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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. When did Nintendo start doing this for downloads?! Or is it just for this game? I think it's pretty neat. It kinda defeats the object of having a download as they're purpose is generally to remove the need for boxes and game storage. But I like it! : peace:
  2. Obviously. Still worth posting. And still tempting. If I had a spare hundred odd knocking round ha
  3. Don't know if I want the game period. The fact it doesn't have voice chat doesn't ever factor into a decision to buy a game for me. It's a Nintendo game, so I kinda knew it was never gonna happen. But I eill wait for reviews and hands ons before I decide if I want it.
  4. I know what you mean about the price of the faceplates. I personally just think that they're worth it for how much customisation you can put on your console. They look so cool. The 3DS update sounds really good. I'll have a look at that later on.
  5. Not sure how reputable 'The a Games Company' are, but here they have a New Nintendo 3DS XL Majora's Mask edition for... £109... Sseems to good to be true. I'm almost tempted just to see if I would actually receive it! http://cheapgameconsoles.co.uk/BUY_3DS_BUNDLE.htm Edit Seems the link is cheapgamesconsoles now? Hmm seems dodge. Still tempting haha
  6. Did anyone with the normal sized New 3DS end up picking any face plates up? I know Ike got the Zelda one he posted above but wondered what others were rocking? I've not touched my 3DS in ages but am about to go back to pick up some games I've had my eye on soon. First though I want a new face plate. Princess Peach is obviously calling but I can see me going mad on these things!
  7. I'm glad I held off. Digital downloads should have been there years ago, but I much prefer a physical item being delivered.
  8. I think I may have to scrap the idea of buying this anyway. If I do, I'm gonna want to by all of the new amiibo as I've just looked at them all properly and I love them. Especially Bowser. Also, I will then want a new Wii Remote and it wouldn't be right without the Peach Wii Remote. Soooo for just one game I'd end up spending a fortune. But I still am agaonising over it so much. I'm really in the mood to play it!
  9. Urgh. This is something I worried about and it sounds like a complete nightmare. I hate having all sorts of controllers lying around. It doesn't make sense as surely the mini games would work better on the game pad with the screen and buttons both being there? To be honest, I love the Wii remote and everything it did back then, but (unpopular opinion incoming) I just wish they'd kill it now. Especially for Wii U games. I just want to be able to use either the game pad for a game like this, or the controller pro whatever it's god damn called. I lose track. Those complaints aside Hero, how are you finding the boards, mini games, different modes etc? Any good?
  10. Been really tempted by this still. Watched a YouTube vid before of someone playing through a board in single player. Game looks lovely, as expected. The mini games all seem like great fun too. Was confused at first why everyone kept getting mini stars, seems the game just throws them at you. I kind of prefer the idea of coins and then collecting main stars throughout the levels like the older games, but seems hey haven't gone with that idea for some time. For those who have it then, how does it compare to Island Tour? Is that the same in the sense that there is no stars to collect it's just mini stars until you get a winner? Just interested if that is new to this game or been around a while. I haven't played an MP since the DS version! I think it's always a good game to have for when people come over. And it did make me want to play it when I was watching the YouTube vid.
  11. Just registered all of my games - have over 4000 points but don't really know what to spend them on. Do you think they'll add any physical worth while items in the future, or is that gonna be it now? Dunno what to use them on anyway!
  12. I prefer a remaster to a re-release. Like the recent Resident Evil remaster was brilliant and I also enjoyed Wind Waker on Wii U as I never got round to playing it on the original release. Regarding the current list of 'remakes' like The Last of Us and Tom Raider and GTA, I cant help but feel it's a way to cash in from the developers. Whilst I don't exactly blame them, I'd much prefer to see a new release instead. I still thin the Ps4 could do with more original content outside of indies. Part of the reason I haven't turned mine on since Christmas day when I got it. That, and I prefer my One. I'd happily take a Galaxy remake but I don't know if I'd play it again so soon after playing it originally. I like that Nintendo tend to remake games for different platforms like with the N64 Zelda games to 3DS and the Pokemon games. They often make playing through them old games massively enjoyable as they've left it long enough to take advantage of the newer hardware, more so than these current remakes.
  13. That actually sounds pretty cool. Particularly the Bowser thing. Nice to hear the mini games are solid, they generally are in MP which is part of the reason I like it. I'm tempted as it's £34.99 at Argos for the amiibo figure too! Which seems like a great deal!
  14. Sounds good. Do you use the game pad or can you use the pro pad. Or whatever it's called. I get confused... I'd rather not use the wii remote or are there mini games that require it?!
  15. "I wouldn't touch this $h1t with a 10 foot stick" is your words of wisdom and I'm alright for review links thanks. But I digress. And I'm sorry to hear there's nothing that you want on the system. The MP10 thread may not be the best place to vent that though... I feel the same though, at the minute, which is why I game elsewhere too. But I'm aware that that solution is not for everyone. Mario Party is a series I've always been fond of, so it could be the first purchase I make on a Nintendo system all year. But I'm still on the fence.
