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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Just got home from finishing 3 days of overtime at work! Did it because it was triple pay for all three days, so worked the most we were allowed (8-5), and i have tomorrow and wednesday off now as my weekend! First thing is first though ... lol. Looking forward to next months pay!
  2. Brownies look really good. Making me verrrry hungry.
  3. Hey! You leave us lefty tennis players alone! We should not be banned! Ha i see where you're coming from. Though strangely even though i am a lefty and ive played club tennis for years, i dont actually have the 'lefty' serve. I dont hold the grip correctly to generate an effective slice to the righties backhand. I can get it over there - just not quite good enough to cause problems haha. Flat one down the middle though? All over that. Back to the topic at hand though... I had never even heard of this until recently and i have to say the thought of playing a game with the sticks being 'swapped' does sound strange. if anything it always seemed to me that the right handers had a hard time because they were having to use their less dominant hand for controlling - what with the dpad / analogue stick being situated to the left on virtually all control pads.
  4. You should definately get his album. I downloaded it the other day and have been listening to it pretty much non stop since. It is a very mature sounding album and in my opinion its his best yet. For £3.99 you certainly cant go wrong! Looking forward to the itv program thats on tomorrow night!
  5. This game just continues to excite me more and more! It looks great and that screen shot will look amazing in 3d! Its already been preordered by me so cannot wait!
  6. First time i have looked in this thread and have to say i am really impressed with all of the phtotographs. Amazing stuff! The kind of thing you would see as a preset image for a computer desktop background! I like!
  7. Thought i would post to let anyone who is interested know my feelings towards the ipad2 now that i have had a couple of days to play with it properly. Have to say i am really impressed. To some of the comments that were made when i first put about me looking into getting one and them being great for the casual or "less experienced" with technology - i totally get where you're coming from...! I think its part of the reason i like it so much though. Everything is kinda just there. I have things selling on ebay. So i downloaded the ebay app, checked my listings, answered a load of questions and then closed the app down and went back to watching a video. The simplicity of it is almost what makes it so good and easy / fun to use. Very very impressed with video playback. Itunes movies look great on this. Still trying to figure out how i manage to upload a dvd and convert it so the ipad can run it but will get to that later. Web browsing to be honest is just great. I think this is where it really shines for me. Couple of questions though: Are there any gestures on this thing? I have seen loads of youtube videos with people opening a load of apps and swiping the screen to shift between them. Then closing them with another swipe (almost replacing the use of the home button). But i have looked in settings and i have tried some gestures myself but nothing seems to work? May have read something a while ago somewhere about one of the updates for the ipad removing gestures? Dunno. Just thought id ask though!
  8. Hope he gets better soon. Steve Jobs has certainly been instrumental in getting Apple to where they are today. Won't be the same without him.
  9. I havent played Epic yarn yet but this looks really good! That trailer is certainly enough for me to want to put a preorder in anyway!
  10. I really like the box art actually. Simple yet effective.
  11. Heh yeah that's true. Need to sort out all the apps that I want now but I have a pub quiz to go to so it will have to wait! I'm off work tomorrow though so will have a good play on it then! Already though...
  12. They don't put the 2 on. Which is strange. Typing this on it actually and it is very very good. Typing is so easy on it. So far very very pleased with it!
  13. Ok so just reading through this thread coz I am looking at playing this game from the start again. I reached World 4 when I first played this game a good 8/10 months or so ago and then got bored. Played some of it in co-op with Mike1988uk and thought it was ok but I like others, got bored of this game and had no want to go back and play it. Now. I also have DKCR sat on the shelf in its plastic seal since Christmas. I understand this is criminal. But part of me wants to play NSMB and finish it before I start with Donkey Kong. I will let people know my thoughts towards the game a little later on. See if it manages to capture me like a Mario game should.
  14. Yeah I agree with that. The biggest thing with the iPad I would say they could really improve is the screen. But I haven't had a proper hands on with the first or second iPad so couldn't really say. The rumour mill suggests that the iPad 3 will be out next year and the iPhone 5 in October. The biggest update to the iPhone would be including the A5 processor and making the screen wider? Possibly a thinner design? Mostly cosmetic really i'd imagine.
  15. Yeah I hear you. The iPhone 5 should be with us in the next month or 2 though. I'd be surprised if it wasn't announced in September.
