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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Got both. Absolutely no question. One's trounces PS4's.
  2. Are you sure you want to do this again Dcubed... Predictions hmm. I think it'll be more of the same formula we've seen from Nintendo the last few years. So I think there will be quite a few sequels announced. Not all for release in 2015, announced but released next year. It wouldn't surprise me to see Pikmin 4 as someone else said. I think we could possibly get a Mario Golf or tennis game on the Wii U, however that would be extremely welcome for me! I also have a feeling we might see a 'new' new new new Super Mario Bros for Christmas. Nintendo seem to be heavily reliant upon their classic characters and franchises to sell systems / games and I don't really blame them for that. So more of what they do so well is why I have a Wii U. I think we will get some new stuff in the way of Amiibo support, so a game that is fully functional for the figurines. Perhaps they're waiting to release all the figures before they do that. And probably some dreadful Pokemon spin off. Mystery Dungeon imma be looking your way. When all we really want is Pokemon Snap U.
  3. I am all kinds of unsure on that trailer. Dat voice acting. "Moira... no I don't believe it. There's no way she's... " Aaahaha. This guy thinks he's the new Barry. Also, it looks as though it should be on the 3ds with them graphics. Hardly looks to be pushing the systems... My negativity aside, I will 100% be buying this just because it's Resident Evil. And RE6 aside, they've all been good in their own way.
  4. Oh God. Cannot echo the above enough. See above torture and rage from me for more info. Definitely worth doing now to avoid any hassle when it eventually drops over here. Just a quick update on my new 3DS whilst I'm here. I love it! It's everything the 3ds should have been and more. It's so fast, fluid, nice to hold, feels and looks great. Great 3d viewing screen. I just need to wait til I get paid before I try and import some cover plates to really make it my own!
  5. Started playing this now. Massively annoyed with it earlier though. Going through the forest in route 104(?) I think, and there's this bug chasing idiot with a Nincada at level 10 that I just cannot beat. Doesn't help that all I had in my team at this point was a Treecko and Poochyena which had noting effective against it. Oh and that it had moves effective against me. So that was a joy. Then I ran into a wild fuckin Wingull of all things at level 5 (5!!!) that would not go down. And I couldn't run away from it! All it kept doing was confusing me, and when I did get a hit in it wasn't doing bugger all against it! Clearly been hammering the Iron and Zinc! Bloody annoying. Anyway, I've changed my team and will be possibly getting rid of my Treecko (I generally dislike all the starters and their evolutions) so now to pimp them out before the first gym. It's meant to settle me in nicely before that point but noooo.
  6. Just finished this up. Really really enjoyed it. It was short yes, but I think the game got better and better. I think it starts a bit slow and the original location is a bit shit, but as you progress to the Church, mental hospital, museum etc, it becomes much better. Was gripped towards the end! Kinda hoping they do a sequel, or revisit it in some way and build on what they did here. Definitely glad I played it!
  7. I understand the complaints re the UI, but personally I don't mind it at all. Whilst I think it could be a little more fleshed out rather than just having 4 pages of tiles, and then all the oher settings shoved to the right in a list, I like the tile layout. I especially like that you can add backgrounds now which totally changes the look of the dashboard as well as there being no more adverts or bing related stuff. I expected to hate it, and at first I was't a massive fan, but once I unpinned the crap I didn't want and got the stuff I did want I found it ok. I also like the snap feature. Checking achievements and stuff using that is really handy. It could definitely be better though. But saying that I think the PS4's could be too.
  8. Yesssss Guy!! Shall add you shortly! Sunset overdrive is my game of the year, I don't think you will be disappointed. Hero was, but I think he was on drugs whilst playing. Which Forza dud you pick up?! Horizon 2 is amazing.
  9. Tis a sad day Hero. Sad indeed. I love the One. Now I have both PS4 and One I can directly compare, and I still think the One is the better choice for me. I love what Sony have done with their new console, but the One has better exclusives at the minute and I still prefer the controller. PlusI think achievements have always been better than trophies - if you're into that kind of thing! But I love how each company is offering different things. Competition is exactly what is needed and it's so good that there are 2 companies rivalling each other and pushing each other on. But I get where you're coming from for your reasons for selling. If everyone else you game with is at PS4, then it's a no brainer! : peace::
  10. Regarding Shovel Knight... It's the same as the 3DS version right? Just that it's available on bot platforms? Therefore, which one should I download it on. Wouldn't mind getting it on my 3DS seeing as it's new and shiney and looks to suit a handheld better.
