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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I totally disagree. Mario Kart I can see the criticism. But I personally think that the new tracks are very good in '7' and I have enjoyed the majority of the retro ones too. Don't understand why they left the mission mode out but hey, perhaps it was rushed as you say. But what exactly do people want from Mario Kart that it isn't already delivering on? Aside from this whole computer AI stuff what can it possibly do to become fresh and exciting? Nintendo have tried something different with every Mario Kart game since the N64 version. They added retro tracks, they added double characters resulting in pretty decent item mixtures and special items, they added a mission mode to the DS version and they added bikes to the Wii version. Now they have added the underwater and glider sections. They even did away with the 'snaking' thing as everyone moaned about it! Granted they are small things and don't make much of a difference - but they are doing something to change it up each time. The best online I have seen from Nintendo has also come from Mario Kart. I think people are just getting bored of it, plain and simple. If they were coming out every year I'd understand it, but I look forward to every new Mario Kart game even if it is more of the same. Because for me, it works. As for 3d Land 'lacking Nintendo sparkle'... I'm lost for words. So have this instead:
  2. And this is why I'd do lots of research first! Lol. Doesn't seem like such a good idea now.
  3. Well this is surely to make all those who are losing their hair feel loads better -reading about how great your genes are and how thick and colourful your hair all still is! Ha i'm only jealous coz I've always had pretty fine hair really! Shaved heads can look great I think - particularly with the beardage. Unshaven is goooood! Unless you're me who looks like a hobo with any sort of stubble / facial growth. There are loads of options now anyway if you are balding and don't want to shave your head! Hair transplant anyone?! I would seriously consider this as I think they are brilliant! If you haven't read or heard about them they basically take hair which will never stop growing (back and sides of your head) and extract the follicles from these areas and place it to the area(s) that have lost hair. I read up on it once after seeing it in the paper. Amazing stuff and all done whilst you're awake! Though it takes hours apparently. All of the hair grows back as normal and you have a full head of hair that isn't going anywhere. Unless you receed even further, in which case...
  4. Hmm oh yeah. I suppose I can't blame my hair colour now for doing / saying very stupid things...
  5. Yeah basically done away with the blonde
  6. A hair cut. Oh and colour I have had blonde hair for about a year now and was getting fed up of having to sit with tin foil in my hair every time I went to the hairdressers. Not the manliest look... So it's now brown! : peace: That's the extent of my purchases recently. Oh and petrol
  7. Ooooh - this looks interesting!!
  8. I think if 2 people are meant to be together then they will make sure that they do whatever they can to make it happen. And if you are in a long distance relationship and whilst not seeing your partner sitting there thinking about the 'great opportunities' you're missing out on - then it clearly isn't for you. I however don't think Eddie is going to be doing that, as clearly they both have a huge want to make it work. And I so hope it does work for you both. The picture you posted earlier made me smile - you look great together!
  9. I HATE that Beyoncé song with a burning passion. The fact it never ends makes me want to rip the cd out and break it. Therefore the track is quickly skipped
  10. Yep I had the exact same problem with my game doing that - black screening whenever I tried to load it up. It became an absolute pain in the arse. I never noticed a link between being online / offline though to be honest, I used to just have to get up and turn my console off / back on and it would normally fix the issue. But yeah it did that a lot. And it sucks ass.
  11. Wow Emma that second house is lovely. The first is great too but the second one is very well done. There's very much a big mix of modern and contemporary throughout it though what with the fireplaces in most of the rooms and then THAT kitchen!! But it works. Tell him to pay up.
  12. Yup I would agree with that Dem0. From my memories of Sunshine it was disappointing compared to Mario 64 as you say. The reason I love M64 so much is all of the different worlds. Everyone has a favourite one - mine being Jolly Roger Bay , but Sunshine just didn't give you that kind of experience. It didn't feel very Mario-esque as you ran around a big sunny plaza with a water gun strapped to your back lol. It was still good - but it is definitely one of the weakest Mario games imo. Back on topic though - currently going through to collect all of the star coins in Mario Land. They haven't half tucked some of them away! Love the satisfaction though when you figure out how to get to one that is visible but you can't reach! They love to tease
  13. It was just more of the same I think and that's why I wasn't fussed with it. Everything that was brilliant about the first one was expected in the second - there was nothing exciting about it. Plus the Yoshi sections in my opinion, were torture so that put a big downer on it for me. I just found myself getting bored very quickly with it. And Sunshine was just Sunshine. The less said the better really
  14. Wow trailer actually looks really good. Might have to purchase this to tide me over for RE:R at the end of the month!!
  15. I feel the exact same way Retro!! Didn't like Sunshine or Galaxy 2 either! And yeah, Mario 64 and Galaxy 1 are regarded as some of the best games ever by me! With that in mind then...! I have just finished Mario Land. And I personally think it is one of the best Mario games I have ever played. The final level is without doubt the best I have played from a Mario game and I didn't want it to end! There is still loads of stuff for me to do like collecting stuff etc - which I am starting now, but I think it is the best game on the 3ds by a mile. I'm sure you will love it! Let us know your thoughts I'm intrigued now to see what you think!
  16. Ha Zavvi clearly realising they have missed a trick by pricing it for the same price that most will be charging for just the game! Thank God for the pre-order price promise!
  17. Can't really do with Alexandra Burke but there has been a lot of buzz about her new track 'Elephant'. I have to say it is pretty good but I'm not feeling all the autotune. Apologies for the low quality vid - it's all that's about at the min!
  18. Oooh good price for Cave Story - where from?!!
  19. I'm really excited by this game! Cannot wait for release day - let's hope Zavvi surprise us all. I am also quite intrigued to know how the add on will feel in the hand and whether it will be a seamless thing or make me want to smash it into tiny pieces. Time will tell! : peace:
  20. I personally don't find chequered shirts attractive at all on me. I have never owned one and don't think I ever will. Serebii - you wear them well though. My issue I think is that EVERYONE is wearing them. I personally prefer a smart t-shirt or jumper but that's my style. Everyone is different!
  21. Brilliant, brilliant series. I love it.
  22. I like Zara, but never buy anything from there. Their sizes are too big IMO. I am a slim guy and there small stuff drowns me - thank god for Topman and their xs and xxs ranges!
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