  16. ... but then ... ... and then ... ... which leaves ... ... resulting in ... Hhhmm. See, there are lots of rumors around the iPad 3 but I don't see that coming out until next year. The iPhone 5 should be out before that i'm guessing though you are right Shorty - it would be very very annoying for them to announce a new one just after i've splashed out on one. Ahh decisions decisions.
  17. You're missing the point of what a lot of people are saying. Releasing a 'streamlined' new Wii (its thin enough, Jesus) doesn't seem like a smart move to some of us because with a new item tends to come new advertising. Nintendo are good over the Christmas season to push their products as they tend to do well at that time. However, sometime next year they are releasing the WiiU. Which just so happens to look almost identical to the current Wii - only rounded. So it's still white, still has the slit for discs - presumably lights up blue and blinds you in the middle of the night - still has the flip down slot for SD card, sync button etc and still has power and eject buttons. All in the SAME GODAMN PLACE NINTENDO!! The issue here, is that a lot of people are going to think that this new WiiU is the same console with a new big controller. And why the bloody hell wouldn't they. They've tacked a U on the end and it looks virtually identical. This then, could be a problem for Nintendo. The same problem they have had with the 3ds. That price cut that's just happened? That's pretty much down to the fact that no one knows its a new console that is a major upgrade from the DS. Partly coz of the launch games, but also partly because its the 3...DS... A DS that shows 3d then? It's not been marketed correctly. In order to avoid this again with the WiiU - Nintendo have to be smart. And releasing a slim Wii will only serve to confuse people when the WiiU is released. Unless of course Nintendo learn from the mistakes with the 3DS which I hope they will. This doesn't fill us with much hope though. Unfortunately Nintendo almost need the casual market to latch onto the WiiU in the same way the 'core' will to ensure they meet whatever targets they set themselves when the WiiU is released. Perhaps that's part of the reason the design is similar - so the casuals will see it as a worthy upgrade and adopt it early on. If they instantly feel at home with the design as its something they are used to and know how to use then who knows.
  18. Yeah Northern Star the song is my favourite song ever. I adore. Nothing comes close. The album is also very good. I like how there is quite a mixture of stuff on there. Mel has said 'The Sea' is the closest to that mixture and she feels her voice has matured a lot over the years and is stronger and overall, the album is her best yet. Which judging by that song seems to be the case. It's a great track. Shame radio 1 won't play it. She has always missed the idea with singles unfortunately. Her second album 'Reason' was very very good. But she should have released On the Horizon as the lead single but instead chose Here it Comes Again - a trend that has seemed to plague her. Thing is, it's down to Mel too, as the record label she is signed to is her own. This time though she's picked the right song imo and hopefully it will make people pick the album up. She's too talented a writer / singer to not get the recognition she should have had years ago. I don't think 'the spice girl with the best voice' means anything to her nowadays. And why would it when everyone knows that anyways lol. We want sales damnit!
  19. Her best song in years. Though I've always been a massive fan. Her new album 'The Sea' she says is her best since Northern Star. A very very bold statement Mel! Can't wait for it though!
  20. It's getting me very excited! And if Sega were to do that for the anniversary I would love them forever.
  21. Nintendo haven't done much wrong in my eyes in the last few years with the Wii and DS. Sure, they could have released more Wii colours and possibly updated to HD halfway through its life span. Some would say the DS iterations were unnecessary but I liked them all. However, lots of moves Nintendo are now making seem to unfortunately be the wrong ones. In total agreement about marketing the WiiU and how the casual gamers are likely to be confused as to what the difference is other than a big new controller with a screen. If it were me, I would totally scrap the look of that WiiU in time for release, and even change the name and say that was a project title. This 'family' Wii is all wrong in my opinion. Most people already have one anyway - and don't play it. But expect a big advertising push of a 'new' streamlined Wii for the Christmas period - only to confuse the majority of the public next year when a 'new Wii' comes out again. Didn't we have one of them at the end of last year? Oooohh, this ones got a new controller...
  22. Sorry Captain. :p To be honest, i'd be happy with a remake of the old Sonic in this style. Be better then a constant re-hash of the same game but on a different platform / console. Yeah the more we see looks better and better. But the 3ds games always look better on screen anyway I think.
  23. Omg it looks amazing though. Sod Ice Cap lol
  24. Don't like it but nice to see it. Thanks for posting. Also don't like the guys voice - sounds like he doesn't take a breath whilst he's talking. Found myself breathing for him haha.
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