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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Not sure if mentioned anywhere else - had a quick scour but couldn't find anything. Shopto are now taking Wii U preorders! Both the black and white models are available and are priced at ... £279.85. Considering the price of the 3ds at launch this doesn't seem too bad. It is expensive though, especially when you add a couple of games to the mix! What are people's colour choice?! I like the black, but that thing is a fingerprint magnet by the looks of it! No release date yet though - just 'TBC'.
  2. I'm a huge tennis fan! I have played for about 10 years too - it's the only thing I'm decent at haha. Love it, though the French Open is the worst slam going. Hate the French crowd with a burning passion. I also only really support Venus and Serena - if either of them are not in a tournament, I don't really care. Same if they lose in a slam - couldn't care less who wins and I'm not interested. On the womens side anyway. Most will think this is ridiculous - but to me they are my absolute favourite players ever. Anyway, I love the grass court season. Bring it on! On topic of the French though - I'd like Djokovic to win. To hold the 4 slams would be pretty special when no one else has managed to do it for years. Especially when you think how dominant both Nadal and Federer have been the last few years. Plus I'm not a lover of Nadal's heavy top spin game. I don't see Nadal being stopped though. To destroy Ferrer like he did today was scary. Ferrer is a great clay court player and I honestly expected him to cause Nadal a few problems. Didn't happen! I think Nadal would have to have a very bad day to be thrown off course. And as for the ladies - don't even talk to me about this year.
  3. Very late 90's but my favourite song ever came from this era!
  4. Electrical purchases are the best
  5. Love this guy. Criminally underrated and generally classed as a 1 hit wonder. Clearly not the case with songs like this but people don't seem interested I love it though!
  6. And the award for the best album artwork cover this year goes to... :p I like her face.
  7. I disagree. The chance shots ruin the game. It's not tennis. At the end of the day the game is called Mario Tennis Open. This game should be title 'Mario Chance Tennis'. The thing is, even if the chance shots do get patched to be turned off (unlikely!) then you will not really be able to construct points like you could do in the earlier versions of this game. The chance shots are there for you to win the point. You can't do it without them unless you drop shot all the time. The basic mechanics of a tennis game are not there. Therefore, if you're a tennis fan (or a proper tennis game fan), then you won't like this.
  8. For those who didn't hear the winning entry:
  9. Yeah totally agree. I would like to hear Denmark's song again. Sweden did a great job with that track. I mean, it's a no brainer really. That's the exact kind of music that is selling everywhere right now - even in America. We did well when Jade Ewen represented us - think she came in fifth in 2009. It was a decent song, massive vocals and she's very attractive. That's where we need to go next year!
  10. I loved the Russian grannies haha! Amaze. My favourite was probably Denmark (girl with the guitar). It was totally wrong for Eurovision (hence placing poorly!) but I really liked it. I also liked Cyprus and Iceland! We should have had a N-Eurovision party!
  11. I heard the Sweden entry on a forum a few month ago and knew instantly it would run away with it. It is pretty much bang on trend and Europe seem to love themselves an attractive girl belting out a ballad / dance ballad. In fact who doesn't love that?! Glad Sweden won. Great track. Englebert did no wrong bless him lol. Apart form agreeing to do it in the first place! Some really good songs this year though I thought!!
  12. Yeah same. Think I am going to trade this in and buy something else.
  13. More time spent with the game. Really going off this the more I play. Tedious, repetitive, annoying, makes me want to throw my 3ds at the wall on numerous occasions. Disappointing.
  14. Haven't tried that yet. It may be the games saving grace
  15. Spent a bit more time with this game now - particularly last night and about an hour and a half this morning. Starting to get a little repetitive already for me. Also, I know some have said they don't mind the chance shots, but for me I'm finding them just plain annoying. Going through the tournaments the computer character just uses them more and more. I have just been wiped off court by Bowser because every chance shot he got (which was virtually every time my ball landed on his side of the court) BOOM - chance shot used. And even trying to counter it did sod all. Got to the point where I just wasn't bothered. In tennis games I love having a tight set or match and being able to pull it out the bag. With this I just wanted the fucking thing to be over already. Also, there is no easy way to win points in this. You can't construct a rally to put yourself in a winning position (or at least I can't). You have to rely on the chance shots whether that be utilising them with what they are there for, or playing a different shot off it to throw the opponent off. The only time you can win a point without them is in the first and second cups when the CPU character is virtually just standing there for you to hit the balls past! One more rant - there is virtually no point to the lob in this game. You lob someone and they get a star chance shot on their side of the court to smash away a winner. Hmm - pointless. I am feeling a little disappointed so far. The game started off ok for me and I was having some fun, but a few hours in and my want to play is dwindling slightly. Which is annoying as I like that this game has a lot to unlock. That normally makes me wanna get everything I can but with this I just can't be bothered having to play through an annoying singles campaign to be able to do it all.
  16. I downloaded this a couple of nights ago and have been really enjoying it. It's a good example of what a handheld can offer. Really good price too! Not played loads of it, but what I have I've loved!
  17. Yeah mine was from shop to Hero.
  18. Played the first tournament. Won very easily. But really liked it! The chance shots didn't really add anything for me - don't know if I was doing it right though coz I was standing in the glowing circle and the shots were the same! Ha. But it was great! Can see me having a lot of fun - providing the difficulty increases. One thing I did notice was I preferred the view in gyro mode - everything was a little bit closer on the smaller screen. However I don't wanna use gyro controls! So switching it off makes everything look a bit far away - particularly with the 3d in motion too adding more depth. Anyone know if the view can be changed without having to have gyro on?! But yeah - really enjoying it!
  19. Postie just called! It's here! Gonna have a very quick blast and will post comments!!
  20. And a shit load of new clothes using birthday money from family / friends!
  21. So I downloaded the demo for this and have just played it. WHY IS THIS GAME NOT IN MY LIFE. Having loved the only other rhythm game I've ever played (Elite Beat Agents), I'm shocked at myself for only coming across this now. I loved every second of the demo. And now I am on a mission to buy it for a good price! Although truth be told, I'm happy to pay full price!! It looks great, is fun, I was smiling all throughout playing it and I just want to keep playing more. It's games like this that the 3ds is made for I think. You cannot get a gaming experience like this on another console! Will post more impressions when I (inevitably) pick it up!!
  22. I downloaded the demo last night and have just spent some time with it now. I played this on my Vita and I thought it was a fantastic port to a handheld from the home consoles. Unfortunately, like Captain Falcon said - the screen is slightly zoomed out for the 3ds version which does make it difficult to see what is going on at times. However, it still looks great and I like the depth the 3d adds. Playability wise - Captain was right again. It is too sluggish. It felt off for me the minute I started playing. I never felt in full control of Rayman and never had any problems like that with the Vita version. It is definitely a shame, but I think most people will have picked it up on one of the home consoles - or at least now they will given it is so cheap. Don't think this is worth the full price it will come out at for the 3ds.
  23. Really liked her on the X Factor and this mix tape proves that she could be a credible artist. 15 minutes long but it's a great introduction into what she's all about.
  24. Not visited this thread for a while as was never sure if I wanted this game or not... Anyway glad I clicked on! Thank you so much @\-Dem0\- for the heads up on The Hut's price! Order placed!!
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