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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Ha thank God I'm not the only one! Makes me feel better about my ways! : peace: And I hope so too. I'd like to think the gameplay has held up well but I'm not sure. I remember absolutely nothing about the game, so that's the main reason for wanting to revisit it. I hope I can get some enjoyment from it. My main (rather vague) memory is that it wasn't my favourite game ever, but the curiosity is killin me! I am hoping it arrives tomorrow so I can get stuck in over the weekend and make a post about my progress!
  2. Aha very true! I didn't win the Double Dash I was bidding on. Gutted. I did, however, win a copy of Sunishine but that was through Buy it Now. It just shows that Nintendo games hold their bloody value though. Sunshine is still going for £15-20 used!! I got mine for £18 with postage. I am really picky though. I don't want one with a marked disc, bumped game box, creased instruction leafelt... I'm a nightmare. I also didn't want a Players Choice edition. Jesus, I''m OCD. In other news though - does anywhere still actually sell GC games? Obviously preowned. Might nip to one of the big GAME's near me (gonna nip into Siansbury's there for Wii points too if I can get any) see if they do them, but from memory, they don't. Anyone know?
  3. Currently bidding on a copy of Mario Kart Double Dash. I have noooo idea where my original copy went. Prob got rid of it for something else. Fingers crossed I win this as I remember loving DD. Especially with how different it was compared to the other MK's. Gonna find me a Sunshine to bid on shortly too! It's weird. Feels like I've got a brand new console or something, delving back to older games!
  4. Oh no. No no no. Looks like a cheap third party offering.
  5. Thanks for all the responses! I'm gonna order a copy of Sunshine tomorrow off eBay and get to work on that! I posted a photo of my WaveBird on Instagram the other day and people went crazy with the likes on it!! My phone keeps lighting up with yet more people liking it haha. Seems it really did leave a lasting impression with people. : peace: Can't wait to get into these Cube games! I'll be sure to post my opinions on all these retro adventures as I progress, if any of ya are bothered!
  6. I will be sticking with Nintnedo in the future, yes. Will I buy a console at launch again? Probably not. And that applies across the board, not just at Nintendo. I currently own a 3DS, a Wii U and a Vita. And I have hardly any time to play them as it is. Most of the time it is just weekends I get to knuckle down into a game I've been waiting to play, or if it really grabs me, I'll play after work / gym / munch / walking pooch. The other consoles at present, don't interest me at all. I was in a fortunate position earlier this year where I could have bought one of the other consoles and spent literally all weekend trying to decide which one. Going into game to get a hands on, watching videos of the OS on YouTube, checking out the games etc. Was exciting actually! But then when all was said and done, neither of them had anything to offer me from a software point of view. There were games that looked great, but I didn't want to play them. And that's kinda the difference for me with Nintendo. A lot of people on here are on franchise burn out. And I can understand it. But my gaming over the years has always been a little strange in that when you lot were playing the Ocarina of Time's and the Majoras Masks on your N64's, I was using my birthday money (which was the only time I got a new game!!) to play the good but not essential titles. Like Mario Tennis (god I love that game) which I chose over Zelda one year! I never played Zelda until the DS games. Same with Metroid. Didn't know it existed until Metroid Prime on the Cube. Let's just say I was clearly sheltered! I've always grown up gaming, and I've always grown up with Nintendo, just because that was my choice. In life I like colour and creativity and fun, and I feel like Nintendo are the best at bringing that into their games. No other gaming company has ever created software that has made me go 'wow'. And I mean that from a pure game play perspective. I have a lot of respect for the other companies, particularly Sony who seem to have really got things right and listened to what their audience want. In doing so, they've made people who probably didn't consider a PS4 prior to release want to buy into it too. But I'm not there yet. And when / if I do, which I will, it won't be the Wii U that is my 'secondary' console. And that's purely because if I had to choose the type of games i want to play it will always always be Nintendo games. And if that makes me a fan boy then label me up and stone me. I won't carry on as I've waffled a bit, but I wanted to post to just give a vote to the small minority of people who will definitely be sticking with them and continue to game with them for their main gaming fix. As much as I feel they need to progress with things already discussed, cloud based system, better online etc, it doesn't take away from the games that they can produce which cannot be matched by anyone. So yeah, imma stick wit ya Ninty! Even if I do hate the game pad.
  7. Hmm. Could really do with an eShop sale. Like some delicious reductions of big titles like OoT, Paper Mario etc. They did it last year with some games (OoT included, which I missed out on ) People would lap it up!!
  8. My mum returned from Sainsbury's... With no points. But then I felt really bad coz she said "I nipped into Morrisons on the way home and they didn't have any either". I did tell her it was only Sainsbury's..! God loves a trier. I might nip to the really big Sainsbury's store this week, see if I can get lucky there. If I manage to get any I will let you know for those interested In them. : peace:
  9. Ha yeah. Bless her. Shes just tried to call me but I missed her call and now can't get through. I do have a feeling I may have an eShop card...! But I need some eShop goodness anyway so all won't be lost! Will report back if she managed to bag any! : peace:
  10. Lol. I wasn't saying it was unreasonable. Going myself was the preferred thing, but she is in the shop, so it made sense to ask her. I'm sure most people can relate to trying to explain gaming things to their mum.
