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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Box Boy looks incredible. Reminds me of Thomas Was Alone - only a good thing. And available right away! Yassssss (again).
  2. Crying at the DS and N64 inclusions. Fucking incredible. Take my money for all 4. And right after the Direct!! Yassssssssss.
  3. I'm not really hyped. I normally go to sleep at 11 each night, so am staying up for this but only because it's a bank holiday so it's technically Friday tomorrow. I don't imagine there will be anything that makes me stupidly excited though. Like others have said, probably just official release dates for the likes of Wooly World etc. Would very much like to see some 3DS announcements, as it's really quiet for the console the next few months. I'd like to see Metroid Prime be remade for the new 3DS though. Random, but would be very welcome.
  4. Incoming Batman Arkham Knight PS4. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/news/a639202/batman-arkham-knight-limited-edition-ps4-console-bundle-announced.html#~p8ykPlmT2EZPyJ Looks very cool.
  5. Decided to purchase some stuff for my New 3DS seeing as I've hardly touched it since I got it for Christmas. My first face plate got delivered today from Japan! Along with some other goodies! Finally got me a charing cradle which I've been after for a while. And finally got that damn Boo cover plate I've had my eye on for sooo long! Cool right?! How about now...?! Glow in the dark!!! :awesome: So damn cool. Aaaaand the theme to go with, obviously! Need to get me some more of these cover plates... I feel an addiction coming on... Oh God. These are gonna be my amiibo!!! I can see it now. Damn you Nintendo!! Damn you!
  6. If they dare unveil something delicious and then say April Fools I'll fly to Japan and kill. I'm talking MAJOR announcement though like Super Princess Peach 2 etc.
  7. I think the general consensus would be yes it is but I don't want to speak on behalf of everyone. I really like mine, and feel like its the console the 3DS should have always been. Rather than write a massive post, I'll just bullet point why I think it's a worthy upgrade: - Better 3d viewing - this really makes a big difference if you enjoy playing with 3d on - Sooo much quicker. My old original 3DS was so slow and this has given it a huge speed kick. Everything loads and closes in half the time it used to - often more so. - Feels better in hand than previous 3DS. - C 'nub' is actually better than I thought it would be, and removes need for CPP which was just - Price isn't too bad, IMO - Buttons are so much better. The start and select buttons and home buttons are much much easier to press. The whole console feels more premium to me. - Changeable plates if you get the non - XL. There are reasons not to upgrade too though. At the end of the day they all play the same games (bar one or two at the min). The memory card slot is damn annoying. No transerring back to old 3DS once transferred over (not that I think anyone would do that!). Stylus is rubbish and placement is rubbish. All depends how much you use your 3DS. If you intend to use it a bit more and think the bump in specs would help then go for it. :awesome: If not, and you only want it to play the odd game, save your money and spend it on the games instead. : peace:
  8. NES remix came out for 3DS in Europe. I ordered it last night, funnily enough The Wii U boxed version didn't, I believe.
  9. Ooooh this looks really good! Henry Hatsworth was always one of those games on the DS that I wanted to pick up but never got round to it. This is exactly the kind of game I look for from a handheld like the 3DS though, so it is definitely good news!
  10. Whilst I'm trying to remain up beat I literally am so glad I don't just own a Nintendo console. I mean this is really disappointing. Not just Zelda, just the whole lack of software period. I've even been recently saying over in the 3DS thread how disappointed I am that there's not much on the horizon that is grabbing my fancy. Maybe I will pick Mario Party 10 up after all!
  11. Just finished up the game. Coulda finished it well over a week ago, but have been mindful to try and get as many medals after each episode played as possible, whilst it was still fresh in my mind. Plus it'll help me when I go back and do the knife run and the countdown run. Oh and invisible enemy. From what I gathered at the end I managed to come out with the 'worst possible ending'. I have to say, I hated the ending and I didn't particularly like Barry's story for Episode 4. Claire and Moira's was 15 minutes long and it was completely exhilarating and the ending!!! A game hasn't got me so involved in its characters like that has so I was so looking forward to it all being tied together with Barry's episode. Turns out it wasnt. Maybe if Id have played the episode(s) differently and got adifferent outcome it would've settled my needs for a tied together story. But as it stands it didn't. Thankfully I'll be replaying the chapter again, multiple times so I'll be able to hopefully quench my need for a good outcome. Final thoughts then? Well it's Resident Evil, so I did like it a lot. I thought the story (though disapponting at the end this time round) was better then the first Revelations, but where this one fell down was in its weak environments and poor locations. Everything looked the same. The backgrounds had no life, the objects around you were dull and lifeless and even the same bunch of enemies you see all the way through the game are completely lacking in any real excitement or horror. And thats what annoys me, as it's gone from being a handheld game, that had all of those things this one was missing! And it was on 3DS! Granted, it pushed the 3DS to the limit and some door unlocking sequences on that we're looooong but there's no excuse for a next gen release to not at least look a bit next gen. I really warmed to all the characters, especially Claire and Moira to a degree. Claire must have won me over as shes made it to my signature, so... Still ain't Jill though . The door has well and truly been left open for a third instalment so it'll be interesting to see how and if Capcom decide to pursue it. There are some really good ideas from this game they could definitely expand upon such as the co-op sections that when they were done well, they were very good. But next time id like it to be a bit more bigger scale and over the top like Resident Evil should be. They need to stop trying to make it cool . Definitely worthy of a purchase though, for anyone who isn't sure. It's a cheaper release and it'll last the length of a normal game plus hours and hours more if you're a completionist / trophy or achievement hunter. I enjoyed it!
