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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I actually lol'd at this comment and keep giggling. It just got me.
  2. Oh my God. That is absolutely disgusting, vile and quite frankly upsetting. She needs to be shot as far as I'm concerned. Fucking idiot.
  3. Funny you should mention a greatest hits - I said the exact same thing to my dad (of all people ha) last night. He mentioned that she always seems to be on the TV or radio with new music. This is true so I said she has had like 6 albums in the last 6 years which would make a cracking greatest hits for next years annual release! :p I bought the deluxe edition of Talk That Talk. I do really like the album. Her greatest album IMO will always be Rated R - and she has a big task to top it. She hasn't done it with TTT, though. Obviously We Found Love is amazing. It is probably the biggest and one of the best songs of the year so far - and will not be bettered now. It's funny as it's quite a simple song, but the production makes it. Couple it with that video and you have yourself the single of the year. My favourite track from TTT is probably Watch n' Learn. This track is Rihanna for me. It's sexy, it's catchy and I love the way she sings it in her Barbadian twang. You also know she isn't lying when she says she will 'do do it on the bed, on the floor, on the couch' - she'd do it anywhere damn it! And I love her for it :p @Paj\! Birthday Cake is so short because I believe it is going to be released as a full track at some point later on. It's like we're only getting a small slice before she unleashes the whole cake ha. The 'ballads' on this album are not as memorable as others from past albums. There is sadly no 'Fire Bomb' or 'California King Bed' here - though I do like 'Farewell' and 'We All Want Love'. I just don't LOVE them. 'Where Have You Been' is massive. I love it. If it is not the next single I will be . Have to say, the bonus tracks on the deluxe edition are not brilliant. They're ok, but probably not worth buying the deluxe edition for. Overall I am impressed with the album - it is definitely a solid album but it doesn't blow me away. Like I said before, Rated R is the best Rihanna album ever and this falls short as there is quite a bit of filler. It's not normally what I expect from a Rihanna album. Thankfully the filler is still pretty good. Needless to say the album will sell by the truck load - partly coz its Rihanna - and partly coz of 'We Found Love'. But you can bet your life that the people who buy it coz of 'We Found Love' will be very disappointed to not find more tracks like it.
  4. Great insight into what the game is like! I am so depressed that I have to wait until the end of next week to play it! Pleased to hear that the graphics and 3d work well - I had an inkling it would through some footage I had seen. My problem with the console version was that classic sonic didn't have homing attack - so the fact he eventually gains it in this is great to hear! Thanks for posting - my excitement levels have gone back up for this game now!!
  5. Mine arrived today! Problem is, I don't actually have a 3ds to play the game on at the minute... I sold my black one a few months back to ready for the Christmas release of games. Plus needed the money at the time. Plans got thrown into chaos when they announced the white one (must have it). Coz I pre-ordered with GAME (double reward points) - Sonic came today and all I can do is look at it until my shiny white console arrives next week!
  6. You're right. I've made a terrible mistake and must return them.
  7. Who aren't a recommended seller for Beats... £110 is a good price for these - compared to the £140 everywhere else is charging for them. And those ones you posted make most people look like a dick. Not sure they would be a convenient option for the gym...
  8. My old standard crap headphones packed in yesterday - I say packed in, more I pulled them out of my pocket and the already loose left ear bud ripped clean off So the time has arrived for me to get on the Beats. Have wanted some for aaages, but always worried about fakes etc. Got these from Best Buy - ordered from their site as they are an authorized seller. On offer until Friday at £109.99 with control talk delivered tomorrow! Yay.
  9. Hhmm I did not know this...! Ponders... I always used to buy CD's rather than download, but literally in the last couple of weeks I have been downloading. I must admit, I do prefer having the physical copy to import to iTunes for my iPhone/pod, then having the cd for the car.
  10. But the deluxe version of Rihanna's.
  11. Oooh I forgot about the post your cooking thread!! Looks looovely Eddie! I would post my cooking from this evening, but beans on toast isn't the most interesting of foods to share!
  12. Care to share why - or just leaving it at that? I think if anything will 'suck' about it, it's going to be how short it is. In terms of the gameplay, it looks amazing. This is all.
  13. Well I have completed the first dungeon and am moving onto the second. Therefore not played a great deal. All I will say from my experience so far, is the motion controls are not doing it for me at all. In some places they work (general combat, slashing away at branches, webs whatever) - anything more it requires too much precision. Even holding the bloody sword above my head isn't a simple task! Good job I am enjoying the rest of it :p
  14. Im getting my copy of this on 2nd December bundled with the delicious white 3DS. With Sonic out next week for the 3DS and Mario Kart the same day as the console bundle, the fact it is short isn't that bad to me now I have other games to play. Looks amazing though, I cannot wait!!
  15. Hmm, I know IGN are pretty crap and can't really be taken seriously... But this did surprise me: http://uk.wii.ign.com/objects/114/114747.html 4.5/10 Is this IGN being IGN, or is it really that bad? They said the main problem was them trying to cram the 360/ps3 version onto the Wii and it can't really cope with it.
  16. In other news, have been listening to Pixie Lott's new album on Spotify (not worth a purchase ) and I am loving this song from her: It's nothing special - but for some reason I just really like the chorus!
  17. If it makes you feel better, I am insanely jealous of the headphones that The Hut were offering! Hopefully one of you can post some pics of them when it arrives!? They looked so freakin cool! : peace:
  18. I hate you all. Enjoy. Roll on December 2nd!
  19. Other than excited, I just want a box that is not damaged or creased. I ordered the precious gold remote edition and if that damn cardboard box is creased (like all the ones I've seen on unboxing vids) I'll be... : It deserves to arrive pristine.
  20. Reviews for this game are in: GamePro: 4/5 http://www.gamepro.com/article/reviews/224766/review-cave-story-3d-3ds/ Games Radar: 9/10 http://www.gamesradar.com/cave-story-3d-review/ IGN : 8.5/10.0 http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/121/1212322p1.html?RSSwhen2011-11-11_182800&RSSid=1212322&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ignfeeds%2Fall+(IGN+Complete) Nintendo Life: 9/10 http://3ds.nintendolife.com/reviews/2011/10/cave_story_3d_3ds Hmm, well the question in my mind is 'why don't I have this deliciousness in my life?'. Scores are consistently good. And I never played the original so I may have to pick this up! : peace:
  21. Yeah I looked at the Zelda bundle but it is white all the way for me. Just looks right. I had a black 3ds but sold it a few months back as I knew a drought of games were coming and I had an inkling we would get better colours. Then the white was announced for the same day as Mario Kart - with SM3DL so it was a no brainer! Sonic Generations is also out the week before so I will pick that up to - that'll be my December sorted for games! Plus Mario Kart online with you lot! Hmm, that's strange. Where is that from?! Surely if there was a stock problem they would have notified you? Might be worth sending an email to them.
  22. Oooh Wednesday is my day off too! Though I have plumped for Zelda over Mario. Those who know me will understand this is so unlike me. I don't normally ever finish Zelda games, though I enjoy them when I play them, so for me to leave this and buy Zelda is pretty crazy! My reasoning however, is that I am buying the ice white 3ds and Mario us bundled with that, so I am being patient and letting Zelda fill the gap! But this does look so so good. Make sure to post if it does arrive tomorrow - just so I can get jealous. : peace:
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