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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Ah see I really like homewrecker! It's the talking sections that I just love. Song is definitely a grower. Really looking forward to her album! Also I think she is gorgeous too. Blonde or brunette! And @MadDog - I'm in total agreement. For Nicki Minaj it's shite. But it's so damn good haha. I have overplayed it now though so am getting a little bit bored of it - but it's a great track! Whilst I'm on a music roll this evening I may as well post this new track that I am also really into at the min. The Gossip (or just 'Gossip' whatever they're called!) have been working with Xenomania (responsible for all of Girls Aloud's stuff) and their new track 'Perfect World' is pretty good! Enjoying this!
  2. Marina and the Diamonds has always impressed me. Liked her first album and her second album is looking pretty promising. She released a 'buzz track' last year called Radioactive which was a pretty good tune and has since followed it up with an album track called 'Homewrecker' and the official single 'Primadonna'. All a bit of a different direction from her first album - not sure how I feel about it as the 'The Family Jewels' produced 2 brilliant songs in 'Hollywood' and 'I Am Not A Robot'. New sound is very different. But I still like it a lot!
  3. I already have my newcomer of the year for 2012 sorted!
  4. Not feeling her at all. Bit of a whore (strong?) - and doesn't seem to hold any credibility at all. I'm all for a lady writhing round with nothing on (strangely), but this isn't doing anything for me. Good legs though.
  5. You remembered that?! But yes... yes I am.
  6. Leave the forum Magnus. :p I just think it deviates too much from 'normal tennis'. Like people said the N64 version was just tennis with sprinklings of Nintendo goodness. Don't know why we can't just have that? All this making a shot and the ball swirling in strange directions is a bit strange. It will hopefully be good fun to play but time will tell.
  7. Yeah I agree Retro. That video has done nothing for me what so ever. All looks really crazy (too crazy) and mapping buttons to the touch screen is not really what I had in mind. Like you say though, hopefully there will be modes where it is just simply tennis - with Mario characters. Why do I get the feeling we're not gonna get that...
  8. Pretty generic but I like it. And I am strangely attracted to him - he's like SO good looking. Also really really like Madonna's new track. And I'm not really a Madonna fan (aside from Ray of Light and Frozen) - but she just seems to know what to do with each new album.
  9. Jesus - sorry if already posted. But PS3 Slim 320GB with Assassins Creed Revelations for £99.98?! Whoever managed to get hold of that is one lucky bastard! http://www.game.co.uk/en/playstation-3-320gb-slim-with-assassins-creed-revelations-154931?pageSize=20&categoryIdentifier=203287
  10. Oooh you play Charlie? (Obvs ha) I used to use an original Pure Drive (few years ago), and it totally ruined my shoulder! But it was a very stiff frame. They've since improved it loads. I trialled one last year and really really liked it but found it was almost doing too much work for me... Like it was very forgiving of shots that weren't hit correctly. Now this is all good lol, but when I'm trying to work on consistency I wanted something that demanded perfect technique to work. It's a very nice racket though. I was really tempted to pick one up but decided against it and stuck with Wilson who I always seem to stay with. Let me know how you find it the more you play with it!
  11. No not a child... The 'New iPad' ... iPad 3.
  12. Went into LAME today - went to trade in Grand Slam Tennis 2 (Total wank), and bought Rayman for the Vita. Was meant to be £35 (which I didn't really wanna pay but with trade in would have been £13), anyway as I was about to put my pin number in to pay, the manager who was next to the sales girl serving me was like ' hang on, isn't that meant to be £25?' Turns out it was, but only when bought with a Vita console. The manager said though that if bought with hardware it also means you only pay £25. So he ripped a Motorstorm download card off the shelf, scanned it in and said 'right, that's five pound please'. Result.
  13. Never thought of that @Retro_Link Will have a look now, thanks!
  14. Nice review Micro. Urgh! So angry LAME aren't stocking this - I have a game to trade in and was gonna use the credit against this but the shit heads are going down the pan! Hmm, I just can't justify paying full price for it when I don't think I will play it that much. But I want it!!!
  15. Just listen to Rated R. You will then be in love. If you're not then ... It's an amazing album and you will not expect that kind of material from her if your only musical knowledge of her includes Umbrella and We Found Love.
  16. I actually think that's a great price for Argos and a new Wii game. You're all making me want it now!!!!
  17. No not common for a handheld - but not cutting edge. Like I said.
  18. Hmm I haven't found this. I play on very hard all the time against the computer and I play no worse. Shots aren't as clean as they tend to be much more accurate and powerful when the CPU is a higher difficulty. As I've said before there has to some anticipation of where the CPU or online opponents shot is going to go in order to ensure your shot back is not setting them up for a winner. I think it's brilliant and the difficulty level is spot on.
  19. I would like to kiss you MadDog. Lana lovers rule!! And I totally agree. She is on a whole other level of cool. I love that she won a Brit too. My favourite song off the album is probably Off To The Races. But I honestly love them all. Also really like Diet Mountain Dew. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
  20. I still love this album. Have been listening to it every day virtually ha. It's so good.
  21. Not sure. The cutting edge technology is the graphics. Nothing else is cutting edge about it. It's all been seen before. It needs the games. And so far, they're good. Not brilliant.
  22. I got a Kindle from my sisters as a Christmas gift and I love it. As you say, it's nice to physically own a book but the Kindle makes it so easy. Plus it's really easy on the eyes. Good purchase!! : peace:
  23. Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition! Decided to create a thread as suggested by Retro Link in the Vita main thread. I know a few of us have this game and the comments seem to all be positive from those who've played it. It is easily my most played Vita game so far and I'm loving it! There's the usual career mode, speaks for itself - arcade mode, where you try and win the 4 grand slams and if you score enough points, face the Duke / King, exhibition mode where you can freely play against CPU characters for however long you want and at your chosen difficulty, Practice mode - speaks for itself, Mini game mode - again, speaks for itself, VT Apps which is a mode exclusive to the VITA edition and utilizes the VITA's features, and Online which lets you play against the rest of the world!! So lots to do. I have been busy online more than anything and was on a 19 match winning streak before some bastard from Japan beat me. Not happy. Also had a match with @dazzybee last night and that was great! Absolutely no slow down, frame rate drop or lag at all. Anyone who wants to pick this game up should definitely do so. It is one of those games that has kinda been shoved out the lime light because of some other big names at launch. But it is an amazingly addictive and fun game - even if you're not a fan of tennis. If you are though - you will love this. A review below from IGN: http://uk.vita.ign.com/articles/121/1219216p1.html They basically say what we all know - it's nothing new, but it works and is a shit tonne load of fun. *Not their exact words... I also find myself loving unlocking trophies on this too. They are pretty good trophies too and a lot of them are unlocked with natural progression through the career mode / game. Some are just plain fun to get on your own though - like hitting 250 winning volleys. I'm not a net play player, but finding myself playing this style to unlock the trophy and am having some success with it!! I could go on and on, but I wont. Just buy it y'all! : peace: Oh and when you do - add me! I wan't some online goodness damnit!!
  24. Very very very excited about this game. The fact it has online play and ranking / leader boards is win. Roll on May!! : peace:
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