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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Dazzy the games will definitely be coming for PS4 without doubt. You shouldn't regret your purchase! Unless you don't like the console, I dunno how you feel about it tbh. The One has some great exclusives that suit my play taste better which is the only reason I got one over PS4. Otherwise I'd have been Ps4 all the way.
  2. Hmm interesting. I fear I may have the same problem then! I have all my consoles on a shelf above my TV along with Sky+ box etc, but when I put them all up there, I put the plugs above the shelf so all the wires would be hidden, as all my consoles then used to stand up. So the Wii U, PS3 and 360. Now, the majority of them are lay flat so my plugs are gonna be on show. First world problems I know but the whole idea of the consoles going up there in that way was to keep everything clean and tidy and hide wires. The HDMI's run down through the wall into a hole behind the tv where they come out and plug in to the back. Now, my Wii U is lay down and the One will be so it's gonna be cabel and plug city!! Christ knows where that power brick is gonna hide! Think I'm gonna be in a similar dilemma! You should post a pic once you've figured it out though! I do enjoy a gaming set up photo! : peace:
  3. Jeez the reviews are pouring out now then it seems! Definitely glad I've gone for the bundle now! It always looked incredible but the scores are backing that up nicely! This week is set to be a long one...!
  4. Yay! Wanna hear your impressions! Unless you say the console is shit... in which cash shh haha.
  5. Ahh that's great to read! And good they've reviewed before the game comes out too. Really pleased it's got a good score! Are you gonna get it for launch then kaepora?! Think you need to!
  6. As you know, I am on the pre-order train too. Really looking forward to it! Definitely looks like a crazy blend of games like Jet Set Radio, Ratchett and Clank, and even the Spiderman / Batman games with the grinding and jumping / flying through the air sections! I too, hope the game lives up to the promise it is showing in gameplay trailers and early impressions from people in the industry who have played it, but I doubt we'll find out before ShopTo manage to get it to me! Re the One needing an awesome title... I think it already has a few great games out for it, particulalry the exclusives! You're too harsh S.C.G But a game like this in this style is definitely welcome to the console and I can't wait to get it! I'm just pissed off that mine will be a download code coz it's bundled with the console. Fuming about that!
  7. Wtf have they done to beloved Peach?! That prototype one was perfect, minus her practically flashing her Crown Jewels (she ain't no Bayonetta smut!) but this final version looks like a knock off from a market stall. Very disappointing.
  8. Oooh that's an amazing price Sam! Now it makes me sad that I'm paying so much ! Definitely got yourself a bargain! Sunset Overdrive looks so good doesn't it!! I hope its turns out well and it's not just a case of style over substance! I went to GAME this morning and traded in some older games. Managed to get 50 quid to use on some One stuff prior to arrival... Just need to pick up a live membership and maybe the digital TV receiver and media remote and I'm good to go! I cancelled my Very order and went with ShopTo as they were offering the white One with Sunset Overdrive and COD (which will arrive when it's released) for same price as the bundle without COD included! Will just trade it straight in though prob. I'll add you when I get mine S.C.G!
  9. Yeah think I'm gonna be similar to you. Gonna be Forza, and a couple of accessories and then some marketplace games I really like the look of. Need to find somewhere to put the damn console first though.
  10. Ahh delicious. White one looks sexy, right?! : peace: What else you gonna get for it?!
  11. Haha thanks Flink! I like reading posts like that when someone is writing about something that they have such a passion for. It comes across! I will try and looks for the film. Surely Netflix will have it? I'll check it out in a bit and see if it encourages me to play the game, although I am very interested in having a game experience like this anyway! Sounds like you're having loads of fun with it anyway and I'm glad they've managed to create something that ticks all the boxes for fans of the franchise! That in itself is quite a feat to do I think, so hats off to them for that!
  12. In all honesty, your praise of the game is making me a little bit tempted! There definitely sounds like there's load of fun (and terror) to be had! I've never seen the film though... So I dunno if I'd get as much as you are from it. Dat nostalgia.
  13. Well I haven't 100% decided tbh. I have a general idea. Obviously Sunset Overdrive. Forza Horizon is another one that I really like the look of so think I'm gonna go for that. I also like the look of Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishment. It only came out this month. Apparently it's a bit LA Noire when it comes to the detective side of it, minus the open world and car sections. It's been reviewed really well too. It's not exactly 'next gen' but looks like a fun play. Also, there's this game called Alien: Isolation? It's not been mentioned much in the last few posts... But apparently it is good! Do want Dead Rising, plus there's a couple of third party releases I wouldn't mind playing through so if I can pick them up on the cheap I may just go for it. Watch Dogs, Tomb Raider etc. But they're not really 'must buys' tbh. Just be good to haves. Once I've decided I'll be sure to post anyway!
  14. I love the sticker book idea, and I like what Dazzy said about the shiny ones being the harder difficulty, and the normal flat ones being the general 'jump on 10 goombas heads' type one. Regarding trophies, I enjoy a good trophy hunt, but much prefer the achievement system. Some people are the other way around, and love working to that Platinum, but I prefer the gamerscore totalling than how many platinums I've got. But that's probably because I only ever got like 2... I do like the added touch of 'rarity' Sony have added with trophies though. That was a good addition. But yeah, Nintendo should look at adding this! There are loads of completionists out there who love to work towards things like that in a game. If I've really loved a game, it often spurs me on to get all of the achievements (or as many as I can) and that adds longevity to a game. If it's a game I enjoyed, then I'm all for that.
