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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I just jizzed over that snow screenshot
  2. More reviews have come in from IGN: So far: Fifa Football: 8.0 Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3: 8.0 ModNation Racers Road Trip: 7.0 Little Deviants: 6.0 Super Stardust Delta: 9.5 Uncharted: Golden Abyss: 8.5 Rayman Origins: 9.0 Lumines Electronic Symphony: 9.0 Army Corps Of Hell: 7.0 Dungeon Hunter Alliance: 5.5 Asphalt Injection: 6.0 Michael Jackson The Experience HD: 6.5 BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend: 8.5 Touch My Katamari: 6.0 Interesting list. Now I'm drawn to Uncharted and Rayman... Hmm. Decisions decisions.
  3. Yeah I went with VT coz I am a tennis nerd (watching and playing) so I love all tennis games. Plus the trophies / cheevo's on tennis games always seem to be pretty fun so hopefully the trend will continue. And I know it will be that type of game that can be played again and again - even if I don't touch it for weeks / months.
  4. @dazzybee Virtua Tennis 4 review! From the Official Playstation Magazine. 7/10. http://www.officialplaystationmagazine.co.uk/review/virtua-tennis-4-ps-vita-review/ Not groundbreaking, but probably one of (if not, the) best looking game on the Vita so far. If you like tennis games - get it. If you don't - no point. Therefore I'll be all over it
  5. I walked by my local Game Station this afternoon and looked in as I passed - what was in there? Only a Vita!! To play! So I wandered in, and had a quick go! I say quick - it was like 2 minutes lol coz my sister was getting pissed off. Anyway all I did was have a go of the Virtua Tennis demo (my pre-ordered game through Amazon) and it was fantastic. The graphics were unbelievable. The match I played was on a clay court and the way the court became quickly marked as the players scampered across the baseline and up the court, were just brilliant. The character animations were very good too and if I'm honest the whole very short experience didn't feel like a handheld one at all. To me that is a good thing. It wasn't until I took my eyes off the screen I realised it was a handheld and I wasn't sat at home on my bed in front of my tv... Couldn't really hold it properly as it was bolstered onto the display stand but I was pretty impressed with the analogue sticks - much better than the original PSP (which we all knew anyway) and the buttons were nice to press. It is a very sexy piece of kit. Last thing I can tell you about is the screen. And all I can say is wow. It's phenomenal. Clear, crisp, bright and MASSIVE. If developers can start making games that use the touch screen alone rather than tacking some touch controls on then they will no doubt have great success as it's so freaking big! I have my pre-order in, but have been a little on the fence what with there not being loads of info on the launch titles over here yet. However after my very quick play today - that pre-order is staying. Roll the fuck on Feb 22!
  6. Anyone who has pre-ordered - has the price of yours changed in the 'Your Orders' section? Mine is still showing at £232.84? And I haven't had an email from them either.
  7. I haven't seen any of this 'best thing since sliced bread' hype. More the opposite. 'Most boring artist in history'... etc. The media are so hyped on her as they are either loving her, or hating her. So people expect something extraordinary when they hear her music. But she is the best thing since sliced bread anyway, sooo...
  8. Great purchase! All you need now is a thunderbolt display to hook it to! I have an 11"... (MB Air I mean) lolz - what made you go for the 13 out of curiosity?! They're brilliant aren't they?!
  9. Just got back from a Diana Vickers gig at The Ruby Lounge in Manchester. She was absolutely amazing and treated us all with songs from her new album (not yet titled or dated for release ). Yeah she was just great - songs sound fantastic, she's obviously worked really hard in the time she's been away writing. Oh and just for a random twist I was stood close to the bar whilst she was performing away from the crowd that were all squashed up to the stage, and I realised Harry from One Direction was stood right next to me?!! Random ha. Felt a bit sorry for him though as a few people noticed him and were asking for pictures - must be a bitch, but hey - that's fame!
  10. I think what has pushed me to pre-ordering is just the knowing that I will get one of these eventually. And if that means it starts to gather a bit of dust after the initial month or 2 of launch then so be it. I haven't touched my 360 in about 3 months as I have been playing my 3DS loads due to all of the amazing games we've been treated to. It's just what happens when you have more than one console. Can't see a price drop anytime soon either and if there is one I can't see it being that big as it is a high end piece of kit I think.
  11. I am looking at applying for a new job at work - internal position (sounds wrong), so have been updating my CV. Haven't updated it in 4 years and am genuinely shocked at how much I seem to have done since starting my current role now I'm being forced to write it all down! So that's coming along nicely and I'm pleased I will finally have a decent CV saved! I also have a date next weekend which I'm a happy boy about
  12. I mean seriously. What are those graphics about?!!! Lighting is insane! Just when I tell myself to wait for a Vita and leave it a few months I subject myself to things like that. Must... resist... pre-order...
  13. So good. Also still loving Lana Del Rey's album - only stopping to listen to random songs like the above! Loving VV Brown all over again too!
  14. Got my copy of ONM earlier in the post. They have reviewed Mario Party 9. They gave it 86%! The overall verdict suggested that they had learned their lesson from previous games and that this was a 'refreshing revamp'. I have picked some bits out of the review that explain how the game works but have spoilered them in case people didn't want to know and would rather wait to get the game. They're not even spoilers really, but just in case...!
  15. Yeah I kinda feel the same. I had a PSP and really liked it. Only sold it due to needing monies and there never seeming to be any decent games coming out for it on a regular basis. But I don't see that happening this time round. Looking forward to it launching. Good article too, btw!
  16. Haha, might be worth getting a 3ds first (purely from a games that are available perspective). And they are much cheaper now. The Vita is a very attractive concept though - particularly for those who already game with Sony. I have been interested since they announced it - and with this new deal find myself getting more and more tempted.
  17. Amazon.co.uk have a pretty decent deal going on with the Vita at the minute. The Wi-Fi only model is £219 but they're offering an 8GB memory card (which is normally £27.99) for free. They are also letting you choose one game for £15 - although the selection of games is limited. Basically don't expect Uncharted or Wipeout The selection of games for £15 are: Asphalt Injection Michael Jackson: The Experience Rayman Origins Dungeon Hunter Alliance Lumines Electronic Symphony Virtua Tennis 4 Think I'd be tempted by Rayman Origins or Virtua Tennis 4 for £15. That makes the total of the Wi-Fi console, plus memory card, plus game as £236.85. Not a bad little deal and it also applies to the 3g model too.
  18. Yeah some of the songs can take a while to grab you - I was like that with all of her 'singles' but once they got me I was totally hooked. For some bizarre reason, 'Million Dollar Man' reminds me of Spice Girls 'Too Much' haha. I love how each song is like her own little Hollywood Movie, with her being the star of course, and all of the references to the old style glamour and fashion. I personally don't get the negative reviews, whether it's because I am totally taken by her and just refuse to hear the negative I don't know lol. But I find her fascinating, and think it's an album that's difficult not to get taken in by. Glad you're enjoying it though! Be good to here more views once you've had a few more listens!
  19. Good work @Paj\! It's amazing. Particularly 'Million Dollar Man', 'National Anthem', 'Summertime Sadness', 'This Is What Makes Us Girls' - I could go on, they're all so good
  20. I have started on the easiest option and have died once so far and am quite a way into it. There is ammo a-plenty!! So I say go for it! I started on the easiest as I want to play this over and over lol, so gonna go through each difficulty!
  21. My pre-order arrived today. Yay This also arrived today. Yay The best delivery ever - considering how amazing they both are!
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