  11. Ahhh I forgot about the classic Controller on the Wii. Man I was not a fan of that all, but I did have the original one which wasn't the nicest to hold! I've just given my mum a ring, she has gone shopping... To Sainsbury's!! I thought I'd see if she could strike lucky with the Wii points... The conversation was a difficult one (mum's eh!) and went something like this: Me: are you in Sainsbury's? Mum: no not yet Me: ok when you get in there can you have a look for something called Wii points for me Mum: for what?! Me: they're called Wii points Mum: they're called what?! Me: (trying to stay calm) you know the Nintendo Wii, they do like point cards that you can buy. Sainsbury's are selling them. Mum: oh right ok. Where will I get them then? Me: it's probably best to ask them in store Mum: can you not nip to Asda for them? Me: NO! It's only Sainsbury's that are selling them cheaper. Mum: right ok I'll get you one. See you la... Me: whoa whoa whoa hang on! I need more than one. Also, I only want the ones that are for 2000 poin... Mum: I can't hear you. Me: (biting fist) I ONLY WANT THE 2000 POINT ONES! Mum: oh ok. How much are they? Me: (calming slightly) Should be £4.99 but I want a few if they've got them. Mum: we'll how many are we talking?! Me: get me 5 if you can. Likely that they don't have that ma... Mum: (talking to someone else) yeah, oh just on the phone to our Mark. Yeah, oh I'll come and find you in a minute, yeah.. Me: MUM, HELLO?! Mum: alright Betty. (Comes back) Sorry, just bumped into your aunty Betty! What were you saying?! Me: (Pulling my hair out) JUST GET ME AS MANY AS YOU CAN. 2000 points THEYRE A FIVER. Mum: right ok, I'll have a look. I've got your salmon. Me: brilliant, thanks, see you later. I'm not hopeful...
  12. Yeah I hear you Nando. I don't think that the 3DS has been anywhere near as good as the console it replaced... The DS was a complete breath of fresh air. And the best thing about it was that it utilised the 2 screens perfectly. Games like Hotel Dusk, Another Code, Elite Beat Agents, Brain Training, Nintendogs, all used the design of the console brilliantly. It thought of clever, new ways for you to play your games and it left me with some fantastic gaming experiences / memories. The 3DS on the other hand has not bothered with the bottom screen at all. Or hardly at all. It feels to me like Nintendo kept the second screen format so DS games could continue to be used. Nintendo do like their backwards compatibility, which I do applaud them for. However, in this instance I feel like they could have made the 3DS without a second screen. Having said this, and despite my disappointment compared to the DS, I do still think that the 3DS is a fantastic console. I've said it before, but the Mario sports games are probably not on the Wii U because Nintendo were trying to push Wii Sports Club. You start throwing a Mario Golf and a Mario Tennis on the console at the same time and something has got to give. I also think Nintendo (stupidly) thought that a new Wii Sports game would bring back some people who bought into the Wii, so they decided to throw the Mario sports games onto the 3DS instead. I'm not sure that I agree regarding games like Luigi's Mansion and Kid Icarus not being on the 3DS. I know a lot of people consider these as 2 of the best games the system has to offer. Myself included. I think the only time I'd say that these games should be on the big screen instead is where there are shortcomings with the games due to the nature of a handheld. I can understand the Kid Icarus controls as a lefty, but Luigi's Mansion was just brilliant from start to finish. It's definitely an interesting debate. As a huge huge fan of the DS, I too am slightly disappointed with the 3DS as a whole. Having said that, I do still regard it as a fine device with some fantastic games. I guess the lack of discussion regarding the console is due to there not being much to discuss... It seems like the console is just mooching along nicely rather than consistently giving us stuff to get excited over, which is what I got from the DS. Of course, Nintendo can salvage all of this quite easily with the announcement of Super Princess Peach 2. I'm sure they're busy working away on it as we type, ready to unveil it to the world, thus escalating the 3DS from great console to must have amazing console. Right... RIGHT?!
  13. It's cool. I tend to like Pokemon that are a little but underpowered. I obviously love Starmie, which is a beast, but I have a massive massive soft spot for Onix and Victreebel. Both of which are pretty lame in battle. When I get to the end of my lessons on art academy, I will def be drawing them in all their GLORY! : peace:
  14. Yeah same with me really. I literally just want to revisit the game and see what I make of it all these years on. I'd have to be massively taken with it to finish it to 100% completion, but you never know!! I guess this will ride me over until the Wii U gets Cube titles on the eShop... :blank:ha!
