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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Happy Birthday S.C.G!! : peace: Have a great day! It's my mum's birthday today too!!
  2. Couldn't find a demo on the 3ds eShop? Will read some reviews anyways! : peace:
  3. Thanks man! I love me some Princess Peach. And yeah, that's the impression I got from it. Shame there's no demo on the eShop. Will definitely look at giving it a try at some point though! : peace:
  4. I've never played this game series before (wasn't it a cartoon?) but I just watched a trailer for boredom sakes on YouTube and I'm massively intrigued by it. But... what type of game is it? I've watched game play footage and can't quite fathom it out! Is it an RPG? Adventure? Fighting / beat em up like Devil May Cry style? Apologies for my ignorance to the series! Looks damn good though!
  5. I'd just like to talk about how amazing the Quick Start menu is! I love it. I've been watching a series on Netflix every night for the past few weeks and it's so handy to just press the power button on the game pad, tap Netflix and BOOM. In fact, as loads of others have said, the opening and closing of apps and returning to the menu compared to launch is a massive step forward. Very good. : peace:
  6. I fuckin love The Saturday's. Harmless, good ol' pop. : peace:
  7. Hell yeah to Mario Power Tennis! Definitely making a cheeky purchase on that!
  8. I am now a pet / dog owner! And it's the best thing! Meet Bailey He's a big of a handful, but in the best possible way. He's only 8 weeks old so just watching him explore everything is amazing. We gave him an ice cube before and it was the funniest thing ever he thought it was alive or something! He's lovely.
  9. I have to say, your previous post did excite me! : peace: I had a feeling that an epic ending was being built but have no idea what's gonna happen. Will post back once I've watched! I've been doing an episode a night so expect my next post on Tuesday night / Weds morning!
  10. I have 3 episodes left of season 2. I haven't enjoyed this series as much as the first. There's a couple of characters who have become massively unlike able since the introduction of Vee who I also don't really like. It's all about Red for me. Brilliant character played by a brilliant actress. The last couple of episodes look to be better than the earlier ones of this season so looking forward to watching tonight.
  11. I completely echo this. And DS goodness too.
  12. Has anyone mentioned that the item balance feels off in this game yet? In other news, regarding DLC, do you lot think this will happen? And if so what would you like to see? I'm all for new tracks but I dunno whether they will actually do that? I think there's probably more chance of new / additional characters and a new / fleshed out battle mode maybe? I'd be really surprised to get a new cup. Although, the fact they've missed the 3 stars out from online racing from those who have obtained it in all tracks suggests they may possibly add more. There are so many character omissions here it would seem silly not to add more at the very least.
  13. To replace my broken phone. Queen Lana And lots of puppy stuff! A bed, a massive cage for when he's sleeping at night / alone in the house, a collar, toys, chews and some Kalms for me in case I burst with excitement before Friday when we pick him up. Just kidding haha.
  14. Thanks Grazza! Appreciate your thoughts! I think I'm gonna go for Metroid Fusion! I did want Wario Land 4, but thinking on it the only Wario games I've played are Shake Dimension, (loved), the DS one, can't remember what it was called, which was ok, aaaand I think that's it! So Metroid seems a better fit to me to be honest! I'm gonna download it now and start it this evening. Will probably play this one in bed tonight on the game pad. These GBA / VC games seem perfect for that which is one of the things I love about the game pad. Thanks again!
  15. Haha that's the long term plan Serebii! I think I might start with Metroid you'll be pleased to hear S.C.G. : peace: I loved the last trilogy so I'm sure this will be just as fun to play through - even though it's totally different! Will post my thoughts as I progress! Thanks!
  16. So I was just looking through the GBA Virtual Console games that came up and I really want to download one to play this weekend. The only thing is... I can't decide what... I've never played any of the games that are available and feel like there are a lot of classics that I've missed out on. Anyone got any recommendations on which one to start with? Loved the look of a lot of them! Klonoa, Metroid, Mario / Yoshi, Kirby, Wario Land 4 etc. I dunno where to start! I originally planned to DL Wario Land 4 but then saw the other games and was like 'whut'. What to do? So yeah, help me out N-E'ers. My Virtual Console beginning is in your hands! : peace:
  17. Lol I echo Glen-i. It's like, the one thing people are always complaining about! And it's completely justified most of the time as yes, there are a lot of these kinda games. But I like em! So I'll play em! But I have left playing DK until I want to play it as I was feeling a bit platformed out.
  18. Hey @S\.C\.G. so sorry for just barging into your MK room before! I was trying to join Lost at first and was getting errors then you popped up so thought I'd join you! I didn't realise you were with a mate etc. Sorry if I interrupted! Thank you for letting me join though! I have no headset hence why I had to use the Mii text to communicate! :p : peace:
  19. I was only kidding btw re my last post! S'all good! I will be in the bottom of the league myself no doubt!
  20. Thanks for the replies guys! I wasn't meaning my post in a negative way or calling people out for wanting it, I just knew people loved the series so wanted to kinda understand why. And now I know! Thinking on it, Wave Race was an extremely unique experience that I remember controlling very differently from your average racer! Almost like you were on the water yourself! As for F-Zero, it is now my mission to find the GC version to play again and see what I think of it all these years on! : peace:
  21. Please don't shoot me anyone... but I hear Wave Race and F Zero so much on this forum. I'm not having a go or anything like that - I just wanna understand why. I played both Wave Race and F Zero, and I enjoyed both - but neither of them ever stuck with me as games I absolutely need to see on a Nintendo console. But when it comes to discussions on what people want, it is always these games. It'd be great if both series returned of course, but if they were to be announced I imagine this place will blow up with joy! Like I say I'm not being negative or dismissing anyones views or love for the series at all, I just feel like if anything I'm missing something with how warmly they're regarded by so many of you! : peace:
  22. You're all devoid of soul. Or scared of getting your arses kicked in the league so are crying off / hating on the game. At least we'll be rid of the lesser players.
  23. Yeah couldn't agree more. Particualrly re Epic Yarn. I liked that game, but I didn't love it. It just moved along at quite a slow pace and didn't really do much different, though it was filled with charm which was its only saving grace in my eyes. But yeah, lets see where Kirby goes after this game. Hopefully we wont see much more of him for a year or two! (I mean that in the nicest possible way! )
  24. I wouldn't say anyone was 'complaining' but I think there should be some concern felt given that as you say yourself, there has been a steady stream of games for the 3ds for so long with the last couple of months particularly brimming with handheld goodness. Kirby, mario golf, Phoenix wright and Layton etc. So the lack of any announcements whether it be eshop titles, 3rd party games etc is just a little out of character for a handheld that normally has a lot of support. Nothing wrong with wondering!
  25. So... what's the deal with the 3ds...?! There's like, nothing. The 2 games announced are not up my street at all. Particularly the turn based one *shudders. I wont lie, it is slightly concerning to me that they've not unvelied anything 'big'. It just makes me wonder why they announced Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire so early when they could have made a bigger deal out of that than what they did. Maybe we're closer to a new Nintendo handheld announcement some time in the future? Or am I jumping the gun?!
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