  16. You don't think it sounds good? Shocker. So out of character. And it was a little more fair than what MK is as it rewarded those who won the most mini games with a star and those who collected most coins etc. So not exactly an unfair boost at the end. But you don't know as you don't play it but thanks so much for your words of wisdom.
  17. Mario Party 4 did this (played this one heavily which is why I remember it), but I loved it. Silly things like who landed on the most blue spaces, who won most mini games etc - it always meant that even if you'd had a shit game, or been screwed over and lost stars toward the end, you could still claim victory!! What I loved about MP. Someone please post amazingly positive impressions of the game to tempt me.
  18. Thanks for the replies. amiibo aren't really my bag, but I like the look of this series much more than the Smash ones.
  19. Oh this new wave you speak of? Is this the one from the last Nintendo Direct that isn't the Smash ones? Are they out?! They looked so good. But what do these ones do? Anything special?
  20. I'm so in the mood for some Mario Party right now. I just wish I had someone to play it with. It's not like me to say it, or moa about it, but online in a Mario Party game would be sooo amazing. Still, I get paid tomorrow so might end up picking it up on a whim!
  21. This thread has 2 pages and there's already squabbling. Really fuckin tiring tbh. Back to he game then, disappointing scores. I think the days of a good Mario Party are over. It's a shame as I get so excited when a new once is announced and they always do such a great job with the box art that whenever I see it on the shelf I really really want to buy it!! But it's just not worth it. They need to try and get a decent single player in there somehow even if it's just going through the board alone with no AI characters and trying to beat high scores on the board. Something like trying to complete the board in fewer steps or something, I dunno! Anything!! Just gimme a decent single player. The mini games alone are often the best part too so I'd be happy with a mode just made up of a small board and loads of mini games! Maybe if it goes cheap (unlikely) I'll pick it up.
  22. This year I have made a coscious effort to not start a new game until I have done everything I want to / feel I could do with the current game I'm playing. And I am enjoying gaming so much more for it. I used to be the type to have loads of games, start one, play a bit and then get bored or have my attention taken bysomething else that is out or new etc. I personally feel like in trying to 100% games (for acheivement purposes more than anything), it makes the game that much more enjoyable (for me). Like Resident Evil Re-make for example. I didn't 1000g that game, I got to around 850 with only the invisible run, knife run and something else to do. But I just couldn't be bothered playing it for a 12th time! My overall play time of the game was probably 30-40 hours which I feel more than warrants the price plus the good gamerscore I bagged from it. And, it made me love the game all over again. There's loads of games I want to play through but I am much happier plodding with one at a time. I honestly think I have 'completed' more games this year alone than I did the whole of last year, and it's definitely a good feeling. But some games I get to the end credits and I don't want to do any more. This is generally the case with Nintendo games more than the others, just because there never seems like much of a reward for going further than the end credits in those games.
  23. I have just finished playing episode 3. I'm really starting to enjoy this a bit more now. Even though it's all a bit play by RE numbers. It was welcome to finally get some puzzles, particularly the closing ceilings and jewelled eyes etc, harking back to the very good old days. The story is moving along nicely and I'm starting to warm to Claire at last. I'm also liking the co-op element now too. What seems pointless at the start is actually startimg to become a necessary way to play now I've used currency to unlock skills in the game. Being able to effectively 'level up' your partner so they can stun enemies for you and help you out more during more tense times is very welcome. Along with being able to use one character to stun an enemy and the other to finish them off, saving precious ammo! The episodes are getting longer too. I've mastered Ep 1 now I've done it that many times (knife only, invisible enemy, countdown mode, getting all the medals etc) and I can now do it in 15 mins for both Claire and Barry's side. But episode 3 took me 1 hour 15 with loads of different areas to get through. And that was just Claire's story. So yeah, anyone who is on the fence over the box copy should definitely feel comfortable in the knowing that it gets much better. I still think its not as good as the first revelations, but it is definitely bigger and bolder. It's just a shame the locations are no where up to the same standard visual wise compared to the amazing interiors of the Queen Zenobia from the original. Here's to more puzzles and finally understanding the story in the final episode! (If that's even possible in Resident Evil)
  24. Pretty much echo what flameboy said. It is no where near the series best. It has little atmosphere, the zombies were more interesting in the original resident evil, the environments completely lack any kind of detail, and the co-op system feels tagged onto me. Almost like they were trying something different in the hope it would work out. Resident evil Zero had a great partner system, but this just doesn't work as you effectively have one main player, and another who just points at things and does the odd bit of alone adventuring to get somewhere the other can't. Having said that, it isn't flat out bad. It ain't Resident Evil 6 but it is no where near the original Revelations which I personally loved and oozed character compared to this. It's getting better, so hopefully episode 3 and 4 will continue as such, but I'd definitely wait for the inevitable price reduction. I only bought it as I love RE and had nothing else to be cracking on with in the mean time!
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