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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. My under 3 hours run has just come to an end... Just excuse me whilst I swear loudly and refrain from punching something...
  2. Can you all fuck off with this dirty hands provoking. It's quite funny really.
  3. You can ignore the shotgun but you may as well get it seeing as you can just pick it up and let Barry drag you out of the trap room. Easiest way and adds hardly any time. Re the snake, the first time you encounter it you can run round it to get one of the 4 death masks, yes. I found the best way is to get it and let the snake spit at you to poison you. Then you end up in the safe room with full health and the ability to use an item box and continue from there. Others may do it differently though. But yeah there are lots of tricks and tips to getting your time down. I'm struggling with the under 3 hours though personally. But I think it's just because I'm not managing my items well enough and I don't know the game layout as good as I should.
  4. I feel like I'm trying to run before I can walk with this game. After reaching the plant fight when I was going for the under 3 hour / no save run, it made me think it was possible to do both. No. I haven't got anywhere near the plant again after that. And I've tried loads. So I need to just go back to basics and focus on the under 3 hour run, then do no save later. I'm really enjoying playing it though. It's such a great game.
  5. This 'thing' you speak of... It's human, right? BEASTIALITY! ---------------------- Today I spent the day with the guy I haven't stopped going on about (see above.) sorrynotsorry We went to the Trafford Cente, then to a farm shop for a bite to eat. How soon is it before people generally know that the person they're dating is the one for them? I only ask because, my previous dates (of which there have been many over the years) have never been like him. He's just completely in sync with me. As in we're on the same wave length, we love each other's company, we can't wait to see each other again etc. I've never had this. I feel silly thinking 'I want to be in a relationship with this person' when we've been on 4 dates. It's not long really. But I just have his feeling. And im like 99% sure he feels the same. They say you know when you know. And I kinda feel like I know. He's just the best. And I feel soppy an shit. Ice. Heart. Melting!!
  6. Fuck you to zombie hell! This games a classic!! Well, for me it is.
  7. I want to cry. I started on normal to do the speed run and was going really well and then got to the plant fight. Realising about 15 mins before that I hadn't saved yet... I thought. Fuck it again!! I'll do the no save run too!! Didn't realise the door I was going through was for the plant and got killed. Literally I am cry. I was so fucking smug sauntering through residence too like yeaaaa come at me bros. Haha. Ah well. Back to it again. I'm kinda determined now I've set myself the goal...
  8. EDIT Fuck it. Going straight in for the under 3 hour speed run!!
  9. Yasssss Ramar. My sentiment exactly. Although I would throw all my money on a Lego Simpsons.
  10. Completed this last night. As in, first run done. I absolutely loved it in the end. I forgot all about the sections after the first visit to the cabin. It was just brilliant. I love how all the areas of the game link together. You end up coming out through a door that you've seen before but couldn't get through etc. Brilliant. Forgot how intricately designed the game actually was (either that, or I didn't appreciate it as a 13 year old!) I am under no illusions that I wont bag the full 1000g's for this. I don't think I could even attempt the harder difficulties, let alone the no save runs. But I am going to complete it with Chris, and see how far I can get after that. The only thing I wish there was more of, is cut scenes. It is very very low on animated scene with dialgoue between characters. Probably a good thing though, what with how atrocious the voice acting is (in an endearing way!) but it feels like you go forever before they punctuate the action with the story. As it stands though, it is a very very short story by way of cut scenes, which is something they've obviously noticed and changed as the series has gone forward since this game. And with the increase in console power, of course. But yeah, after initally hating it - I now can't wait to go again!! Is it home time yet so I can start?!
  11. Just an update on the job I was interested in. I expressed my interest, spoke with one of the managers from the department and she gave me an overview, albeit very brief, about the role, what it entails, what would be required for the successful candidate etc. I applied last week. As it is just a secondment position, I only had to give a brief description of why I wanted the role and what skills I thought I could bring. Came into work yesterday and I have an intereview next Friday. Eep. It's only a 30 min interview, with a blend of competency based questions and then your typical 'why you want the job' style questions. They've said it's reatively informal, but still nervous. Today I'm with a group of other applicants, spending a day in a meeting room with current project managers giving us a full blown overview of what they do, and what would be expected of whoever gets the job. I find it very exciting. It's something I think today has made me realise I really want. Fingers crossed!
