing in 3d. Need to sort a mii out once i've done something with my hair coz bed headed mii is not the way forward... lol. I hope everyone else who pre-ordered gets there's today. And yeah my mum hiding it was kinda funny. Not at the time though. Sorted that out with a quick backhand. Wont happen again. Joke lol.
  21. Its here!!!! Nearly fell down the stairs. Then i couldnt see it anywhere. Mum thought it'd be funny to hide the parcel. Dont think i've ripped a package open so quickly!
  22. I am currently in bed and have just woke up... Just checked on laptop the tracking of my order and it says 'DELIVERED'. Think I am going to run downstairs right now...
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