  15. Are you on commission Flink?! I will include it in my 'want' list, as I watched a youtube vid of some gameplay last night and read a couple of reviews and it definitely looked up my street. Even if I will have to lay a bin liner down on the bed whenever I play it. You know... for 'accidents'... It may be one I pick up when the price drops slightly though. Think I've already got my first batch of games lined up! : peace:
  16. Cheers! I will look into the batteries. I had rechargeable ones for my 360 controller, never got along with them. Always find they die quite easily, and I spent a fortune on a few sets for that. It's put me off a bit! But I will do a bit of research. Yeah, defintely looking into the headphone adapter. Looks like a good purchase. The remote looks really cool. Apparently it's backlit, so if you're watching a film or something in the dark, you know what buttons what. Handy! The console should be here next Friday, but I've ordered from Very and I've never pre-ordered with them before. Their normal delivery is decent enough, but I dont expect a 'ShopTo' and to see it on Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully it'll be here on time though. Really excited to get it!
  17. They are incredible and you will all deal.
  18. They are so cool. Nintendo are definitely missing a trick not making official ones like Wii said. That DK one is incred.
  19. So then... Accessories. Any must haves? I've had a quick scout and these are the ones that I think I'm definitely gonna get... Plug am play kit. Definitely think this should have been standard. Bit stupid that it isn't, but whatever. I would just stick to the batteries, but I like having my controllers rechargeable. Plus, saves buying batteries all the time! Headset adapter. Now I don't do too much online gaming, but may look to pick one of these up so I can just use my normal headphones that have a built in mic rather than buying a specific headset. Those headsets can get pricey!! But worth it if you used it loads I guess. Live, obviously. I've just found a great deal for a 12 month membership from a site called CDkeys.com and it's £22.99. If you like their Facebook page then you get 5% off which takes it to £21.84 exactly. Pretty sweet deal! Think I should go for that? Or does it sound dodge? I guess I could do it and I don't have to activate it til I'm ready do I? Or does it start from when you pay for it? Media remote. Will use the One as a blu ray player as I've lost the remote to my current one and the damn thing won't let me select anything as there's no up and down buttons on the player itself. Plus it's shite anyway. Anything else?! I won't get all these straight away, live I will and plug and play I will but the others can wait a bit.
  20. Yeah I agree. Although I personally found the ps4 launch line up to be slightly better but that's only because I Really really liked the look of Knack. I know it got slated a bit, but that only seemed to be because it didn't reinvent the wheel and was standard kinda stuff. But I thought it looked like a great compliment to something like KillZone which is always a solid experience. Still, I will definitely be picking a ps4 up too at some point. But the One should tide me over til I feel like I need to have one. Whoa whoa hang on... It "hunts you down?!" What kind of shit is that?! As in legs it after you and stuff?! dunno if I can deal with that kind of game play! I played Condemned on the 360 years back and that experience was bad enough! Some scary shit right there!
  21. Good edit. The last few years, no i didn't to tell the truth. I had a bit of an awareness of the games that were coming out on ps3 though and the exclusive titles were indeed much stronger than 360 towards the end of the consoles life (if I can say that (?) what with games still coming out for it), but I never got round to playing them. The only 2 that spring to mind for me though are Ni No Kuni and Last of Us but with one being remade I'm sure I'll get to play that at some point in the future. There will be more than those 2 I'm sure, but it doesn't particularly bother me that there may have been a few more exclusive titles because I'm looking at the here and now. And I'm buying what's on offer at the minute and looking to what's coming up in the next few months going into next year, and the One has a stronger list of exclusives for my personal tastes. And regarding what exclusives the 360 had in its last few years other than Fable, I don't know, sorry. Could be that they were developing One titles? They did have some solid exclusives day one after all, arguably more than ps4, though again that's a preference thing.
  22. Haha I haven't looked into that yet. I just saw one review score (think it was IGN) and it wasn't a great score (not that that would affect my opinion at all, it's IGN after all ) but I will scout it out! Guessing it's good then?! And re the previous gen first party efforts, I always felt the opposite. My PS3 became my blu ray player and I got most of my gaming out of my 360. Different strokes for different folks. (Always found that saying a bit odd )
  23. Yeah it was all about the games when it came down to it. And as you say, the trend does look to continue moving into next year. I've already piled up a list of games I want to buy so I know I'll have stuff to keep me going for a bit anyway! The indie presence is definitely bigger on ps4 which doesn't really worry me now I've ordered a One, but it is something that Ps4 gamers have got when there isn't a retail release that interests them for example. Will just have to see how Microsoft go about that moving forward.
  24. I hope so too! But I'll be sure to let you know anyway. I'll probably be asking you loads of annoying questions! How do I do this?! Where do I find that?! Etc Deliver is just 'expected 31st October'. It may come before but I expect it on the Friday of release. I literally cannot wait to get my paws on Sunset Overdrive. Looks amazing. Reminds me of Jet Set Radio and a shooter all in one. Or a colourful InFamous! I may well get it in time to download that game, hopefully! I'll definitely add you once I've got it. I'm looking forward to building my gamer score again ! It wasn't high before anyway, but I did enjoy an achievement haul every now and again! You looking at picking Sunset Overdrive up Kaepora? Oh gee thanks! I'm hoping there won't be any!
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