  12. Another date last night. This was date 3. Just to a bar for a pizza and drinks etc. Really enjoyable. Spent about an hour sat in his car after again, just chatting away. He's flat out told me now that he wants something to come of it as I am not like anyone he's ever dated before. I did remind him he was only 19 though... But still really nice to have someone say such nice things. I feel the same about him though. I love his company. I have never ever clicked with anyone like I have with him before. I'm compltely myself with him, so to know that he likes that is definitely a good feeling. Saturday I'm going to his after we've done crazy golf at Trafford Centre. Who knows what will happen... How exciting though!
  13. It's a really good point Hero. When the game is made how it is, and saves are scarce and need to be used wisely, it definitely brings to life the survival horror element. I have turned the difficulty down, and am enjoying it a hell of a lot more than what I was. I think the game has just not aged well, and the point and shoot mechanism is terrible, particularly with the dogs. It isn't too bad with the zombies as they're quite slow moving (most of them) but I got to the area where I blew the whistle on the terrace and I literally tried about 20 times and I just could not kill the dogs. It was awful. Games are definitely made easier these days. It's not until you revisit something like this that it opens your eyes. I'm kinda glad they didn't change anything from the original either. Usually with remakes like this, they add stuff to fit with the times. I wouldn't have been surprised if they have removed the ink ribbons and let you save wherever you were at any given point!
  14. Completed games Sunset Overdrive (finished properly in 2015 despite starting in 2014) Murdered: Soul Suspect - So damn good, if short Contrast - XBOX One arcade game, again short but interest. Interesting game mechanic Thomas Was Alone Lovely game. Not too challenging, enough to be enjoyable all the way through Few more to be added to completed: NEW COMPLETED Max and The Curse of Brotherhood This was a great game. Puzzle based platformer for the One. Really loved the look of the game, very polished. Nutjitsu A crap game - like a cheap Pacman. But it was free so I just plyed through the torture and nabbed some achievements and that was that. Currently Playing Resident Evil: Re-Mastered Started on normal. Too bloody hard so started again on an easier difficulty. Now enjoying it much more. My favourite RE game behind Revelations and RE5 - both of which I just absolutely loved.
  15. Downloaded this e other night. Hardly had much time to play but got stuck in with it last night. Finding it completely annoying to be honest. Purely due to being on normal mode, which I know is probably a breeze to the likes of Hero but with the camera angle being so dodgy (it hasn't aged well) I find myself running away from a corridor of zombies only for the camera to switch and me ultimately running back into them!! I laugh but really I'm Also, the item slots thing is just so frustrating. I have all these items that I remember do something, but I don't know when I actually need them... So I'm fining new things and have no slots left so rather than just discarding them and forgetting where I've left them later on, I am trekking back to the item box but keep getting killed due to all the zombies there!! And I don't want to kill them coz I read I need to conserve ammo on normal mode. Ugh. It's not the incredible experience I remember haha. But I shall keep plugging away!
  16. I have returned!!! Ok. So I think I really like him. He's just normal. And he's not a slimy gay hahaha which I've encountered many of. We went to blue planet and then we went for some food at TGI Fridays. Food there is just incredible. Big fan. But yeah, it was just really nice. He picked me up and then we drove there and the chat in the car was basically us just carrying on where we left off on Tuesday. Then when we got to Blue Planet it was nice to just share his company and look at all the fishies and shit together. Aaaaand then we went for food which was cool. I fancy him and he's already told me he fancies me too. so that's all good! When he dropped me off we just had a quick kiss and agreed to do something again soon. Probably Tuesday. He text me and told me that he has a free house and he wished he'd ask me to go to his. I don't need to say anymore about what he wanted to do. Damn me and not cottoning on to his hints! So we're seeing each other again on Tuesday. Crazy golf and tea he's decided. Looking forward to it! Some pics!!