  11. I joined next gen with Wii U? Oh wait... Nah I have a One too! So I've been next genning a while! The PS4 was a massively unexpected Christmas gift off my sisters (and massively generous) and in white too! So matches my One and Wii U. I will add you too if you don't add me before! I'm Aneres11 btw. Standard.
  12. Finally in!! Managed to get set up. Love how fast it all is. Definitely streets ahead of PS3 which was painful at times. Now to start doing stuff on it.
  13. That's shot but good at the same time No squeak here. But will keep an eye on it...
  14. That sucks! TBH i'm sat in work now and am right in the mood to play it!! So I guess it's not as tedious as I originally thought... Or maybe it's just because I don't want to be sat in work... I reckon this is the kinda game that'll end up being free on Plus soon anyway.
  15. Ahh that's a shame. I wondered why no one had said anything about it! I guess it's just me and me then. Haha. Yeah I'm hoping it's a shortish experience as I don't really think I could play it for hours at a time without it becoming tedious. Once I finish up with it I'll post my thoughts unless someone else decides to pick it up and give it a whirl.
  16. Well this is a bump and a half! Did anyone end up playing this? I got it for Christmas having eyed it in the ShopTo sale a few weeks back and asking my sister to snap it up for me as I wanted a game but couldn't decide what. Ended up with the limited edition one (£20 it was) which comes with a little pocket book with some case related stuff in. Pretty cool. Just started playing it last night and having quite a lot of fun with it. It isn't as good as I'd want it to be having played other crime games like Hotel Dusk and even a Jack the Ripper game on 360 ages ago, both of which were slightly better. I say that, but this is getting better the more I play. Basically you're a cop who is killed and in order to move on from the world you need to let go of what it is that's stopping you from being able to emotionally let go. In this case it is why you were killed. And thus the scene is set and you, as a ghost, gather evidence from the people solving your case by eavesdropping in on their conversations, manipulating their thoughts by making them think to clues you've collected to piece some bits of the puzzle together and so on. It's an interesting idea and works quite well. Alongside this you also have to help other ghosts you encounter to move on to the afterlife by piecing together their puzzle of why they died. These are more side missions but I've found myself enjoying those and finding out about why they died more than the guy I'm playing as! There's loads to collect and do and the story is flowing nicely. Definitely a good one to play of an evening as it can be played at whatever pace you like. Anyone into this kind of game should try and check it out! I'm sure the non-limited edition was only £13 on ShopTo.
  17. Haha I do play it! But for the minute it needs to take a back seat whilst I clear my backlog of games I currently have on the go!
  18. Well, the console does need to be on to charge. Won't work in standby. Urgh.
  19. I'm not actually playing it tbh. Basically I've had a massive after Christmas sort out and with me getting a PS4 now too, I've had to sort out where everything goes and find space. Cutting it to a short story, I'm now replacing batteries in all my Wii remotes and charging up all my controllers so I can put them out the way until they're needed. Same with the wires. I have that many controller wires, headsets, battery packs I've had a sort of them so want to get everything charged so they can be put neatly away... Until they'll need to all come back out again when I have to do it all again!
  20. How long did it take you to come up with that one Rummy? My Pro Controller needs charging... I need to find the cable but quick question to anyone who knows... Does the controller charge with the console in standby or does it need to be on to charge? I'd assume it'd charge in standby but I could swear I tried that last time and it didn't charge?
  21. I just tried again. Still can't get on. Kinda sucks. I get to the sign in and then coz I'm a new user to Ps4, it goes through all of the friends and sharing options, who can see your name etc. Once I get to the end it then says communication error. Kinda fed up going through that screen now so just gonna sack it all of until we get word it's back online fully.
  22. I don't have Plus sorted yet, was waiting to get set up. But I guess I can do that outside of the console on the website? I couldn't even sign in on the website yesterday. Kept getting time outs. But good idea! I shall try again now and see what's on offer.
  23. Been trying since Christmas day to long on - no joy. Really annoying. Was really excited to get this up and running Christmas night and I'm still waiting! I wanna explore the store damnit!
  24. Downloaded the DLC earlier. Finished it in about ba hour or so. Not the lengthiest but a really nice addition to the main game. Love the new moves across the water and the story made me laugh out loud at points. Cant believe that there hasn't been much discussion about the game! Easily one of my faves of the year.
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