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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I played about with it today and was surprised at how comfortable it actually is. Having said that I'm not using it for RE:R as I personally find the controls work well enough for me without it. Add to that the fact I have relatively small hands so the 3ds is comfortable for me to hold and doesn't give me any sort of hand cramp that I know some people do get with prolonged play. But yeah so far so good - it's much better than first thought.
  2. My order from Zavvi arrived this morning. Perfect timing as I have a chest infection - feel like shit, so will be sat in bed all day playing this! I feel better already!
  3. I only ordered from them so I'd get the control pad thing for free. And being a lefty I think I'm gonna be needing that for Kid Icarus...
  4. Why is this game not in my life yet??!!! Damn Zavvi!! And damn me for having old card details.
  5. Heavy Metal Lover is easily my favourite song off that album, but I agree I don't think it is single material. Fashion of His Love damnit Gaga!!
  6. Oh my word. This is like slander of the highest order. To me Lana Del Rey is the most exciting artist around at the moment - and she excites me for the very reason you all think she is boring. She is effortlessly cool, oozes attitude but in a way that compliments her image / musical offerings and I think she was bang on when she said her style was 'gangsta Nancy Sinatra' A bold claim but one I think she's so far more than lived up to with the 3 songs she has publicly debuted. Born To Die is my most played song for a good while and it's refreshing to listen to something that catches you by being emotional, and not 'catchy' if you get my drift. It isn't throw away pop, it's deep (to me) and her delivery is what makes it. If it bores you, then it's clearly not for you. Although if you want catchy: I have the album on pre-order - it's out over here on Monday but it has unfortunately leaked so I have heard all of the tracks. I think it is a fantastic debut album. Don't get me wrong though - she isn't breaking any boundaries with the content - it's all very much been heard before. But what makes it different for me is again, how she conveys the message. Her moody, 'bored' style suits the subject matter of the majority of the songs I've heard and that in itself is where I find her exciting. Boring? No chance. She is so damn freaking cool.
  7. Wait... what? No?! Get out of here! Really??!! That is crazy shit! What is he saying
  8. S.C.G and RedShell - I no longer like you both. Lol. Jealous! I need this game in my life - like now!
  9. Mine hasn't been dispatched yet, but I have had a new debit card sent to me and forgot to change my card details. Had an email from Zavvi yesterday advising there was a payment error so changed my details quickly but not been dispatched now . Still waiting. That means it probably wont come for weeks now haha! This is one game I really really wanted too so I'll be gutted if it's after Friday now!
  10. Sounds to me like this woman is just trying to get herself recognised and is using 'the infant' to do just that. Perhaps she's wanting a daily slot on Loose Women or something. Agree with what the majority are saying - the gender neutrality is certainly interesting, but she isn't going about it in the right way.
  11. Thanks Retro! Hmm well I have a free evening and nothing to play all week now as I have finished 3d Land and am waiting Revelations at the end of next week! So I might give it a go! After all - the dodgy voice acting is all part of the RE charm right?!! I know what you mean though about games as they were. I know if they were to release the first RE (again lol) then I would snap it up instantly!! Only because it is one of my top 10 games of all time, like CV is for you! It's also the first RE I played! I might DL it and see what I think! Thanks again!!
  12. Hmm I never played Code Veronica you know! Do you think it's worth picking it up as a download on the 360/ps3? They 'remastered' it along with Resi 4 last year didn't they?! Or is it a nostalgia thing and not worth revisiting now?! :p
  13. I have always had a bit of a soft spot for the Mario Party series. I loved the DS version and played all of the console versions apart from 8. Really looking forward to this but do wish it had an online function. Also agree with those that have mentioned the car - wtf?! It's worth buying for the box alone though I think haha!
  14. Thanks for that @Dante Was fascinating some of the things said there! I agree with one of the last points: - Kawata wonders why they didn’t give Revelations a number on the title as it’s a true-as-can-be Resident Evil game from head to toe Can't wait for this game!!
  15. Hmm I did not know this... I currently have 4 stars on my file. What's the maximum number you can achieve? I have collected all star coins in both normal and special worlds.
  16. Return to form more meaning a return to the roots of the RE series. So more survival horror feel than the pure action that has been prominent throughout the last 2 console games. From what I've seen of both Revelations and this though, Revelations looks much more appealing as a fan of the older RE games.
  17. From the trailer I went from being so excited to a bit deflated. Lol. Now I'm not saying I am not interested and there is no reason for me to judge a full game on a 3 minute trailer. But first impressions wise: It looks too 'action' for my liking. Parts of it didn't look anything like the Resident Evil I love. I know 4 and 5 have slowly moved away from the survival horror feel, but this in parts looked like Gears of War or something! And that's not good to me!! But who knows how it will shape up. I personally loved RE 5 to the point where I completed it on the ps3 and 360 with all achievements / trophies :p. That's how much I One thing though: WTF is with bringing Ashlee back?! That was her, right?
  18. I think I'm going to leave off the demo for now as I think it may just increase my impatience levels even more haha. Which is not good! Am glad to hear everyone seems to be loving it though! Roll on next Friday!
  19. Yay! Was good to read through your's and Capt F's comments! I found that the first 2 worlds were just 'ok' but after that it got better and better! Hopefully it will continue to impress you too! Really pleased you like it though - we must have the same Mario gaming tastes! Be sure to post more the further you go with it!!
  20. You have amazing hair Eddie - looks so thick and shiny!! (From pics you've posted!) Jealous haha. I am always jealous of people with thick hair, but they often tell me that it makes it so difficult to do anything with (more guys than girls). My sister has thick hair which i'd like to somehow steal. Haha.
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