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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Glad everyone is loving the Vita! If anyone wants to add my gamertag please do! It's Aneres11 Cheers!
  2. Agreed. And it's the reason I don't think we'll see a price drop - or a big one anyway.
  3. It's so good because if you have ever played a Virtua Tennis game before you will know exactly what you are doing. Some of these newer tennis games on the main consoles are trying to be super realistic and it takes the pick up and play element away from what a sport game should be all about imo. This just feels perfect for the Vita. It looks great, plays amazingly well and there are lots of different modes to play through. Yeah, some might be shit (like mini games etc) and the career mode is nothing new / slightly tedious - but if you just want it to be able to play some on the go tennis then it's perfect. Having said that, if you wanna spend a good hour or more with the game, whack the difficulty up to professional, set up a match playing best of 5 sets and away you go. Hard as nails. But great fun. Online I have played one match - perfect, no lag. And I handed some Japanese guy his ass. So all is good. Looking forward to handing you your's Dazzy... lol
  4. havin a little play with the internet explorer on it now. Expected it to be shite - its better than my iphone for virtually every page i have tested so far. Pretty good for browsing and posting on here too!
  5. Olly Murs... The only exception!
  6. : peace: It's very impressive. It's an absolute power house. I haven't even touched Uncharted yet - just been playing Virtua Tennis. Gotta say Virtua Tennis looks amazing. And the player models are brilliant. The system itself I've had a little play with but not much. It is similar to the 3DS in how you can pause a game and return to the home menu to open something else. One thing I have been doing whilst playing is pausing Virtua Tennis and opening up the Trophy app to see what I can do next. It's all seamless with no slow down and little lag (compared to the PS3 anyway). All PS3 trophies are shown with a separate list of Vita ones. The trophy app is a better way to track what you have unlocked than it is on the PS3. I like the big circle blob for each app - it's all laid out well and doesn't look cluttered. The system itself felt sightly awkward at first. I wasn't keen on the control sticks - but I have found myself not having any problems after spending about 3 hours straight on Virtua. I think the bigger test will be playing Uncharted as the right control stick is very close to the 4 main buttons. It is a little difficult to press the X button sometimes as the stick is almost in the way. Again though, this is probably just something that I need to get used to. Not tried anything to do with the rear touch pad yet. Took a picture of myself to create a custom tennis player and it was very good quality for the low lighting. My created player was not flattering in the slightest however... so has been swiftly deleted... The buttons have great feedback (MUCH better than the original PSP) and the D-PAD is one of the best I have felt from any controller or handheld. Lots of praise there. There is so much more to doooo! But that is gonna have to wait haha. And by the time i post that you lot will have been wiping your own jizz off the screen of your shiny new toy and wont give a shit then lol. It feels very very different to the 3DS experience too - and that in my opinion is a good thing. I now know that these 2 consoles can definitely exist together and both be successful. We just need the games to be there which I'm confident they will be.
  7. Just been having a wank sesh on Virtua Tennis. It's amazing. Get on it - y'all.
  8. I don't know whether it's a case of virtua tennis being available early? Coz shopto had virtua tennis in stock on sunday I noticed. All the other vita games were listed as preorder. I also didn't order any additional stuff with my bundle like cases or another game etc so maybe that helped? Dunno.
  9. First class - cost ?2.37 according to the order screen.
  10. Hmm interesting. Just to throw it out there my preordered game with amazon was virtua tennis... So not sure if thats the reason? My estimate delivery date was always 22nd but then yesterday it changed to the 21st. Got my dispatch email last night and it's arrived this morning. Wonder why no one else has had the same?
  11. Yeah my preorder was with amazon. I didn't preorder until about 2 or 3 weeks ago though so dunno why others haven't been dispatched too? Anyone else received theirs from amazon yet?
  12. Fuck midnight launches! Just had a text from my mum (I'm at work) IT'S ARRIVED!!! And Uncharted from Shopto arrived this morning too! Ahh good times! :p Is it home time yet?!!
  13. I only like the scotch style pancakes - so we have them! The thin crepe style ones are wrong!! Gimme thick scotch ones with maple syrup aaaaany day!
  14. Yeah I agree S.C.G. The memory card is the only thing that I resent buying - but Amazon's deal did make it a little less painful I only gave in because it's new and I am weak.
  15. For Nicki Minaj - I'm disappointed. Too throw away. I like it, hence posting here ha but it isn't a Nicki song. I love me some Katy Perry. Needs to give up the Teenage Dream era now, but this is ok. We have a video for 'Elephant' - and it's just as generic as the song. I still like it though. And it's guaranteed to be huge I think - but it shouldn't be. Went to see Diana Vickers at the Ruby Lounge. Someone recorded the performances. I cannot express my love for Diana Vickers. Words aren't enough. Amazing writer, amazing taste in music, amazing in general. This song stuck in my head all night after. Material from her second album sounds fucking amazing. CANNOT WAIT.
  16. I know Dazzy! I just think this launch is actually pretty strong. How it pans out after the launch window is another story... but I'm happy exploring more than one of the games that are gonna be available day one. After I'm done jizzing over the games I'm gettin straight away of course.
  17. What console does launch with a large selection of good games? I mean, there isn't many. We have Wipeout, Uncharted and SSD for Christ's sake. And then there are a selection of 'lesser' games that surely must interest most people getting a Vita? Football, tennis, racing (both realistic and arcadey with Ridge Racer / Modnation Racers). There's Rayman Origins which is supposedly brilliant and if anything, is the exact same experience as the bigger consoles. Fighting games, hack and slash etc. As launches go, it isn't bad.
  18. Had my dispatch email from Amazon earlier. Ordered Uncharted from shopto as it was cheapest I could find it and got an email to confirm that has been dispatched today too! Watch Uncharted turn up tomorrow now! :p Wish shopto had decent Vita bundles coz I'd have ordered with them for the points scheme and faultless delivery. Still - Amazon signs are good so far! Roll on Wednesday! *EDIT* My estimate delivery date for my Amazon Vita order has now changed to 21st!! We shall see!!!
  19. Nice doubles vid from Virtua Tennis 4 Looking forward to some of this online from Wednesday with those getting it!!
  20. Couldn't find a thread on this. Anyone getting it?! I used my game reward points to buy this so cost me nothing - fancied something to play with Move and it has been reviewed pretty well. The Wii version was great (think I put about 40 hours into it and that was without even touching the career mode!!). I know that not everyone has Move, but its playable without it. Gonna have a quick play now and will post my thoughts for those interested. I have the PS3 version - no idea how it plays with Kinect. If anyone has it for that, post and give your thoughts!
  21. Loved the first one. Demo of this seemed decent.
  22. Virtua Tennis Uncharted Super Star Dust That's it. Looked at Rayman Origins but think those 2 will keep me entertained for long enough. That will no doubt go down in price like the home console editions have soon enough. Seen the boxes for the Vita too - they're tiny! Look good. Everybody's Golf hasn't been rated that well from what I have seen. Plus golf is boring as hell. Controversial...?
  23. Indeed I am. It's the game I am most excited about haha. You up for some online matches once we're both up and running if you're getting it too?!
  24. I would never order anything from play.com. Total shit for delivery. Pre-order at your peril. Probably turn up in March.
  25. I lurve Spotify Premium! ?10 a month is such good value for money especially when you can create the playlists and use them on your phone! I like it so I can listen to music that I never owned from years ago, or if a new album comes out and I'm not sure whether or not to buy it (example, Emeli Sande). It's great! Think I will always have my premium membership for it as I use it a hell of a lot.
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