  12. I kinda wish that these days game announcements would be 'it'll be out when it's out'... Delays suck when you have been given an ETA. Having said that, if it makes it the game that they want it to be then so be it.
  13. Thanks Ike. Yeah, surprised it isn't on Ninty's store too. Surely there's people out there that want stuff like that so they'd get a decent amount of orders? I like digital downloads, but sometimes I miss seeing what I own on the shelf haha weird as that sounds! All of my 3DS games are downloads, and I now hate I don't have them boxed on the shelf along with my other games. Especially considering Nintendo could screw me over with them if they don't transfer to the next handheld etc. That's for another time though!
  14. That's just typical GAME I was tempted as it seemed like a good thing to put in the living room to stream gaming down there. But in most of the reviews I read, people were saying you should ideally have both the PS TV and the PS4 connected via ethernet to get the best results. Otherwise, potential lag. My PS4 is wired up but I would't be able to wire the PS TV and my internet connection is particularly shite anyway. @Ike - you not enjoying the experience then?
  15. Playstation TV is now £44.99. Not just a sale - it's been reduced completely. Decent price.
  16. Yeah I definitely intend to pick Shantae up at some point. I'm just trying to finish a game before I start another so need to crack on with the one I'm currently playing before I delve into another one! I haven't touched my new 3DS since I got it though which is madness! I've been looking into face plates recently though, and have been regretting my white console choice as a lot of the plates suit the black console more. Plus with my mucky hands ( ) (see Wii U thread)... a black console might be better. I've got some vouchers for GAME and reward points which would take quite a chunk off the console so might indulge over the weekend! : peace:
  17. Honestly, I can't recommend it enough! I love the mix of Nintendo goodness and 'other' goodnes. It's perfect. I've been on a Resident Evil, serious game marathon since October with my One and now once I'm done with my current One game I'm jumping straight back into the colourful world of Nintendo. Fun in a different way! Punctuating my Nintendo play like that means I get the best of both worlds AND I appreciate Nintendo's unique touch a lot more from it. As well as the offerings of the other consoles like achievements / trophies, the exclusive games and system infastructures. Which as we know are stronger than Nintendo's. I always recommend that set up! I honestly think Wii would be a changed man from it. It'd go some way to calming you the fuck down anyway. There's more things to shoot on the other consoles after all...
  18. Ooh I didn't read the review - I'll be sure to check it out. And thanks guys. 3DS it is I reckon! @Hero\-of\-Time - where was your box copy from if you don't mind me asking?
  19. Would people recommend this on 3DS or Wii U? Any benefit for one over the other?
  20. Yeah I can understand that. Fantasy Life looked good but I was put off by some impressions on here after the intial fun wore off. I can't wait to get Kirby - that's my next purchase after Revelations 2 on One. And as I've previously moaned about loads on here, I never ever finish Zelda games I don't know why as I generally enjoy them, but I just can't seem to get through them without referring to a guide or walkthrough for the bloody temples. I'm a weak Zelda gamer. ha, but I'm always tempted to pick them up, which is how I feel about Majora's Mask. I think I just always automatically compare the 3DS to the DS (my favourite ever console) and it is severely lacking in comparisson. It seemed like there was always something to play on the DS and lots of titles outside of the AAA Nintendo ones were coming out thick and fast and they were all of decent quality. Some absolutely brilliant too like Hotel Dusk, Trauma Centre, Elite Beat Agents - I could go on ha. Having said that though, I often think I'm a little too hard on the 3DS, as there's a wealth of digital titles that the DS didn't have. I know for a fact there are games on the eShop I could enjoy (and intend to pick up) like Shovelknight, Shantae and Mario vs DK etc. Just because they're not boxed on a shelf for me to see, doesn't mean they're any less worthy of my money. I shall take this advice and use it to re-ignite my 3DS gaming! : peace:
  21. Well that too. But I haven't wanted a 3DS game since Kirby last year. I bought Pokemon but it didn't do much for me as I hate that gen. I just want something to excite me on the console. Too many Japanese bloody RPG's for my liking.
  22. I agree. I think the 3DS is in desperate need of games, even if they are remakes. It has been on a huge drought for so long now for me.
  23. *Applauds Retro_Link. Not for the last bit though haha
  24. Completely echo what H-o-T says. It is a lower cost release on the eShop that people will really enjoy playing. I intend to pick it up at some point as I played the last game and I enjoyed it. I think Xenoblade looks rubbish (to me) as it isn' my type of game. It'd bore me senseless. Guess how may times I've gone into that thread to vent how much I don't like the look of it? None. There's nothing stopping anyone posting anything on here, but I just don't see what benefit it brings to claim something is shit without playing it. It's not doing you any favours.
  25. Well thankfully you can just choose not to buy it if it's not your thing.
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