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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Bbaahahahahaha. I love it tapedeck!! Made me lol.
  2. I'd write a very strong letter of complaint. Who knows what free goodness you can maybe get out of it. If I was in your shoes I'd be typing it as we speak! It's really not good enough. As you say, I'd understand if it didn't arrive and you hadn't been told it would be turning up today. Poor service.
  3. They're out today! : peace: And once I have the money, I am buying that Peach one. Even the Yoshi one looks cool but I don't need 2 so am just going for the Princess one. Obvs. I love the design of these though. Brilliant from Nintendo. Even if years late. They should have really done game pads or pro controllers in character themes!
  4. I'm still gonna play through 50, then 100 then 150cc. It would just feel... wrong, otherwise.
  5. Is Game & Wario actually any good? That's the only one that I wouldn't mind owning digitally. I have NSMBU, didn't like Sonic, don't want Olympics, don't like Monster Hunter, own Pimin and Zelda so it leaves Wario and 101. I think I'd rather have W101 as boxed though. I know the reviews for Game & Wario were not favourable but if anyone who had it enjoyed it then I may go for it. Oh wait I just realsied, I have 2 copies of MK, and a second club Nintendo acc. Does this mean I can get 2 games? Do you just get a download code sent as per the 3DS offer that time?! If that's the case then I can just get both!
  6. I cannot believe the Nintendo store saga. I ordered a copy from ShopTo and the Ninty store and will sell one copy on, but I oly did that as I didn't have much faith in the Ninty store. ____________________ Re the speed of the game: I am not finding 50cc to be that slow! Normally it's an absolute bore fest but I'm having a great time playing through on the slower difficulty. It's rubbish in terms of competition mind, but it certainly doesn't feel slow so I can't wait for 150cc. I'm at work and I fiish at 4:15. I literally just want to get home and play this! For my free game I thik I'm gonna go for W101, or Game and Wario. Have't quite decided yet.
  7. Dude that sucks, sorry to hear. I'm really surprised by how bad the service is tbh. Like you I also got the same correspondance, minus the text to say it has been delayed. Still time I guess though. They need to sort their shit out.
  8. The level of detail in this game is absolutely completely insane. I found myself veering into the lake on one of the courses as I was reading the signs all around the track! I am in awe. I don't know any of the remade tracks and I'm only upto the second retro cup but I've just raced on this course:
  10. I thought this too Mandalore. Very different handling. Almost a little bit slippery, definitely not as tight as MK7. Although I remember feeling the same from Mario Kart DS to Mario Kart Wii. I really don't like playing with the game pad. Looking forward to my pro controller arriving to play with that instead. I love tootin the horn at the start of the race repeatedly until the '3...2...1... go' shows.
  11. @S\.C\.G. just thought I'd post to let you know I've ordered a pro controller! : peace: Bought from Play-Asia. They got the white back in stock it would seem so I decided to just go for it and ordered one. Can't wait to get it. Playing Mario Kart 8 is not much fun with the game pad, so I hate to think what it'll be like for Smash Bros. Sorry it's off topic, just thought I'd share!
  12. Excellent to hear. After that blasphemy it will give me greater pleasure when I kick your ass with her on Thursday.
  13. Just got home, booted up and played the first retro cup... what a gorgeous game. I mean, when I looked at some of the screen shots I was almost a little worried that this move to HD would leave the courses bereft of any Nintendo character and charm - how wrong I was. The courses just look sublime. My favourite bit so far? Peach's paraglider bouncing out into action - the detaaaaiilll! You can virtually see the perforation in the material! First thing I unlocked after completing the cup... PINK GOLD PEACH BITCHES. Shiinyyy. Also, started on 150cc before grinding out 50cc it feels so much quicker. I also love the fact you can only hold 1 item despite hating it at first. That will make for a verrry interesting MK League! Bring it on!! : peace:
  14. I love this idea! I don't know any of the retro courses in this game apart from one N64 one! : peace:
  15. My mum text me - my ShopTo order turned up around 11am. Also had the email from Ninty store to say my special / limited edition one has been dispatched too. Damn, now I wish I'd had today and tomorrow off work! I had them booked - and cancelled them... What is wrong with me?!
  16. I'm really excited to play this now. It's been so long since MK Wii (which I didn't really like) and as much as I loved MK7, I played the shit out of that what with online matches and the league etc. I definitely got fatigued with that game after all the hours I put into it. I'm definitely not here for the bikes though, which should have been scrapped for all eternity.
  17. ShopTo also despatched for me. Didn't select a T-shirt when I ordered and it just says 'Mario Kart 8' in the item description in my orders, so I don't think they've sent a tee! Unless they've sent any old shit they've got left coz I didn't choose. Makes the delivery more exciting anyway!
  18. Wow Sam that sucks! I have had the same thing happen to me with eBay before. That's why when I sell something, I take pictures of any problems with the item - scratches, bumps etc. The person who sold it clearly didn't do that which is massively annoying! Anyway I digress. Thank you for thinking of me though! : peace: Had it have been working and in good condition I'd have snatched your hand off! I will go back to the drawing board and continue my hunt for a white pro controller! I don't mind hanging on for one but I just need one in time for the league ideally. Or maybe the fact I wont have one could be my excuse for potential poor results... EDIT Very.co.uk have pro controllers back in (black, obvs) and they're £39. http://www.very.co.uk/nintendo-wii-u-black-pro-controller/1169128697.prd?_requestid=104483 I have a Very account so might order. However, just seen that the white pro controller on Play-asia has moved from 1-5 days for despatch to 48 hours... Think I'm gonna plump for a Play-Asia one so I will have the colour I want!
  19. Same! How exciting! I still haven't even given much thought into the free game... think I'm gonna go for W101. Although now I will have 2 copies of the game (and 2 club ninty accounts ) then I will prob have to choose another! Not a bad thing!
  20. Haven't seen or read anything about this for months. All I will ask is this: Is Ness confirmed yet? Surely he is? With his cheeky sideways hat and yoyo? Somebody please! I won't think bad of anyone who lies to me just to tell me what I need to hear.
  21. Thanks for the games earlier guys! I learned 2 things... Firstly, I did NOT like that Bowser course! Absolutely treacherous! Secondly, nando is some sort of Tiger Woods Mario Golf genius! Good fun!
  22. Ok cool! Wowzers 3 fake ones?! Yeah see what happens when it shows up. If it's in good condition and full working order etc then I'd definitely be interested! Is it boxed? No prob if not, just wondered! Lemme know the deets tomorrow and we'll go from there!
  23. I just ate! I loaded the game up but have no idea where to go for the online bit? Is it in the mii castle part or not? Confused!
  24. This is delicious to hear... Only thing is... is it definitely official?! only because I looked on eBay myself and they've always looked a bit dodge! But if it turns up and you it's official and you don't mind parting with it... then you've got yourself a deal my friend! And i'll love you (even more than I already do) forever for helping me out!
  25. Thanks for sharing Sam. I am desperate for one of these. Mike1988uk has a pro controller he picked up at launch and I had a hands on with it a few weeks ago. I was really impressed with it. Only problem I have is... I have a basic Wii U so obviously it's white, and my OCD is kicking in and I really don't want a black pro controller. Play-Asia have the white pro controllers but they're under as 'ships in 1-5 days' as apposed to the black which is in stock. I know it shouldn't matter, but I like everything to match! WHAT TO DOOOOOOO. Seriously tempted by the site you posted though! *Strokes beard
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