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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I'm soooooo tempted by the transparent 2ds' and it's such a good price that I may pick one up just to get the free game offer. I really want Kirby! But there's something about dat transparent casing that's just...
  2. Thanks Cube! Deffo the first thing I'm gonna do when I'm home!
  3. I tried Roaslina briefly when I had a quick go on the game earlier, quite liked her. Didn't even feel like I'd scratched the surface with her either but was managing to play quite well. She feels quite Ness like which I liked. Just need to try and unlock Ness ASAP!
  4. Mine arrived today too! Gonna get on it right away! Here I come a Ness! Fuck the rest of em!!
  5. Any shopto-ers had theirs yet?! Know it's early, thoughts I'd ask anyway! Nothing here at present, but our postman is normally in the 11 o'clock region anyway. The lazy *****
  6. Guess that's why ShopTo were late. It's the Smash Bros lag, innit.
  7. Hahaha Dr. Bob - that killed me. Blade that is amazing! You have a cool gf! I wouldn't wanna cut that cake!
  8. Just seen that Nintendo shop has the 2DS for £89.99 (the new transparent ones). I'm so tempted it's untrue. Given that I'm getting Smash for 3DS I could then get a free game (I'd choose Kirby) which in theory if you were buying Kirby, the console is like £60. Seems like a bargain!
  9. Yeah a mate of mine at work has Prime and he always gets stuff from Amazon. Like you he doesn't get anything early (rarely) but he saves some dollar. I've always liked GAME for their reward points as I find them pretty good value when you buy a lot with them. They've just let themselves down a bit with delivery and order debacles. I've seen it both personally, and from you lot on here. Some of the stuff they try and get away with is baffling. ShopTo will always be my go to, but recently I've found myself ordering from all over the place purely to get special editions, better prices etc. Thats why I was baffled when I ordered Smash and got a mail to say I was now a Silver ShopTo customer. And this is how they treat me?!! Haha I kid. Kinda.
  10. I hear you Glen-i, it seems a little silly to moan about something so small, but it's slightly annoying given ShopTo's reputation of being a brilliant company for preorders. They nearly always get the game to everyone on the Thursday. The fact some have had the game and others haven't when we all got a dispatch notice at the same kinda time is a little weird. Also, as it's a fairly big release you'd expect them to want to get the game out. But no, it's not the end of the world. It's just odd for ShopTo. Part of me feels like they're turning into Play.com a bit, what with them now virtually selling every electric device going. Won't be long til they start doing a kitchen appliance range the way their going. Let's hope they don't end up like Play did. *shudders
  11. Same to you then... Leave the forum at once, troll!! *shakes angry fist
  12. Apparently the postman has been my sister just said. But not to us. If anyone needs me ill be sobbing into my pillow awaiting the feelings of anger and spite take over.
  13. Leave the forum at once, troll!! *shakes angry fist
  14. Ahh man that majorly sucks. I can't believe you wrote that! Brilliant! : peace: I'm still waiting. But our postman isn't exactly the quickest round these parts! I also have had the week off so playing this today would have been sweet. But I only preordered on like Monday so I'd be surprised if I got mine anyway! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you S.C.G!
  15. Wait wait I'm confused. I love the Poem btw did you write that!? So did it not arrive Sam?! Our post hasn't been yet. I'm twitchy.
  16. *Casually awaits postman... Oh hell who am I kiddin?! I'm sat here on the stairs wide eyed staring at the letter box rocking back and forth! Come oooonn Smash Bros!
  17. Off topic but the same thing happened to me with GAME once, I preordered the ice white 3ds and Mario Land bundle and never received a despatch email. It turned up the Thursday (day before launch) and when I went onto the website it was still showing as a preorder and no despatch etc. So I cancelled the order. Aaaaand never got charged. #unintentionalthievery
  18. Also charged from shop to. Too excited to play this!!
  19. You've done the impossible... You've made me like folders!!! I love this S.C.G! Looks brill! : peace:
  20. It's cool folders are now available, but I'm with Serebii - ORGANISED CHAOS!!
  21. You did Glen you did! But I didn't know if there were exclusive characters to each version! Hence my question about 3ds.
  22. I preordered this earlier today. Realised I didn't have the 3ds version preordered and that yes, yes I do want it so sorted myself out. Now the wait. Can someone confirm if Ness is in the 3ds version though? Either via PM or spoiler box for those not wanting to know. Thanks!
  23. This is kinda why I'm glad we got a demo. From playing the demo, I know I want the game. I was blown away by what had been achieved on the 3ds but I'm also aware that this isn't going to be a game I play the same way as it's bigger home console brother. It's short bursts, a couple of fights and off. Purely due to becoming a bit uncomfortable after a while, as some reviews have pointed out. But had it not been for the demo, I probably would have held off. So screw em. :p
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