  15. Jesus, did the Wii have that many N64 titles?! I knew it had them on the VC but I didn't expect it to have all those you mentioned Nando! Shows how much time I spent on the Wii's VC! So how come you want to get your collection on the Wii then Nando?! Do they run better than they do from cartridge on the N64? Granted, you won't have to blow on the cartridge much when playing from the Wii but I quite like that! Dat nostalgic blow. Be interesting to see what's on there, I'd be interested in maybe picking some up too! : peace:
  16. Gonna spend some more time on this today hopefully. Liking the Politoed Glen!! Even if I don't care too much for the Pokemon itself!
  17. Thanks @S\.C\.G : peace: I think I will pick up Sunshine first then! I've watched loads of videos of Wario World and I'm massively intrigued to play it although it looks terrible! It looks like an N64 game. But I still want to play it. I could have just plugged my Wii in to play the Cube titles, but they're is something about playing it on the actual GameCube that I like! Weird as that is! :awesome: Thinking back, I managed to play the majority of the 'must have' GameCube games, which is surprising really as I had my Cube from when I was like 12/13, so I obviously waited until birthdays / Christmas to get my gaming hauls! I really wanted to play Smash Bros and Double Dash last night but turns out I don't have those games anymore . God knows what I did with them. Will definitely be picking them up again soon anyway! But yeah, when i get Wario World, I'll let you know Sam! : peace: Thanks Nando! I know it's strange to have those 3 games as my starting point, but I just had an urge to play all of them so thought I'd gauge what everyone else thinks!! I'm actually really excited to go back and play Sunshine. I remember the 'Galaxies' well and I know SM64 like the back of my hand, whereas Sunshine is the one that I can hardly remember at all. I can't wait to play through it and see what I think of it all these years on. I'm totally confident that the actual gameplay will have held up to the test of time too, it is Mario after all! And I'll bear it in mind Nando re the games you no longer want / need! You'll have to let me know what you've got and I'll see if any take my fancy! : peace:
  18. Yeah someone else on here said about Mario Golf on the Wii U instead of the 3DS. I personally disagree about that particular game, only because I've played it on the 3DS and I think it is absolutely brilliant. The online is also very good, probably better than most of the online Wii U games I've experienced so far anyway! I also think it lends itself to the handheld quite well, being able to play a hole and then shut the lid of the console as and when. Having said that, I also would like to see Mario Golf make a Wii U appearance. It would have been good to see them do a Smash Bros on it and have 2 versions that were different enough to warrant 2 games but linked up in some way. I agree how good a Mario Golf would be on the big screen! : peace: I'd also love to see Mario Tennis on the Wii U too!
  19. Thoughts on Luigi's Mansion, Blade?! I loved it. Probably one of my favourite 3Ds games. I don't feel like this forum discusses the 3DS enough!! It's such a great console. It's a shame there aren't too many games coming out for it in the coming months. This is the quietest period I've seen for the console since launch!!
  20. Thread bump. So I've just dug my GameCube out from our spare room where it had been slung a couple of years back! I've managed to find a handful of games, none of which particularly grabbing me to play. Anyway, I've plugged it all in and it works perfectly!! I also managed to find my WaveBird and the adaptor that picks the signal up! Massively pleased about that! So the reason for the thread bump then. Well... I've decided that I'd like to go back and revisit some Cube games that I missed previously. But I'd like you guys to help me decide which game to buy first to play! Out of these three, which would you recommend first: Super Mario Sunshine Wario World StarFox Adventures I have played sunshine and starfox before, but I can hardly remember either of them. I've always wanted to play Wario World. I will pick all of them up at some point, but which one would you recommend first? Eventually, I will be picking up the games I always wanted to play on the GC but never got round to, F-Zero, Viewtiful Joe, Kirby Air Ride, StarFox Assault, Wave Race, Killer 7, Paper Mario and maaaaany more! But for now, I have a bigger urge to play through the 3 games I've mentioned, so your vote in which would be a good help!! : peace:
  21. Heh brilliant @RedShell!! Very impressive stuff!!
  22. Well thanks for ruining the dream Dcubed.
  23. The Indian elephant was amazing. I loved it when he dished the balloons out after a successful race. Adventure mode on this game was immense. I truly hope they make a sequel to it as it is was an amazing game. I loved how all of the characters actually felt different in this game too. Like Pipsy (who I always used) was the easiest to control and went round corners a dream, whereas the heavier characters, like Drumstick / Banjo were a nightmare to control, but really fast! So many good memories of this game. And I completely forgot it came out on the DS. Pretty sure I had it, but it wasn't as good as the N64 if I recall correctly? Can't remember why though? Anyway, this must happen!
  24. A follow up to Resident Evil: Revelations would be a tasty 3rd party announcement. Although, the fact this is Japan only suggests it's prob just gonna be a load of naked anime lady style RPG games that don't interest me in the slightest.
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