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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I'm free most weeknights apart from Wednesday and Thursday (MK league ) so if you need someone just send me a PM and I'll happily play with you! On the game I mean.
  2. As January always brings a music drought after everyone has released for Christmas, I have been looking at some albums from 2011 that have slipped my radar. One such album is 'You & I'' by The Pierces. Really enjoying it! Favourite track from the album so far is 'You'll Be Mine'. The rest of the album has a pretty similar sound. Pleased with my find - should keep me going for a few days until I'm on the hunt for something else
  3. Oooh thanks for the heads up - really like the look of this game.
  4. Yeah I agree with you too. There have been a few races I have had online where I have gotten into a lead and virtually spent all three laps in first having no items bother me at all. I had a race this evening where I was hit by 2 blue shells but still no one caught me. Not sure whether it was a case of me being able to have a clear run through the course whilst the rest of the pack peppered each other with items or whether it was just an advantage being clear in front as you say.
  5. Yeah it is such a great game for anyone who is a fan of the series - but even if you're not, you don't really need to be! It's perfect for a handheld console. Had loads of fun revisiting it!
  6. This is absolutely brilliant! Your son did this? How old is he?! It is great!! Thanks for sharing.
  7. Ah Nando that sucks! And I definitely think you should get the game for the price you placed your order at. After all, if you walked into a store and the item was priced with that price tag and you took it to the til - they would have to sell it to you for that price. Isn't it like the law or something?! This is no different really!
  8. Yup I also can't wait Coolness. I already have a slight obsession with her. Her song 'Off To The Races' was the record of the week on iTunes so was free. I also love that song. Born to Die is an amazing song. The video is also great. Lana and tigers. Yay! : peace:
  9. Eddie I wear the Johnson & Johnson lenses 1 day Acuvue Moist ones. They're pretty good, never had a problem with them and they have never made my eyes red or irritated in any way I ordered glasses well before Christmas after going the other way form Goafer and getting fed up with wearing lenses... lol. Took me ages to pick them as I have a pretty small face so thought I would need glasses that were minimalistic (wire frames that kinda thing). Turns out (after trying on like every pair in the shop ha) that the bold dark glasses actually suited me better. Who'd have thought?! I am pale and have blonde hair so that was a strange discovery! Anyway I went to collect them before Christmas and as they were adjusting them to fit me the woman chipped the lens! :mad: So then she said it will be another week now until they come in again - but that was like aaaages ago coz of all the bank holidays and stuff. So still not got them. These are what I opted for: http://www.danda.co.uk/glasses/sku-101951/ I'm still a bit unsure coz it feels like ages since I tried them on but hopefully I will like wearing them. I just feel a bit self conscious. I might take a pic of me with and without so you can tell me what I should stick to ha!
  10. I think I used those buttons just coz they were always more comfortable. On NSMB, I dont use the top of my thumb - I use the middle so it was just easier to use the A and B buttons. No talons here!
  11. No didn't buy it! After what you and Welsh said though it'd be best to leave it for a potential price drop in the future. Thanks again!
  12. Pretty sure New Super Mario Bros DS gave you the option? Coz I used B to run.
  13. I will also kick the fuck off on behalf of Eddage if he does not win this. See that beautiful sig of mine below - all his handy work!
  14. But run in all the previous Mario games was B wasn't it? Anyway like I said it's a small criticism from me. Aside from that I love it.
  15. Oooh treats! I'm on my way round! ... Where are you, exactly?! I'm home too - just watched a film with family and had a takeout. Jools Holland is about to join the fun too shortly
  16. I honestly think that the Vita will struggle to sell. The first batch of sales (as in launch week) I think will probably be fine, but after that I think they will see a slump. Not hating on it, coz I will be there on launch day buying one! But the Vita's market are people who have a PS3... They are marketing this console towards people who would like to have a PS3 style experience on a handheld. The fact Uncharted is a launch title suggests that. Whilst I am down with that shit a lot of people won't be and I think it's going to take a long time before they see lots of units being shifted. I'm inclined to agree with the pricing point too in that it is a little expensive. Personally for me, I'm ok with the price as I know what the system can do and think it's pretty impressive. But for those who don't know, they will see the price and be instantly put off. Especially when compared to how much a PS3/360 can be picked up for. I am looking forward to the Vita. Think Sony have learned a lot from the PSP era and have put a lot of focus into this. My gripe is that I don't think it has a major audience to sell to or anything unique enough about it to cater to anyone other than a current Sony gamer.
  17. So would anyone recommend this game? I have had a read of some reviews and watched some trailers and think it looks pretty decent. Plus it has had some glowing praise from a load of you on here! It seems to have gone down to £20 at a lot of places now. Worth a purchase?
  18. Can't wait for this game. Am putting my Zavvi pre-order in now Not thrilled about the god awful attachment, but if it makes the game better to control then great. Will be playing this one at night, with the lights off and headphones on full! I will also wrap myself in a bin liner - just in case of any 'accidents'
  19. I'm just at the end of world 4 (trying to take my time amidst other games I have)! Got to say I think this is absolutely brilliant. Everything about it - the level designs, the visuals, the change in style from the old 'get to the end' Mario games. It is just great. It feels like a mega mash of New Super Mario Bros and Galaxy - and I love it. The only small criticism I have of the game is the controls. Why they mapped the run button to X and Y and jump to A or B is beyond me. It makes a lot of things slightly more difficult. That aside I have nothing but praise for the game. Easily the best game out on the 3DS.
  20. Yeah no matter what game I play, I tend to go for the ladiez. You will always find me playing as Daisy on Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, Mario party etc. On Double Dash I always used Peach and Daisy. My favourite Nintendo DS game was Super Princess Peach - partly because it was a rare gem that got overlooked, and partly coz it was amazing that Peach had her own game for a change. Super Princess Peach 2 in 3d now please Nintendo! I also had an obsession with She-Ra when I was little. Watch and tell me she is not the greatest thing ever?! Back to Hamishmash's original question though with pink for girls, blue for boys, I personally don't see a problem with that. In my eyes a new born baby could be a boy or a girl - there are no distinguishing features to tell otherwise (aside from the obvious), so the colour simply represents the gender. I wouldn't see the point in dressing my baby boy in pink for instance, only for potential onlookers to say - whats her name? Or, how old is she? You'd be tired of correcting them.
  21. Already got it - but it might be a good buy to sell on ebay!! Thanks for the heads up Dem0!
  22. I am also a mushroom hater. You're not alone
  23. My resolution is to eat healthier - I currently have an ok diet and do not need to lose any weight. I'm probably classed as underweight. But it annoys me being skinny - I'd like to have a little bit more weight on me. So I have an appointment with a dietician in the new year and I am going to be consuming much healthier foods and getting big meals of an eveing rather than something quick. That's my biggest one really - there are other little ones that I won't bore you with
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