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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Catherine has given Atlus a sales record! They celebrated with Catherine cake! http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/118/1185654p1.html
  2. Has anybody seen a 3d tv in action? I haven't yet but am really intrigued to see what it can add to a viewing experience - particularly sports. I was in town a few weeks ago and they always have a SKY stand with 3d tv showing and you can just walk up and view it. I have been tempted, but can't be bothered with the sales jargon afterwards trying to get me to sign up! I watch tennis virtually all year round and if sky has 3d packages for sports (which im sure they do), then it'd be interesting to see how it looked.
  3. Well I am very pleased with myself! Just been going through some of the missions on my own trying to get A and S ranks so I can unlock my Hunk and Rebecca alternate costumes. The Wesker one is not going to be possible alone so will enlist the help of someone for that! Anyway, me and Mike1988uk played mission 4-5 together a week or so ago and got to wave 15 (which is the final wave) only to be killed by the 2 slasher claw dudes at the end We gave up. But I just thought i'd give it a go solo and I did all 15 waves, unlocked the medal for it (which is very different looking to the others! See pic), and got me an SS! Others may think this is easy and have done it already, but I was at my achievement! Here is the pic of the medal - wonder why it's different from the others?!
  4. Me too gmac! Body Talk is an amazing albm. Love Time Machine and Indestructable. Great album. : peace:
  5. For a girl of 15 - the voice is unreal. Sounds like she's double her age! Song is fantastic too. My favourite off her album.
  6. Yeah - it's strange actually coz when the colours were announced as blue and black I automatically wanted the black. Blue looked awful in my opinion. Then after I had pre-ordered there were loads of press shots of the blue and seeing that metallic shine on the top of the lid made me But I had already pre-ordered. It is stunning the blue one. But the black is still very nice! Japan are getting the red one soon so expect a European release bundled with either Mario Kart 7 or Super Mario 3d Land... Think I prefer the blue... It's not quite "Flare Red". Mario Red woulda been nicer!
  7. Yeah, now seems to be the time to pick one up when you look at what's due out and the price drop etc. Also, the games we've already been treated to. May not be to all tastes but there are some great launch titles you could probably get relatively cheaply now! Agreed that it's a massive step up from the DS. I love mine!
  8. Wow that does look lovely. It has made me hungry!
  9. Yup you deffo reviewed it brilliantly. I was much impressed
  10. N-Europe review is great. Big thumbs up from me. The first review of the game i've literally nodded all the way throughout lol. I like that you haven't just listed what's good about the game and then gone... "But it's just Mercenaries... 5/10". Seemed to be the general view from every other reviewer! Score is definitely deserved too. I have had my 3ds since launch day and this has already become my most played game and I have no intention to stop playing until I have Rebecca blowing shit up in a Nurse's outfit!
  11. Yeah, death shouldn't effect anyone coz it just happens and we are to expect it. And naturally, opinions differ - but for someone who gave so much to British music, who no longer has the chance to continue amazing people with her talent is very sad indeed. Whether it's her own fault or not.
  12. Of course it's a tragedy. She was one of the most talented singer song writers this country has ever seen. Granted it's personal preference whether you liked her music or not, but you cannot deny she was talented. To lose a talent like that - however it's lost - IS a fucking tragedy.
  13. There's always one that has to do it though isn't there. Real cool.
  14. I am truly upset at the news. I have never been this upset by a celebrity or musician passing away. Think its probably to do with the fact that in my opinion she was one of the biggest talents within music in terms of writing and that voice. Her music reached out to millions of people (me included) and I will never forget when I discovered her for the first time. I always hoped we'd see her at the height of her musical ability again (did she ever even reach it?) and now the news of her death has kind of been like a punch in the face that unfortunately, she will not have the chance to overcome the demons that were in her life and reach that place. I always rooted for her and hoped she would make it out of the dark place she was clearly in. Amy Winehouse was very special and extremely gifted, but I don't think she ever believed she was good enough. It is such a sad loss. RIP.
  15. Not sure if there is already a thread for this, or something similar - couldn't find anything. Well, I thought it'd be good to start a thread for people to post their current favourite songs! I have been listening to a number of random new tracks in the car, on my laptop, on my iPod and thought i'd post for you lot to either high five my music choice (unlikely ha) or shoot me down in flames at my poor music taste! Firstly, I am in love with this song: On the first 3 or so listens I wasn't liking at all - something then just clicked and I cannot stop listening to it. Its a perfect come back song. Secondly - this: Loved it on first listen, and keeps getting better. "And it goes like this" :wink: Thirdly: Same with the Will Young track - really didn't like at first. Now, i'm on like 20 listens and I love it! That's just 3 - I could go on. So now let us know what you are listening to! Doesn't necessarily have to be new material - maybe we will inspire each other to listen to something we normally wouldn't think to.
  16. I totally agree. I am with you in that some collectors editions are really worth having, even if you're not a fan of the franchise. I'm sure Forza 3 offered a cool keyring with theirs - it tempted me but I never bought it. I am not a fan of statues, but know some who are. I would rather some cool in-game extras and a nice tin case personally ha.
  17. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/news/a330609/batman-arkham-city-collectors-edition-announced.html Collectors edition announced. I know some people who would like this!! I'm quite tempted depending on the price obvs. : peace:
  18. I pre-ordered the normal edition from GAME a few weeks ago - before any special edition was put on the site. Anyway, my pre-order with GAME now says £32 and has changed to the 'special edition' version. Not sure if my pre-order price will change (probably), but if it stays at £32 i'll be happy!
  19. In DOA Dimensions - when you are playing the Chronicles story mode - in the chapter select section, the top screen has images from the story mode that look like several pictures. The way they are layered makes it look like it is physically popping out at you. I love just looking at that in 3d haha. That's the best i've seen anyway - and the flower as mentioned!
  20. Yup you're so right! I felt you had my back many times there! Those fat dudes just do not like me. I wanna play more but if I don't go to sleep now, I may be sleeping at my desk at work tomorrow. Thanks for the games though - hopefully play again soooooon
  21. Its saying it cant find you - grrrrrr. Should I host? Stupid thing lol. Oops meant to press yes to continue - thats my bad sorry
  22. Was goooood. Yup up for another! Mine is saying it cant find a friend It was doing this the other day!!
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