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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I'll stop you there. Also, you can't say this to a gay guy.
  2. I went into CEX for some GC games the other day - well, to see if there were any worth picking up. They had none. Loads of ps2 but no Cube. Was a pretty big store too. Never did play Rogue Leader.
  3. Hmm I have to disagree. It's certainly not dumbing it down anyway, IMO. Even if there is a cursor to say what it is, it's not gonna tell you what it does... Which will keep the level of mystery / intrigue. I like the idea. I may see something that I think "ooooh that sounds dangerous" and end up blowing myself off the stage with it. So hush ya mouth drahkon! :p
  4. Even turned the right way up though... It still looks like a cock, no? In other news though it was so tasty. Forgot how good Milky Bars were. They taste better in this slim bar form too.
  5. Eating a Milky Bar today, not had one for years. Humoured at the moulded bit on top of them these days... I think it's a horse. But all I see is a cock.
  6. There ya go Serebii. Tell people you were born in Kyoto!! People would understand then and stop giving you a hard time! Maybe.
  7. I still enjoyed using Lucas don't get me wrong. But Ness has always been my favourite with his move set. Big fan of the PK fire into an opponent and as they burn get a quick baseball bat in. Plus, PK thunder directed back round to catapult yourself back into stage... One of my favourite things in Smash. I'm excited now!
  8. No but his left and right smashes did. Unlike Ness's delicious baseball bat. *salivates at prospect of beating people down with said baseball bat*
  9. Well this is all fuckin fabulous with all these screen shots and shit. But the question still remains. WHERE IS NESS :cry:
  10. I would ask for 'figures and spreadsheets' supporting the 'bombed hard' comment like lots of others love to do on here to emphasise a point, but I couldn't really care less about all that. :P Although I guess it would be interesting to see how the re-make for the HD consoles sold! I just think it would have been good to have seen the game make a Wii U appearance. Whilst I understand that maybe hardware limitations would prevent it running as well as on the other consoles, I'd have thought Capcom would want to continue the series on a Ninty platform. Ah well.
  11. That's it then. No more wondering should I buy a PS4. It's happening. Revelations has been my favourite RE since 5 (yes, I loved RE5, even though most people on here didn't...), so this is a game I'd want day 1. Online co-op would be sweet too! Right @Mike1988uk?!
  12. As if Resident Evil Revalations is not coming to either Nintendo console. I find that a bit of a piss take to be honest. I thought Capcom had a decent relationship with Nintendo, so the fact this isn't coming to their consoles is pushing me further to that PS4 purchase now. Damn me and my love of RE.
  13. Yay a Zelda sale! I was hoping for an OoT reduction but £25.99?! Hardly a bloody sale!
  14. Never heard of it!! And yes it did!! I worked out what it prob is too... Hair product... I tend to run my hand through my hair a lot when I'm relaxing or gaming, particularly between races on MK... or load screens. And I guess this was a build up... But they're shiny shiny clean now. I guess the positive thing about my dirty game pad is a run of posts without an argument. An N-E record, surely ?!
  15. I'm guessing the system transfer will work the same with the New 3DS then? Or at least from the current models to the new models. Maybe not going back from the New to the old though?
  16. Haha alright!! I have had it for like over a year and a half and you're all probably just as bad but you can't see it on the black. Either that or you don't play your Wii U... No further comments please But how minging right?! I'm totally wearing gloves haha.
  17. See I've never had a problem with the resolution personally. I use an original model though, which is slightly better screen wise for obvious reasons. Would I like the resolution increasing? Sure! But when games like Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario 3D Land and Kid Icarus look as good as they do, imma shut my mouth and embrace.
  18. And everyone thought the biggest problem with the basic Wii U was the 8GB memory... I'm not actually a dirty bastard with mucky hands. Though this would suggest otherwise. How I only just noticed this, I have no idea. The Dettol wipes are now out.
  19. Yeah I'm the same Nando. It looks delicious. I'm not really here for the XL though. As a current original 3ds user (well, a Princess Peach limited ed one, obvs... ) I much prefer the size and portability over the larger model. Plus, the buttons, changeable covers and the fact it comes in white make it a more attractive proposition for me. As others have said though, I just cannot get my head around the lack of 2014 launch outside of Japan. It is completely nonsensical. However, this is Nintendo we're on about so I'm hardly surprised. I just want it now!
  20. I really like the look of these figures. If they implement them into a lot of games and it gives some cool functions that you can't get without them, then I'm all for it. Particularly the Peach, Samus and Donkey Kong ones! I too can also see myself getting them all... Well apart from Marth and Wii Fit trainer, who I don't really care for!
  21. Of course. It's Nintendo. And it's N-Europe. Sooooo...
  22. Monster Hunter. Urgh. Do not want. Come on, stone me. And you know me so well H-o-T.
  23. Had a proper look at this now. Not massively struck on the design of the thing. It looks ok, but I wish it would look a bit slicker. Like the DSi was - I loved that console! The layout of the buttons doesn't seem a problem to me, and I'm not really going to comment or say its a silly decision until I've actually held one. Game Pad aside, Nintendo tend to do well with comfortable controllers / consoles, so hopefully this won't be an exception. I'll reserve judgement until I've had my hands on one anyway. It's interesting that they have decided to improve the capabilities of the console. I wonder if it will launch in Europe with a brand new set of games that show off the hardware? That'd be sweet. I like the interchangeable covers too. That Peach one in particular .
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