  17. I have a second date with the guy I went out with on Tuesday night today. I really couldn't decide what to do, as we've done coffee, cinema is a shit date idea when you're still getting to know someone this early, so I settled on the Blue Planet Aquaraium. I've never been, and neither has he. He's picking me up at 12. I've said we should go to the ice cream farm after too, which is close to where blue planet is so that'll be fun. We've been messaging since Tuesday and I get the impression he is quite keen. It's obviously a good thing, but a little alien for me! I've spent so long single that that's kinda the norm and this feels a bit odd at the minute, if that makes sense. Anyway, I need to get ready! Gonna go see me some sharks! And get a PEN!! I fucking LOVE a gift shop pen.
  18. Guys guys guys what happened to the storrryyyyyy?!
  19. Oh yeah the Vitas sleep mode is amazing. That thing just lasts forever. 3DS is crap. Even the new one. Mine was flashing at me before to be charged so I had to plug it in.
  20. Just to clarify, age gaps don't bother me. The only thing I was saying is that I generally don't find younger guys attractive and always prefer them older than me so that was my only reservation. Not the fact that there was an age gap. Regarding the actually date then... It went really really well. He was lovely. At first it felt like I was doing all the conversation starting, but I think he may have just been nervous. We went to a cafe bar place and got kicked out at half 9 as they were closing we were the last 2 in there just chatting away! He got in my car and we carried on the conversations, just getting to know each other. We were sat there for ages and then he had to go as he is up for work early whereas I have the luxury of Wednesday's off! Cheeky kiss in the car... :awesome: always good. He paid, despite my refusing to let him and basically throwing his money back at him ha, but he was completely adamant. So he left it by saying, you're paying next time. To which I just said ohhhh like that is it! But there is going to be a next time. It was nice how much we had in common and how similar we were. I was like him at that age, quite mature and not really doing what the other 19 and 20 year olds were doing. He has a very nice family too by the sounds of it and is really close to his parents which I like, as I'm the same with my mum and dad and sisters. He also has 2 dogs, so dog lovers are good what with the newest addition to our family being a puppy!! He text me when he got in saying he thought the evening was perfect, that he thought I was lovely and how he can't wait to see me again already!! How nice! And I think I feel the same. For the first time ever after a first date, I'm quite excited to see where this could lead. Who'd have thought!
  21. I have a date tonight. It's only a drink at a cafe bar place, but it's a date, right?! Here's the thing though... He's 19. I'm 26. That kind of thing doesn't really bother me, as I think if 2 people get on then who gives a shit how old they are. But I normally don't go for young guys. If anything I prefer a tad older. But this one has a good job, hates lads his own age as he says they're not mature enough for him, and generally seems to have his head screwed on. So we'll see. Will report back later!
  22. Lol all people ever did was moan about how shit it was anyway. I've had some amazing stuff from the store. Some stuff people would find pointless - like the Nintendo sticky notes. I looovvved them. Everyone at work loved getting messages off me on them bad boys!! My Wii SNES controller, Luigi coin, MK trophies that netted me a huge profit on eBay - so I am cry. I really liked the store. Hopefully something else will come along!
  23. I've been in my current job now for 9 years this year. Ive progressed up and done loads of different roles in my time there, but at the minute, though I'm doing a role that I like and I'm comfortable in, I feel like I haven't made much progression in a while. Partly down to making some shit decisions work wise a couple of years ago that left me stuck doing something I didn't want to do for a while. Anyway, a secondment opportunity has come up on our job board for a project manager role, business analysis - that kinda thing. Need to email my interest with why I'd be suitable by Wednesday. Spoke to my team leader about it yesterday and she's happy to give me some time to go and sit with them Monday or Tuesday to look at the role for a bit and ask some questions. Which I'm hopefully gonna do, but I've already decided to go for it as it's the kind of work I'm looking to get into. All I know is that every man and his dog seems to be interested in it, so there's probably going to be a lot of competition!
  24. I was just trying to create a little harmony... NOT EVERYTHING ON HERE HAS TO BE AN ARGUMENT ASHLEY!
  25. Guys guys, we're derailing a bit!! I'm just gonna leave this here as a quote for truth.
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