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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Yeah I have to say I am slightly miffed at no iPhone 5 though... I mean, they're stood there saying "all new inside" - so why not just change the outside and you got yourself an iPhone 5...?? Obviously they have got a shit load of parts and screens that they can still put to use by using the same design and screen as the current model. It does disappoint me a bit though. Are the updates worth it for someone with a current iPhone 4? Not entirely sure personally. The A5 Processor is fantastic but they gave it a gaming nod and said how much it will enhance that. Great - but why the hell would I want to play games on a buttonless device? Or where you put buttons on the screen where the action is?! Siri sounds good - though I honestly can't see myself using it when I can just tap the weather app with my finger? Great for asking it random questions - like finding restaurants etc, but for general stuff that there is already an app for, it seems a bit pointless. The camera and video camera upgrades are a big plus though. Think its brilliant - as I honestly think the camera and video camera on my 4 are still really impressive! 1080p vid recording is an awesome leap! That's kind of all that's being upgraded here unfortunately. Part of me thinks that iOS 5 is more impressive in terms of what that is adding than the leap between the 4 and the 4s... Just my opinion though!
  2. I have both open as Engadget likes to crash a lot lol. I really like the sound of iOS 5. They have added lots of little things that should hopefully make quite a big impact. Like the camera update especially, as well as iMessage and Cards!
  3. I'm following live updates of the event from Engadget. Hoping for an iPhone 5 announcement - though as you mentioned it could just be the 4s. We'll see.
  4. Hmm, seems Code Veronica has not had the best reviews: http://uk.xboxlive.ign.com/articles/119/1197053p1.html
  5. Well got this yesterday in the post from GAME. And played a bit of it last night and tonight. Its brilliant! And the graphics are great! So much better on screen than any screen shots I have seen. It controls really really nicely too. I'm really enjoying it so far!
  6. I agree with RedShell in that it definitely looks to showcase the 3d better than anything we've seen so far. I think that was needed though. Maybe now some other companies developing games will take a better look at how to get it right. Not that i've seen it done wrong yet, but just not to its full potential. And Retro I agree with you to on the slowness of Mario. If there is one thing about this otherwise amazing looking game that puts me off - its that Mario looks so slow. Still, really looking forward to getting my mits on this!
  7. Love the trailer. Love Shadow at the end too... Wonder what that's about? Probably nothing - but good to see him anyways!
  8. Yup Rummy is correct. I've just had a desk side assessment due to a back condition and I was told the same thing. Your eye line naturally falls down so its perfect to set the top of your screen at eye level. Your keyboard should be close to the edge of the desk so you are not resting your arms / wrist on the desk. Also, the screen should be at arms length in front of you. In terms of chair, your chair should preferably have arm rests and be at a suitable height to allow you to have your eyes looking at the top of your screen. Everything else on your desk should be at arms length so you are not leaning forward or to the side to reach them.
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/250844264854?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm570.l2736%26_nkw%3D250844264854%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1 What a way to sell your car...
  10. Just placed an order for this after holding out at launch. Wanting something new to play on my 3ds, and seen as how I never played the original, and that I really like the look of it, I thought i'd take the plunge. Now to be patient for delivery. <Waits...> Is it here yet?
  11. I thought that the 3ds version had a mixture of 2d and 3d. I have seen screen shots of the Sonic Adventure level and there are parts of that which look like its in full 3d? Can't be sure though as I haven't seen any actual footage. Either way though, I think this game looks sooo good! Excited! The 3ds has a great winter coming up!
  12. Hhhmm, much to think about. They are very expensive - that's why I haven't bought any yet. It's not a case of whether I will use them - as I know full well they wont be out of my ears so I think the only thing stopping me is how much they are! And whether I am buying the right ones. Don't think I want the ones that go over your head as they are not really the kinda thing I would wear round the house - to the gym etc! I am thinking about these ones: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003FNZRPW/ref=asc_df_B003FNZRPW4568960?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&tag=googlecouk06-21&linkCode=asn&creative=22206&creativeASIN=B003FNZRPW They seem much more suited to me I think.
  13. Ha, yeah I thought the same! Such a waste
  14. I'm seriously tempted to just buy it. Its. So. Shiney. Pretty.
  15. <Hugs> Thank you, brave one.
  16. Thread Bump: Found a nice video with some footage of Mushroom Hill Zone. I think this is looking great! They really seem to be making a big effort on all platforms for this game!
  17. I just don't 'get' Tetris... Is there something wrong with me...? <Fears the backlash of his comments>
  18. There is absolutely no choice. GET THE RED. And watch this unboxing porn to push you over the edge: I want the red
  19. Hey y'all. Looking into replacing my headphones and have been looking at the Beats collection by Dr. Dre. Now, I was a little confused at first as there was the Diddy Beats, the Tour Beats, the 'Just Beats' and the iBeats... Anyway, an hour and a half of browsing the net (and a trip to Curry's) later, I have managed to weed the not so good ones out and I understand them a bit more. Currys had the ones I thought I wanted in stock, hence the trip, but turns out they didn't have the talk control which is a big need for me. So, my question really is do you guys have a set of these? And what are they like? I know they're quite expensive but willing to part with the cash due to the amount of time I have my headphones in. Basically, they're never out. I am not after the ones that go over your head. Don't think I have the look for that style... :p So I am only looking at the in ear ones. It's between the Diddy Beats, the Tour with Talk Control or the Heartbeats 2.0 by Lady Gaga ones... though looking into those it'd seem they don't have volume control... Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  20. You should always go with shopto for the best prices and best delivery. I would always go with them if it weren't for the points with LAME. http://www.shopto.net Pretty much everyone on the forum would agree that they are top notch.
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