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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Mine was also dispatched from GAME yesterday - not like Lame to be quick to dispatch. Interesting. I decided to get this over Super Mario 3d Land coz I am going to buy the white console with the bundled Mario game in December when it's out. Mario Kart is also out that day so it gives me time to (hopefully) get lots of play time from Zelda! Really looking forward to this game even though I'm not a huuuge Zelda fan. Don't hate me
  2. Well the original is always better. But the girl is 15. Pixie Lott has a nice voice. Katy Perry has a nice voice. But Birdy is a bit more than that, and I think the one original song she has showcased shows that massively. Though I take your point that it is very different from the original, and to most people, not as good.
  3. She has one song that is original - called 'Without a Word' which is a great song. She will be releasing an album of original stuff soon, but wanted to test the water and be a normal girl (exams and stuff) before that, so released this first. Think she was also one of these YouTube sensations, covering other peoples songs which led to this. See above Here is the original song - this is a Demo version. The album version has virtually been ruined by the producers. But this kind of shows her immense talent:
  4. This is my absolute favourite song off her album. I never heard the original but this is so good I don't even care about it haha. (That's bad, I know!) But yeah virtual hi-five for posting this. : peace: Oh and do not hesitate downloading the album. It is absolutely brilliant.
  5. I love this song. Was my favourite off her album - so glad she has released it.
  6. Ha Debug you pretty much echoe my thoughts with your choices of best and worst! Rooftop run for classic Sonic is absolutely horrible. Dreadful level design. I also don't like City escape much either to be honest. Modern Sonic - for me, this is how Sonic games should be now. I personally had much much more fun playing the modern levels than the classic. The classic is lacking so much for me. It is crying out for a homing attack (Sonic 4 style), though I know I am virtually alone on that thought. The start of the modern Planet Wisp level is great, but then there is too much of the rocket for my liking. Wasn't a great fan of that level overall. Favourite levels? Classic - Chemical Plant Zone and Seaside Hill. Modern - Virtually all of them - except the Wisp one and the new Rooftop run - preferred the original.
  7. Sausage and bean melt from Greggs. Coz they're win.
  8. I cannot believe how well this game has been rated. After so so many lacklustre games involving those bloody Rabbids, I expected this to follow in the same fashion, even though it was just Rayman and co. So this was a huge surprise when I seen it had been given such good scores! Now it leaves me with a tough decision to make - as there are just countless good games already out, and coming out in the run up to Christmas. Grr - I need a lottery win.
  9. I think the white 3ds is beautiful. I really like it. I did think red was the best colour, but now I have seen the white - I've changed my mind Not that struck on the Zelda one - think it would look better in the flesh though.
  10. Think we did have a Cher Lloyd thread but it was just more of the same comments we've seen above. Therefore pointless. But for £3.99 it is an ok album. I think so anyway Shoot me!
  11. You would know what with listening to it then? Hmm not sure. Thanks though. : peace:
  12. Desk chair: £3.99 Amazon album of the week: Coz I'm curious about it... And my favourite thing at the moment:
  13. Have recently discovered Birdy. For 15 years old she is a mega talent. Her album is out tomorrow and though it is all covers bar one track, I am really excited about it. I hadn't heard any of the above tracks before I discovered Birdy so I am hoping there are more great songs I am introduced to. I am looking forward to checking the originals out now too! Also loving anything to do with Florence + The Machine at the minute too. I would post videos of all her songs - as I love them all! But I won't do this.
  14. I am so excited to get it! Really hope it arrives tomorrow - though I won't be home til 6 then I am virtually out all night so won't get chance to play until Saturday! Can't wait to get it though!
  15. Is it wrong that I bought a shelf from IKEA today, specially to display this collectors edition along with my Arkham City one? I need this parcel so bad. Lol.
  16. So envious right now! Enjoy!!
  17. I didn't own the Darkside Chronicles so will pick this up if move support is included - as it should be. And if it works of course!
  18. Hmm you can guarantee that ShopTo will get it to you early too! You may be the first person on the forum to own this amazing piece of Sonic goodness. Jealous. Hopefully Amazon will pull through!
  19. I wasn't 'bothered' to the point where it was an issue - I was just a bit miffed. And that's not the reason for the lack of texts / contact from him. We spoke last night and we're going for a meal tomorrow - so will post then to let you all know how it went. I do really like him, so time will tell. Oh and yes, I'm down with the group orgy. :P
  20. +1 for the purchase of Flo's new album. Also managed to get me a parking ticket today - not quite a purchase, but yeah. Grr.
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